Rika Anderson

Rika Anderson

Summer 2004, Carleton College, USA, RCOM Summer Student Fellow, Project: Intact polar lipids from methanotrophic communities at deeply-buried sulfate/methane transition zones.


Sophia Bratenkov

9/2015, PhD candidate, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, Field of research: paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on preserved organic compound in marine sediments. IODP samples from different expeditions - Canterbury Basin, New Zealand (IODP 317), New Jersey (IODP 313), Arabian Sea (IODP 355). Distinguish between influence of local tectonic events and global climatic changes on preserved organics through the Cenozoic.


Anne-Lise Ducluzeau

11/2014, Postdoc, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA, research on the role of quinones in cold adaptation together with K. Becker and F. Elling.


Dr. Friederike Gründger

3/2015, Postdoc, Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate (CAGE),The Arctic University of Norway (UiT), Tromsø. Project: Measure total lipids extracted from arctic sediment samples collected from Vestnesa Ridge. Investigating methanotrophic processes at cold seeps and methane hydrate bearing sediments in the Arctic.


Roberta Hansman

10/2006-04/2007, Ph.D. Student, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA,
Project: Use structural and stable isotope molecular analyses of microbial lipids to determine the reliance of the water column prokaryotic community on methane-derived carbon at cold methane seeps (specifically, the Costa Rica Dome system, Eel River, CA, and Hydrate Ridge, OR).


Sara Munk Jensen

14-24/10/2013, Ph.D. student, Departure of Biolog, University of southern Denmark. Project: Extracted total lipid extracted (TLE) from sulfolobus islandicus cultures and measured the amount at Q-TOF (time of flight).


Jianyang Li

01/10/2021-30/09/2022, Ph.D. student, School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin & Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Xiamen, CHN. Project focused on the lipid biomarkers of bacteria, including high-molecular-weight compounds such as intact polar lipids, using high-resolution mass spectrometric techniques.


Meera Mahle

03-04/2009, BSc. student, Technical University of Munich, GER, Thesis: Analysis of Intact Polar Lipids in Marine Carbonate Minerals.

Cajetan Neubauer HWK 2019

Dr. Cajetan Neubauer

06-09/2019 & 01-07/2020, California Institute of Technology, HWK Fellow, Project: Studying the Biosynthesis of Unusual Archaeal Lipids with New Tools for Isotope Quantification.


Beth N. Orcutt

12/2005 - 03/2006, Ph.D. student, University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences, Athens, GA, USA, Project: Understanding the microbial communities which perform anaerobic oxidation of methane, sulfate reduction and methanogenesis in gassy and/or oily sediments from methane seeps (in the Gulf of Mexico) and the deep biosphere (under Hydrate Ridge).


Dr. Tracy Quan

04-05/2007, Environmental Biophysics and Molecular Ecology, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

Ryosuke Saito 2019

Dr. Ryosuke Saito

04-06/2019, Postdoc, Summons Lab, MIT, Cambridge, MA. Conducted mass spectrometry imaging of biomarkers in ancient rocks.

Prof. Dr. Roger Summons

01-08/2008, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, USA), Humboldt Research Award for U.S. Scientists 2008 and HWK Fellow.


Dr. Yoshinori Takano

03-05/2009, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Internship program between Germany and Japan. Project: Intact polar lipids of benthic microbial communities in surface and deep marine sediments for a diagnosis between present-microbial activity and paleo-productivity records.


Prof. Dr. Stuart Wakeham

01-02/2006 (NSF), 01-02/2007, 03-06/2008, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah, USA, HWK Fellow in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Jørgensen, MPI, Project: Microbial Ecology and Intact Polar Lipids in Marine Anoxic Basins.


Courtney Warren

22/8-2/9/2015, Yale University, project: Lipid contents in sea aquaria and samples from the Gulf of Mexico.


Itay Bar-Or & Michal Adler

8/11-5/12/2010;M.Sc. and Ph.D students, Geological & Environmental Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Investigation of methanogenesis and methanotrophy processes in the sediments of Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee).


Prof. Dr. Colleen Cavanaugh

9/-12/2004, Harvard University, HWK Fellow, guest MPI, Project: The Diversity and Abundance of Methanotrophic Bacteria in Marine and Freshwater Environments.


Ya Fang Cheng (Lily), Kuang Ting Hsiao (Eddy), Ya Ling Guo (Yalin)

8-10/ 2015, students from Yushih Lin`s lab, Dept. of Oceanography, Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan. Project: Learning lipid extraction, use cryomill,  introduction into HPLC graph interpretation.


Huangmin Ge

3/2013-3/2014, PhD student, Tongji University, CHN pursued her doctoral studies.


