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An organic geochemist who graduated in the Hinrichs Lab is a modern interdisciplinary scientist who has acquired fundamental expertise in analytical organic chemistry and isotope geochemistry, biogeochemistry, paleoenvironmental sciences, natural products, oceanography, and science communication. Our graduates have learned to communicate with geologists, biologists and chemists and have thus a wide scope with respect to their future career perspectives. Areas in the job market for our graduates include environmental consulting, exploration of resources, the energy sector, manufacturers of analytical instrumentation, forensics, and of course research in adacemia.

Members of the Hinrichs Lab are involved in both undergraduate and graduate education at the Department of Geosciences. Our core lectures cover both theory and lab courses in Organic Geochemistry and Biogeochemistry at both the Bachelors and Masters level. Several chemists of the Hinrichs Lab team also teach Introductory Organic Chemistry for Geoscientists. At the Masters level, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs contributes to the Research Seminar that prepares Master students for their thesis projects.

Bachelor Students

Our educational program and contribution to the curriculum of the Department of Geosciences include lectures, a lab course, and the supervision of Bachelor thesis projects. Our students benefit from early hands-on experience in the laboratory. We are continuously seeking to integrate motivated student assistants into our laboratory routine.


Bachelor "Geowissenschaften"
Course 1: Organische Chemie für Geowissenschaftler
Course 2: Grundlagen der organischen Geochemie
Course 3: Laborübungen zur organischen Geochemie

Bachelor Program "Marine Geosciences" (since 2021)
Course 1: Introduction to Geochemistry (05-BMG-CP2-1)
Course 2: Basics of Organic Geochemistry (05-BMG-GC2-1)
Course 3: Lab Course in Organic Geochemistry (05-BMG-GC2-2)

Master students

Naturally the education at the Masters level is strongly influenced by current research topics in the geosciences. Our contributions to the curriculum are based on recent research papers in Organic Geochemistry and the Master thesis projects are closely linked to ongoing research projects in the Hinrichs Lab.


International Master Program "Marine Geosciences"
Course 1: Biogeochemistry I
Course 2: Biogeochemistry II

Masterstudium Geowissenschaften
Course 3: Geowissenschaftliches Forschungsseminar

Master Program"Marine Geosciences" (since 2021)
Course 1: Molecular Geochemistry (05-MMG-BG1-3)
Course 2: Biogeochemistry Projects (05-MMG-BG2-1)

PhD students

Our PhD students benefit from an intensive supervision by the postdoctoral and senior staff in the Hinrichs Lab. It is our goal to educate independent, critical, and accurate next-generation scientists who will tackle the scientific challenges of the future with creativity, excitement, and intellectual acuity. Our current graduate students are being financially supported by MARUM, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the European Research Council, and the China Scholarship Council.

Guest students and scientists

The Hinrichs Lab hosts and supervises guest scientists and students on a regular basis. Masters and PhD students from collaborating groups at other national and international institutions seek to address some of the research questions in the dissertation projects with dedicated experiments in our lab.