Le Minor, M, Bartzke, G, Zimmer, M, Gillis, L, Helfer, V and Huhn, K (2019) Numerical modelling of hydraulics and sediment dynamics around mangrove seedlings: Implications for mangrove establishment and reforestation. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 217. 81-95. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2018.10.019

Staudt, F, Mullarney, JC, Pilditch, CA and Huhn, K (2019) Effects of grain‐size distribution and shape on sediment bed stability, near‐bed flow and bed microstructure. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(5). 1100-1116. doi:10.1002/esp.4559 PANGAEA Supplementary Data


Gross, F, Mountjoy, JJ, Crutchley, GJ, Böttner, C, Koch, S, Bialas, J, Pecher, I, Woelz, S, Dannowski, A, Micallef, A, Huhn, K and Krastel, S (2018) Free gas distribution and basal shear zone development in a subaqueous landslide – Insight from 3D seismic imaging of the Tuaheni Landslide Complex, New Zealand. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 502. 231-243. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.09.002


Bartzke, G, Huhn, K and Bryan, KR (2017) A computational investigation of the interstitial flow induced by a variably thick blanket of very fine sand covering a coarse sand bed. Geo-Marine Letters, 37(5). 457-474. doi:10.1007/s00367-017-0502-x

Bartzke, G, Schmeeckle, MW, Huhn, K and Dey, S (2017) Understanding heavy mineral enrichment using a three-dimensional numerical model. Sedimentology, 65(2). 561-581. doi:10.1111/sed.12392

Kuhlmann, J, Asioli, A, Trincardi, F, Klügel, A and Huhn, K (2017) Landslide frequency and failure mechanisms at NE Gela Basin (Strait of Sicily). Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122(11). 2223-2243. doi:10.1002/2017JF004251 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Pape, T, Hohnberg, HJ, Wunsch, D, Anders, E, Freudenthal, T, Huhn, K and Bohrmann, G (2017) Design and deployment of autoclave pressure vessels for the portable deep-sea drill rig MeBo (Meeresboden-Bohrgerät). Scientific Drilling, 23. 29-37. doi:10.5194/sd-23-29-2017 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Pecher, IA, Villinger, H, Kaul, N, Crutchley, GJ, Mountjoy, JJ, Huhn, K, Kukowski, N, Henrys, SA, Rose, PS and Coffin, RB (2017) A fluid pulse on the Hikurangi Subduction Margin: evidence from a heat flux transect across the upper limit of gas hydrate stability. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(24). 12,385-12,395. doi:10.1002/2017GL076368

Staudt, F, Mullarney, JC, Pilditch, CA and Huhn, K (2017) The role of grain-size ratio in the mobility of mixed granular beds. Geomorphology, 278. 314-328. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.11.015


Bartzke, G, Kuhlmann, J and Huhn, K (2016) Flow above and within granular media composed of spherical and non-spherical particles – using a 3D numerical model. Continental Shelf Research, 117. 67-80. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2016.02.006

Bartzke, G, Podszun, L and Huhn, K (2016) On the role of fluid infiltration into gravel dunes — Using a 3D numerical model. Marine Geology, 380. 231-244. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2016.04.013

Huhn, K, Strozyk, F and Kock, I (2016) Quantifying the Key Role of Slope Material Peak Strength – Using Discrete Element Simulations. In: Lamarche, G, Mountjoy, J, Bull, S, Hubble, T, Krastel, S, Lane, E, Micallef, A, Moscardelli, L, Mueller, C, Pecher, I and Woelz, S (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 41. Springer International Publishing, 537-545. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20979-1_54

Kuhlmann, J, Huhn, K and Ikari, MJ (2016) Do Embedded Volcanoclastic Layers Serve as Potential Glide Planes?: An Integrated Analysis from the Gela Basin Offshore Southern Sicily. In: Lamarche, G, Mountjoy, J, Bull, S, Hubble, T, Krastel, S, Lane, E, Micallef, A, Moscardelli, L, Mueller, C, Pecher, I and Woelz, S (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 41. Springer International Publishing, 273-280. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20979-1_27 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Staudt, F, Bartzke, G and Huhn, K (2016) A numerical micro-scale model of the flow inside a sediment matrix. Proceedings of the 7th International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research (SCACR2015).