Prof. Dr. Philip Gschwend

9/2004-12/2004, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fellow HWK, guest of the MPI Bremen. Project: Estimating the Biomass of Methanotrophs


Hans Frederik Hansen

05/2022, PhD student, University of Southern Denmark, Odense. Project: Examining the biomarker signature throughout the meromictic lake, Lake Cadagno. 


Sarah Hurley

31/8/-18/9/2012, PhD candidate,Harvard University, USA.
Project: Complete structural characterization of archaeal and bacterial GDGT standards


Prof. Dr. Fabien Kenig

20/09-13/10/2010, University of Illinois at Chicago, Project: Analysis of intact polar lipids and dissolved organic matter of basalt basement fluids collected from CORKed boreholes of the Juan de Fuca plate, away from the mid-ocean ridge.


Silvia Patricia Pena Lino

4-6/2013, Ph.D. Student, Department of Oceanography and Fisheries, Azores University, Portugal. Project: To bioprospect the deep-sea marine animal fatty acids from the Azores for their possible therapeutic applications, more specifically as anticancer.


Elliott Mueller

04-06/2022, Ph.D. student, Caltech, USA. Project: Analyzing the carbon isotope composition of fermented organic acids via LC-IRMS and the hydrogen isotope composition of acetate using an electrospray Orbitrap. In collaboration with Thermo Fisher Bremen.


Dr. Thomas Oldenburg

12/2004, University of Calgary, Canada, Project: Intact polar lipids in biodegraded tar sands and oils.


Samuel I. Pereira

November 2022, PhD Researcher, University of Bergen, Norway. Project: Hydrothermal production of organic molecules during pyrolysis of microbial biomass experiments as part of project HyPOD funded by NFR.


Jordyn Robare

March 2023, Biochemistry PhD candidate, Arizona State University. Project: Investigating the thermodynamic effects behind lipid presence and relative abundance in Yellowstone hot springs.


Katherine 'Kate' Segarra

10-12/2010, PhD candidate, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia. Project: Determining changes in the rates and pathways of freshwater terminal metabolism, especially methanogenesis, which occur with variations in temperature and season.


Sean P. Sylva

11/2006, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA.


Prof. Dr. Andreas Teske

12/2007-05/2008, Department of Marine Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA, Project: Benthic microbial communities in surficial and deep marine sediments.

Foto Fengping Wang

Prof. Dr. Fengping Wang & Prof. Dr. Xiang Xiao

20-29/08/2011, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Key Laboratory of microbial metabolism, China. Project: Future collaboration on marine benthic Archeae.


Dr. Ghada Yassin

03-07/2015, Postdoc, Jacobs University Bremen.Project: Performing the analysis of the complex mixture of degraded organic matters. Identification of the composition and knowledge of the molecular structures of the humic substances present in environmental samples is essential for understanding the global organic carbon fluxes.


Felix Beulig

16/3-30/4/2012:PhD, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, DE, worked on biomarker and pore water analysis.


Steven Cheong

Summer 2005, University of California, Irvine, RCOM Summer Student Fellow, Projekt: A molecular-isotopic approach to study biogeochemical processes and carbon flow in methane-laden sediments.


Dr. Helen Fredricks (nee Sturt)

2/2004, 2/2005, 3/2006, WHOI, Postdoc, Project: Intact polar lipids in extreme environments.


Simin "Smiley" Gao

25/5-15/7/2016, master student, Tongji University, CHN, Project: To do the ether cleavage and run them on the carbon isotope machine.


Toby Ann Halamka

Summer 2022, Ph.D. student, University of Colorado Boulder, USA. Project: Analyzing the intact polar lipid membrane of a cultured brGDGT producer, Candidatus Solibacter usitatus. Supported by the European Association of Organic Geochemists.


Arnaud Huguet

5/2014, CNRS Research Associate, METIS laboratory, University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, F. The aim of our joint work is to assess the growth and turnover time of bacterial communities producing branched GDGTs in peat. Peat samples collected in the French Jura Mountains will be incubated and branched GDGT production will be tracked using stable isotope probing with deuterated water and 13C-bicarbonate.


CarriAyne Jones

12/2006, PhD student, Odense University, DK. Project: Investigating the carbon cycle in the meromictic Lake Cadagno, Switzerland.


Emily Matys

12-29/5/2015, Ph.D. Student, MIT, Cambridge, MA, Advisor: Roger Summons, Project: Characterizing the intact polar lipid distribution of microbial mat samples from the ice-covered lakes of Antarctica.


Prof. Dr. Barbara MacGregor

6/2005, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Project: Compound-specific isotope analysis of nucleotides by HPLC-isotope ratio-MS.


Lilian Nunez Munoz

10-11/2009, Technical staff, Department of Oceanography and the Center for Oceanographic Research in the eastern South Pacific (FONDAP-COPAS), Universidad de Concepcion, Chile.
Project: Learning the analytical methods to extract and analyse IPLs in samples of fungies. Doing GC/MS biomarker analysis of samples of methanotrophs in marine sediments.


