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GeoB smartCIS 1600 Line Scanner


The MARUM GeoB Core Collection features three smartCIS 1600 line scanning systems, which can scan split core sections of up to 160 cm length and up to 20 cm in diameter in 250, 500 or 1000 dpi resolution.

Two of the three scanners are mobile and serve onboard MARUM GeoB expeditions for direct high-quality optical documentation of fresh onboard GeoB core section splits. The third scanner is permanently installed at MARUM for any GeoB core, or other comparably wide diameter cores, line scanning required in the sampling lab.

Scanning durations

ResolutionDuration (Min:Sec / 100 cm)
250 dpi 01:00
250 dpi DOF mode 03:40
500 dpi 01:30
500 dpi DOF mode 06:30
1000 dpi 02:22
1000 dpi DOF mode 12:42

We suggest to use 500 dpi as the standard resolution for on-board core imaging.

DOF = Depth-of-field mode - to enhance depth of field for inclined surfaces. For 500 dpi and 250 dpi default depth of field is sufficient and extra DOF mode is only necessary for heavily inclined surfaces (>1-1,5 cm focus level difference).

Colour management

Reliable color fidelity of the digital core images can be achieved by a correction process in two steps.

In a first step a standard white balance correction of the individual R, G, and B components is performed.

Secondly for an absolute color reproduction of the line scan camera, a standardized color calibration is achieved by using an IT8.7/2 target of defined size and color palette. The IT8-target is imaged by the scanner and an ICC-profile (ICC = International Color Consortium) is calculated on the basis of the defined reference values. Applying this ICC-profile to the digital line scans of the core sections afford best matches with true sediment colors and absolute comparability. Application of ICC-profiles is automatically done while processing the scan images in the lates version of smartCIS steering software.

Kodak IT8.7/2 target used for ICC-profile creation.

Technical details

  • Schäfter+Kirchhoff Triple Line Scan Camera SK12240GKOC-LB
  • APO Rodagon lens N (1:2,8/f=50 mm) for 250 dpi resolution
  • APO Rodagon lens 2Dx (1:4,5/f=75 mm) for 500 dpi and 1000 dpi resolution
  • max. scan lengh: 160 cm
  • max. core diameter: 20 cm
  • directly connected to ExpeditionDIS-GeoB / CurationDIS-GeoB
  • RGB-value output as txt

smartCIS 1600 LS is a product of smartcube® GmbH - Information Management Systems.

Methodology Text Module

Users are welcome to adopt the following methodological text module as a template for cruise reports or other scientific publications. Please adapt setting specifications were necessary!

Sediment Core Imaging

Longitudinal split open core sections were imaged using the SmartCIS 1600LS line scanning system of the MARUM GeoB Core Repository ( Split surfaces of each section was freshly scraped immediately prior to imaging in order to capture the ephemeral nature of sedimentary features as some features oxidize within minutes. All images were acquired at a standard resolution of 500dpi (250dpi/ 1000dpi). In order to retain the relative variability in sediment lightness throughout the expedition camera aperture was fixed at f/8. This aperture setting imaged most sediments without the need for further adjustment. All sections were scanned using two light sources in order to achieve best lighting situations and reduce potential shadow effects of rough surfaces. A white calibration of the system was done on daily basis using a standardized white tile. Absolute color reproduction of the line scan images is ensured through the automatic application of a IT8.7/2-target referenced ICC-profile built-in the steering software of the line scanner. Section images were directly saved to the curatical database system ExpeditionDIS as jpeg files. Output also included a tab-delimited text file with red, green, blue, lightness (%) values as well as red/blue ratios in 1 mm down-core resolution for each section.


Line Scanner 1

DatesName/ Purpose
20 May - 17 Aug 2015 MSM44 (D. Hebbeln)
28 Sept - 2 Oct 2015 POS482 Onshore Sampling Party (H. Lantzsch)
14 Oct 2015 - 30 March 2016 M122 (D. Hebbeln) & M123 (M. Zabel)
18 - 22 April 2016 Anke Schürer (AG Dobeneck)
10 - 24 June 2016 Claudia Wienberg
27 - 28 June 2016 SO245 Core Opening + Scanning
4 July 2016 - 5 Oct 2016 MSM57/1+2 (G. Bohrmann)
13 - 21 October 2016 Anke Schürer (AG Dobeneck)
24 Oct 2016 - 10 April 2017 M134 (G. Bohrmann)
15 - 19 May 2017 Torsten Bickert (PS104 Sampling Party)
22 - 24 May 2017 Jürgen Pätzold
12 - 16 June 2017 Claudia Wienberg
19 June - 19 Sept 2017 MSM66 (B. Dorschel, D. Hebbeln, M. Kucera, M. Bartels)
Dec 2017 - 11 April 2018 SO260 (S. Kasten)
14 June - Mid-Nov 2018 M149 (A. Kopf)
Mid-March - Mid-July 2019 M154-2 (K. Huhn)
24 Oct 2019 - 24 April 2020 SO272 (Th. Westerhold)
25 Sept - End Nov 2020 M167 (W. Menapace)
16 March - Oct 2022 SO292-2 (W. Menapace)
1 Feb. - 13 May 2024 MSM127 (T. Bickert)
24 May 2024 - Sept. 2024 SO306 (C. Wienberg)

