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welcome to the homepage of the working group of Prof. Dr. Katrin Huhn-Frehers - "SedMod", short for Modelling of Sedimentation Processes. We are performing our research and teaching at the University of Bremen at the MARUM (Center for Marine Environmental Sciences) and in close cooperation with the Department of Geosciences (FB5). Our studies focus on the numerical modelling of processes at active and passive margins from grain-scale to macro-scale.

The main purpose of our research activities is to investigate sediment transport processes at continental margins. These include current induced sediment movements as well as gravitational mass failure events, e.g. submarine landslides. We focus on investigation of trigger processes causing the destabilisation of a sediment package at continental slope and shelf areas, e.g. which factors / parameters control initiation of grain motion at the sea floor and which trigger mechanisms control sediment failure and subsequent mass movement events. Hence, numerical simulations are required as most of these sediment transport processes are large scaled and long term events which cannot be directly observed and monitored. These experiments are a useful tool to examine these complex processes and to understand the genesis of observed geological structures as well as to evaluate natural hazards.

Research Project "Seafloor Dynamics"

The central focus of the Research Area Seafloor Dynamics is to understand and quantify the driving forces, processes and interconnections of sediment dynamics between the coasts, shelves and continental slopes.
Read more here.

The AG Huhn is part of the project "SD3 - Rapid Sediment Mobilization" and Prof. Dr. Katrin Huhn is one of the project heads.