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Working Group Kasemann

Lab Infrastructure

The isotope geochemistry group at the University of Bremen has a broad range of expertise in the analysis and interpretation of non-traditional stable and radiogenic isotopes in geological and environmental research.

The Mass Spectrometry Facility is equipped with a Neptune multi-collector plasma source mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) and a Triton thermal ionization mass spectrometer, both built by ThermoFisher Scientific.

For sample preparation and the chemical separation of elements from various types of matrices a class 6 to ≤4 cleanroom (recirculating air; built by Pico Trace) is available. The working condition facilitates the separation and preparation of chemical elements in an almost contamination-free environment, a basic requirement for high-precision isotope ratio and ultra-trace element analysis.

Isotope systems are used as proxies for a variety of endogenic and exogenic processes in palaeo-oceanic and tectonic research. The reconstruction of (sub)recent or past conditions in climate and environmental research includes the systematic fractionation of stable isotope ratios in inorganic and biogenic marine carbonates that depends on e.g. variation in temperature, in ocean pH and weathering conditions. The signatures of radiogenic isotopes provide information on the continental input into the ocean. This input reflects large scale variations in weathering and rates of denudation that are controlled by orogeny building, large igneous events or climatic changes like glacial and interglacial intervals.

Sr, Nd, Pb: Isotope ratios in silicate rocks, minerals, carbonates and water are routinely analysed on the TIMS, which is equipped with a SEM ion-counter system for very small ion-signals.

Li, B, Mg, Fe: Isotope ratios in silicate rocks, minerals, carbonates and water are analysed on the MC-ICP-MS. Our TIMS also enables analyses of B isotope ratio as Caesium-borate by positive ionization with a purpose built detector. Small amounts of B (~ 1ng) are analysed on the TIMS in the negative ionization mode.

The laboratory provides the complete infrastructure for the currently established methods from dissolution of the prepared sample to the isotope analyses. Currently not implemented isotope systems that are within the capabilities of our instrumentation could be installed with support of the respective user.

Contact Information

Requests/proposals for project-initiation should be forwarded to:
Prof. S. Kasemann
Head of Facility
Phone: +49 (0421) 218 – 65930
Email: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]

Coordination and schedule of laboratory- and machine time in approved projects:
Dipl. Min. A. Meixner
Laboratory manager
Phone: +49 (0421) 218 – 65932
Email: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]

For questions regarding radiogenic sample analysis you can also contact:
Dr. Gus­ta­vo Mace­do de Pau­la San­tos
Phone: +49 (0421) 218 – 65941
Email: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]

Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday

Location: Universität Bremen – Marum I, Room 1200