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Curriculum Vitae


1982 - 1986Studies in Geology/Paleontology at the University of Kiel
1987 - 1988Studies in Geology/Paleontology at the University of Bremen
thesis part A: Geology and stratigraphy between Sulzgrabenkopf and Durlachkopf in the Chiemgau Alps
thesis part B: Grain-size distribution in sediments from the Ontong-Java-Plateau: tool for the reconstruction of carbonate dissolution intensity

Professional Experience

1988 - 1991PhD student at the University of Bremen
1991Doctoral Degree with the thesis
Late Quaternary Paleoceanography in the Fram Strait
1991 - 1993Research Scientist at the University of Bremen
1993 - 1999Assistant Professor at the University of Bremen
1999 - 2006Senior Scientist at the University of Bremen
Present and Past Sedimentation in the Southern Peru-Chile Current
since 2006Professor at the University of Bremen and
Graduate Dean of GLOMAR the Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences