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Working Group Hinrichs

DARCLIFE - Work package 2: Geochemical environment and modeling


Work package 2 “Geochemical environment and modeling” has the key task to provide a comprehensive set of chemical background data that characterize the habitat of benthic archaea. Based on these data we will construct biogeochemical and bioenergetic models that constrain metabolic processes and the impact of benthic archaea on sedimentary carbon cycling.

The central objective of work package 2 is the analysis of chemical properties of the sediment’s solid phase and interstitial fluids to provide the geochemical context for samples that are subjected to detailed study of benthic archaea. We use both chemical standard parameters and stable carbon isotope analysis of water-soluble organic metabolites to characterize the habitat. We seek to constrain the impact of the deep biosphere on sedimentary carbon cycling by means of biogeochemical modeling.

Moreover, coordination of the logistics of sample retrieval, including participation in expeditions and sample archiving, is another responsibility of this work package. In order to constrain and identify the factors that control the distribution and phylogenetic composition of benthic archaeal communities, we seek to study systems that exhibit contrasting conditions, e.g., different ages and sources of organic matter and/or geochemical regimes.

DARCLIFE is organized in five work packages: