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Lecture of Prof Danielle Gaucher

The MARUM equal opportunity commissioners invite for an online lecture:

Status Quo Maintenance at the Institutional-Level:
The Role of Gendered Wording in Job Advertisements

29 May 2020

15.00 – 16.00 hrs., via Zoom

Danielle Gaucher is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Manitoba, Canada. Her Ph.D. in social psychology is from the University of Waterloo. She completed a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Post Doctoral Fellowship at Princeton University, USA. Her research centers on issues of social justice and social change, specifically investigating the social-psychological processes that serve to maintain inequality at the individual and institutional level. The goal of her research program is to advance theory and better understand the social-psychological barriers to social change, with the ultimate goal of discovering how to best encourage a wide range of prosocial behaviours and social arrangements. Dr. Gaucher’s website is:

In this lecture, Dr. Gaucher will focus on how gendered wording can contribute to gender inequality and she will highlight the findings from a recent content analysis of thousands of 2020 job adverts from the UK. Within this lecture, she will also discuss the solutions available for organizations wanting to increase their diversity and ensure equal opportunity.

Danielle Gaucher

If you’d like to participate, please fill in the registration form.

The link to the Zoom meeting will be sent to you on the morning of the lecture.