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Once Upon a Time... Scientific short stories

SWIM! It's trawling!!!

Swim! It's trawling!
Illustration: Monno and Peter Martens

Author: Haozhuang Wang

“I started to study cold-water corals (CWC) as my PhD project started in 2015. The more I learned about CWC, the more I became intrigued by these creatures. In comparison to tropical corals, CWCs are not well known to the public and our knowledge about them in the scientific community is also limited. Despite this, they are already being under threat by human’s activities, especially by deep-sea trawling. Every time I see pictures of reefs, either damaged or covered by garbage, I have a strong urge to tell people that we need to protect these deep-sea creatures. So eventually, this short story came out.
The story portrays the beautiful reef city and the various animal species living among it. One day, a newly born CWC larva, Mandi, and his friend a velvet belly shark happen to witness the whole reef city being destroyed by deep-sea trawling. To learn more about what happened to them after the trawling and how destructive it can be I invite you to read my story.”

Listen to Haozhuang reading an excerpt from his story in English. 

Listen to Haozhuang reading an excerpt from his story in his hometown dialect South Hebei.

Listen to Haozhuang reading an excerpt from his story in Mandarin Chinese. 

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