Dr. John Pohlman

03-05/2008, Woods Hole Field Center USGS, USA, Project: Identify the chemotaxonomy and ecological function of archaea and sulfate reducing bacteria at the Barkley Canyon cold seep, offshore Vancouver Island Canada. Compositional and isotopic data from polar and non-polar membrane lipids will be combined with a rich geochemical data set to infer the vertical distribution of microbes within distinct biogeochemical zones.


Dr. Stefan Sievert

10-12/2004, 6-8/2005, summer 2006, WHOI, USA, HWK Fellow, Project: Anaerobic phototrophic mats as a model for the Achaean and early Proterozoic Biosphere.


Dr. Benjamin Srain Chavez

15/11-12/12/2012, University of Concepcion, Chile (UDEC). Project: Analysing IPLs from marine fungi and yeasts in both cultures and water column samples.


Dr. Courtney Turich

10/2006, Postdoc, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, USA. She investigates biomarkers in oxic and anoxic water columns (e.g. Cariaco Basin).


Hui Wang (with son)

01/4-30/05/2009, Master, Technician from State Key Lab of Marine Geology, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences of Tongji University. Project: Studying the analytical methods about IPLs.


Stefan Braun

5/1-30/1/2015:PhD student, Aarhus University, DK, Project: Separation of intact microbial cells from the sediment matrix to measure the concentration and composition of lipids bound in cells versus that bound in sediment as fossil lipids.


Dr. Mea Cook

2007, Postdoc, WHOI, Project: Repeated pulses of vertical methane flux recorded in glacial sediments from the southeast Bering Sea.


Jong-Ku Gal

17/7-25/8/2012, Ph.D. Student, Environmental Marine Sciences, Hanyang University, ROK. Project: Paleotemperature reconstruction in the Arctic and Antactic area since the Holocene based on composition of core GDGTs.


Danielle Gruen

21/07-16/08/2014, PhD student, Ono Lab, MIT/WHOI, project: Understand the clumped isotope systematics of biogenic methane. Culturing methanogens in the Hinrichs Lab.


Dr. Andrea Hanson

29/9-11/2016, Postdoc, Ohio State University- multi-institutional collaboration with Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL), West Virginia, USA. Project: Characterization of microbial lipid biomarkers in sidewall cores obtained from depths ranging between 2190 to 2305 m, in addition to shale energy-related produced fluids in an effort to better understand microbial life in the deep terrestrial subsurface.


Prof. Dr. Brandi Kiel Reese

22/4-8/2015, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, HWK Fellow. Project: Expanding the Gobal Carbon Cycle: A Novel Characterization of Fungi Within Sub-Seafloor Sediments.

Foto Cenling Ma

Cenling Ma

17/10/2017-12/10/2018, Ph.D. student, School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University, Shanghai, CHN. Project: Distribution of archaeal lipids in suspended particulate matter.


Nele Meckler

04/2005, PhD student, ETH Zürich, Project: Hopanoids as recorders of cyanobacterial productivity in the Cariaco Basin.


Dr. Marianne Nuzzo

4 & 6/2008, Postdoc, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, GER,  Project: Studying the origin and microbially-mediated recycling of hydrocarbon gases and petroleum in mud volcanoes from the west Nile delta (Egypt).


Maria Pachiadaki

09-10/2008, PhD Candidate, Biologist, Environmental Microbiologist, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research HCMR, Greece, Project: Biomarker research


James P. Sáenz

02/2007, PhD student, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA. Project: Development of a proxy for cyanobacterial ecology and productivity, which could help to advance the understanding of the links between climate, microbial ecology, the carbon cycle, and the evolution of this system over Earth’s history. The bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs), a class of lipids known more generally as hopanoids, are a promising candidate for this application.


Megumi Shimizu

07-09/2011, PhD student, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, USA. Learned lab techniques on lipid analysis of sediments, from its extraction, through comprehensive separation of lipid fractions by LC and their analysis in GC/FID/MS/irms, to environmental data interpretation.


Ajioka Taku

6-23/9/2010, Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Environmantal Science, Hokkaido Univ., Japan. Project: Paleotemperature reconstruction in central Japan during the last 300,000 years based on compositions of bacterial membrane lipids.

Foto Devika V.

Devika Varma

05-07/2017, 6/2018-3/2019, BSc-MSc student, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, thesis project: 'High-resolution multi-proxy analysis on paleoclimatic changes in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Last Interglacial', part of ERC ZOOMecular project.

Foto Jinpeng Wang

Jinpeng Wang

08/2015-31/03/2016, PhD student, Ocean University of China. Project: The hydrodynamic sorting of sedimentary organic carbon in the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent shelf.