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MARUM - GB2: Biogeochemical processes fueling sub-seafloor life: transformations of C, S, and Fe

Duration: November 2012 - October 2017
Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
DFG-Research Center/Excellence Cluster "The Ocean in the Earth System" (MARUM)
Principal Investigator(s): Kai-Uwe Hinrichs
Involved scientists in the Hinrichs Lab: Marcus Elvert, Verena Heuer, Frauke Schmidt
Partners: Michael Friedrich (Universität Bremen), Timothy Ferdelman (Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie/MARUM, Bremen), Boris Koch (Alfred-Wegener-Institut/MARUM, Bremerhaven), Sabine Kasten (MARUM/Universität Bremen), J.M. Mogollon (MARUM), Matthias Zabel (MARUM/Universität Bremen)
International partner(s): Yu-Shih Lin (National Sun-Yat-Sen University, Taiwan)


Sub-seafloor sediments harbor a substantial fraction of Earth’s biomass in the form of poorly explored microbial communities. These microbial communities mediate cycles of C, S, Fe, P, and N and influence the chemical speciation of these elements in the ocean. While microbial activity in shallow sediments is mainly controlled by the availability of organic matter and/or dissolved electron acceptors, other, so far unidentified factors appear to impact the activity of the sub-seafloor biosphere. This project seeks to better constrain key biogeochemical mechanisms in the sub-seafloor. To this end, we investigate how sub-seafloor microbes use particle-bound metal oxides for respiration. We want to find out if they can transform complex organic matter into low-molecular-weight compounds that serve as microbial substrates. And we are particularly interested in reactive sulfur species that might play a role for the deep biosphere due to the mechanisms by which they interact with Fe and organic matter.

The project is following up MARUM GB3.