Ai, F, Kuhlmann, J, Huhn, K, Strasser, M and Kopf, AJ (2014) Submarine slope stability assessment of the central Mediterranean continental margin: the Gela Basin. In: Krastel, S, Behrmann, JH, Völker, D, Stipp, M, Berndt, C, Urgeles, R, Chaytor, J, Huhn, K, Strasser, M and Harbitz, CB (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 37. Springer International Publishing, 225-236. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-00972-8_20

Kuhlmann, J, Asioli, A, Strasser, M, Trincardi, F and Huhn, K (2014) Integrated stratigraphic and morphological investigation of the Twin Slide complex offshore Southern Sicily. In: Krastel, S, Behrmann, JH, Völker, D, Stipp, M, Berndt, C, Urgeles, R, Chaytor, J, Huhn, K, Strasser, M and Harbitz, CB (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 37. Springer International Publishing, 583-594. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-00972-8_52 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Torbahn, L and Huhn, K (2014) Interrelationship between sediment fabric, pore volume variations as indicator for pore pressure changes, and sediment shear strength. In: Krastel, S, Behrmann, JH, Völker, D, Stipp, M, Berndt, C, Urgeles, R, Chaytor, J, Huhn, K, Strasser, M and Harbitz, CB (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 37. Springer International Publishing, 85-94. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-00972-8_8


Bartzke, G, Bryan, KR, Pilditch, CA and Huhn, K (2013) On the stabilizing influence of silt on sand beds. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 83(8). 691-703. doi:10.2110/jsr.2013.57 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Wenk, L and Huhn, K (2013) The influence of an embedded viscoelastic–plastic layer on kinematics and mass transport pattern within accretionary wedges. Tectonophysics, 608. 653-666. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2013.08.015 PANGAEA Supplementary Data


Bartzke, G and Huhn, K (2012) A Numerical Approach to Quantyfy Selective Sorting of Heavy-Mineral Assemblages, in: Sorial, G. and J. Hong, (Eds.), Environmental Science and Technology, American Science Press, Houston, USA, 2, 378-384. ISBN: 9780976885344.


Kock, I and Huhn, K (2010) How Does Fluid Inflow Geometry control Slope Destabilization? In: Mosher, DC, Ship, RC, Moscardelli, L, Chaytor, JD, Baxter, CDP, Lee, HJ and Urgeles, R (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Series, 28. Springer Netherlands, 191-201. doi:10.1007/978-90-481-3071-9_16

Strozyk, F, Strasser, M, Förster, A, Kopf, AJ and Huhn, K (2010) Slope failure repetition in active margin environments: Constraints from submarine landslides in the Hellenic fore arc, eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115(B8). B08103. doi:10.1029/2009JB006841

Strozyk, F, Strasser, M, Krastel, S, Meyer, M and Huhn, K (2010) Reconstruction of retreating mass wasting in response to progressive slope steepening of the northeastern Cretan margin, eastern Mediterranean. Marine Geology, 271(1-2). 44-54. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2010.01.008



Huhn, K, Paul, A and Seyferth, M (2007) Modeling sediment transport patterns during an upwelling event. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 112. C10003. doi:10.1029/2005JC003107

Kock, I and Huhn, K (2007) Influence of grain shape on the frictional strength of sediments - a numerical case study. Journal of Sedimentary Geology, Special Issue: Deformation of soft sediments in nature and laboratory, 196. 217-233.

Kock, I and Huhn, K (2007) Numerical investigation of localization and micromechanics in a stratified soil specimen. Journal of Structural Geology, 29(10). 1679-1694. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2007.07.013



Huhn, K (2002) Analyse der Mechanik des Makran Akkretionskeils mit Hilfe der Finiten und der Diskreten Elemente Methode sowie analoger Sandexperimente. Scientific Technical Report STR02/02.


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Kukowski, N, Schillhorn, T, Flueh, ER and Huhn, K (2000) Newly identified strike-slip plate boundary in the northeastern Arabian Sea. Geology, 28, 355-358.