Line Scanner 2

DatesName/ Purpose
24 Sept 2015 - 21 Dec 2015 MSM48 (K. Zonneveld)
11 Jan 2016 - 17 June 2016 SO247 (K. Huhn)
27 June - 1 July 2016 Heiko Sahling (POS498 Cores)
04 Aug 2016 - 04 Jan 2017 SO251/1+2 (A. Kopf)
13 Jan 2017 - 24 July 2017 SO256 (M. Mohtadi)
18 Sept 2017 - 8 Feb 2018 M142 (G. Bohrmann)
02 Aug 2018 - Jan 2019 SO266 (G. Bohrmann)
25 Sept - Mid Dec 2020 SO278 (G. Bohrmann)
19 May - End Aug 2022 M183 (W. Bach)
Jan 2023 - June 2023 MSM116 (H. Pälike)
June 2023 - 14 Sept 2023 MSM119 (A. Kopf)
12 Dec 2023 - May 2024 SO304 (T. Schwenk, V. Spieß)

For reservations please contact:

Dr. Vera Barbara Bender


+49 421 218-65951


+49 421 218-9865951



MARUM II, 0020

External Profiles: 

List of scanned cores

For a list of line scanned cores please login.


List of line scanned GeoB core sections:


Image Processing

The default save pathway for GeoB section line scan images is directly into our curatorial database system DIS (Drilling Information System). The GeoB-DIS (both in expedition as well as curation version) provides two sorts of pre-defined PDF core overview reports inlcuding line scan images:

  • Core Overview Tab (showing up to 10 sections per page incl. a section list table on the right-hand side)
  • Core Overview Image (showing up to 6 sections per page)
Core Overview Tab Report
GeoB-DIS Core Overview Tab PDF Report for gravity core GeoB1041-3 (page 1).
Core Overview Image Report
GeoB-DIS Core Overview Image PDF Report for gravity core GeoB1041-3 (page 1).

For further processing of GeoB core section line scan images the MARUM GeoB Core Repository applies a specifically designed GeoB macro collection used in WaveMetrics IGOR Pro (

These macros enable quick creation of composite images for a whole MeBo drill site or a whole gravity core on one sheet. The macro collection also includes a template to easily create one page overview plots incl. line profile data, e.g. red/blue ratio or lightness, for publication in cruise reports.

Overview plot for gravity core GeoB1041-3 generated applying the GeoB template macro collection in IGOR.
Overview plot for gravity core GeoB1041-3 generated applying the GeoB template macro collection in IGOR.

Example 1 - 500 dpi scan

GeoB3911-3; 0-97 cm; Archive; 500 dpi

GeoB3911-3; 0-97 cm; Archive, 500 dpi

Example 2 - 1000 dpi scan

GeoB18123-2; 8P-1A; 1000 dpi DOF mode

GeoB18123-2; 8P-1A; 1000 dpi DOF mode

Example 3 - one vs. two light sources

Comparison one vs. two light sources

The two images below show the same interval of our test core, scanned first with only one light source and subsequently with two opposing light sources. Note the reduced relief, however better visability of subtle colour changes, when scanning with a second light source.
Scan with one light source.

Scan with one light source.

Scan with two opposing light sources.

Scan with two opposing light sources. Note the subtle colour change at the left most quater of the image from a slightly greenish to a more brownish sediment colour.

Example 4 - scanning other sample objects

Stromatolith from lower Buntsandstein at Wilhelmshall, Huy, Northern Germany

scan settings: 1000 dpi, f/5.6

Stromatolith from lower Buntsandstein at Wilhelmshall, Huy, Northern Germany

Stromatolith from Münder Formation at Thüste, Upper Jurassic, Northern Germany

scan settings: 1000 dpi, f/5.6

Stromatolith from Münder Formation at Thüste, Upper Jurassic, Northern Germany

Carbonate crust slab sample (GeoB12353-11)

scan settings: 500 dpi, f/5.6+

GeoB12353-11 carbonate crust 500dpi scan (Himmler et al. 2016 &2018)

Himmler, T., Bayon, G., Wangner, D., Enzmann, F., Peckmann, J., and Bohrmann, G., 2016, Seep-carbonate lamination controlled by cyclic particle flux. Scientific Reports, 6, 37439.

Himmler, T., Smrzka, D., Zwicker, J., Kasten, S., Shapiro, R. S., Bohrmann, G., and Peckmann, J., 2018, Stromatolites below the photic zone in the northern Arabian Sea formed by calcifying chemotrophic microbial mats. Geology.