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News Ocean & Climate

Manita Chouksy is a new member of the CLIVAR panel. Photo: private
Manita Chouksy is a new member of the CLIVAR panel. Photo: private
Feb 8, 2023

MARUM scientist was selected to be a member of the CLIVAR Ocean Model Development Panel

MARUM scientist Dr. Manita Chouksey, Project leader in the Transregional Collaborative Research Center 181 (TRR 181), is since January 2023 a member of the ...

Altered ocean circulation in the Indian Ocean could lead to more and stronger flood events in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean and drought and dry periods in the western part of the Indian Ocean. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
Altered ocean circulation in the Indian Ocean could lead to more and stronger flood events in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean and drought and dry periods in the western part of the Indian Ocean. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; M. Mohtadi
Jan 5, 2023

Changing ocean circulation intensifies extreme events in the Indian Ocean

Dry regions experience more drought events, wet regions more precipitation: In a new study, researchers from the U.S., Germany and China have investigated ...

Foraminifera under the microscope, taken during an expedition with the research vessel SONNE. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
Foraminifera under the microscope, taken during an expedition with the research vessel SONNE. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
Dec 22, 2022

Colonization of microorganisms from the ocean floor into the water column

Planktonic foraminifera are key to understanding and deciphering past climate. They live and lived in the water column, but their origins are unclear. In a ...

Aug 25, 2021
An octopus approaches a coral grown on basalt fragments in a water depth of 900 meters, recorded with the remotely operated vehicle MARUM-QUEST. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
An octopus approaches a coral grown on basalt fragments in a water depth of 900 meters, recorded with the remotely operated vehicle MARUM-QUEST. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen

Research Mission Investigates the Ocean as a Carbon Store

How can the ocean help to effectively contain climate change? This question forms the core of the first research mission of the German Marine Resea...

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Aug 6, 2021
The new brochure provides facts and background information on surveying the Atlantic circulation. Photo: KDM/DKK
The new brochure provides facts and background information on surveying the Atlantic circulation. Photo: KDM/DKK

Measuring the Atlantic circulation

The German Marine Research Consortium (KDM) and the German Climate Consortium (DKK) have now published a background brochure on the measurement of ...

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May 31, 2021
The samples studied come from a core recovered by researchers in Morocco's Lake Tislit. Photo: Rachid Cheddadi, University of Montpellier
The samples studied come from a core recovered by researchers in Morocco's Lake Tislit. Photo: Rachid Cheddadi, University of Montpellier

Using fossil plant molecules to track down the Green Sahara

Researchers have developed a new concept to explain the phenomenon known as Green Sahara. To achieve this, they first studied the fossil pollen and...

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Apr 13, 2021
The basis for GLOMAP is data obtained from deep-sea sediment cores. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp
The basis for GLOMAP is data obtained from deep-sea sediment cores. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp

New world map of sea-surface temperature and sea-ice extent during the Last Glacial Maximum

Researchers use maps to visualize their data. Using paleodata from the international MARGO project ("Multiproxy Approach for the Reconstruction of ...

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Feb 17, 2021
Icebreaker Oden on the Arctic Ocean. Credits: Lars Lehnert, SPRS
Icebreaker Oden on the Arctic Ocean. Credits: Lars Lehnert, SPRS

ArcOP – A novel scientific ocean drilling expedition to explore Arctic Ocean paleoceanography and climate

The European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD), the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat (SPRS) and Arctic Marine Solutions (AMS) will j...

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Showing 1,361-1,380 of 2,170 items.

Sep 2, 2015


3 September 2015
Osterdeich, behind Bürgerhaus Weserterrassen

We would like to invite you to our annual GLOMAR summer BBQ at the Weser on Thursday, ... +

Sep 1, 2015

GLOMAR Workshop No. 58

The candidates are applying for the position as Research Associate for GLOMAR research theme D "Ocean & Society"

Everybody is invited! +

Aug 30, 2015

ECORD Summer School 2015

Themed "Ocean crust processes: magma, faults, fluxes and life" this year’s ECORD Summer School takes place from August, 31, until September, 11, at the ... +

Aug 26, 2015

Cooling by algae

Together with colleagues from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Dr. Christian Hallmann from MARUM and Max Planck Institute for ... +

Aug 23, 2015

Online Course „Climate change“

Now registration is open for the first German online course on climate change and its consequences. The course was developed by WWF Germany and the ... +
Frederike Wilckens at Goldschmidt Conference 2015

Aug 20, 2015

Frederike Wilckens @ Goldschmidt Con...

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Frederike Wilckens about her participation in the Goldschmidt 2015 Conference in Prague, Czech Republic from 16 - 21 August ...


Aug 18, 2015

A Grand Voyage for Tiny Organisms

Climate and Ecosystem Change in the Mediterranean

Since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 many hundreds of marine animal and plant species from the Red ... +

Aug 17, 2015

GLOMAR Workshop No. 57

18 August 2015
09.00 hrs.
MARUM I, room 2060
3 new PhD candidates apply for membership in GLOMAR +

Aug 10, 2015

MARUM at „SAIL Bremerhaven“

Join us at „SAIL Bremerhaven“ in our simulation container of the diving robot MARUM-QUEST and become a deep sea pilot. +

Aug 9, 2015

Deep-sea Research Revisited

The German Marine Museum Stralsund now presents new exhibits of early German deep-sea expeditions. These are complemented by deep-sea video documentations ... +