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since 2021

Chuang, P.-C., Dale, A.W., Heuer, V.B., Hinrichs, K.-U., and Zabel, M. (2021) Coupling of dissolved organic carbon, sulfur and iron cycling in Black Sea sediments over the Holocene and the late Pleistocene: insights from an empirical dynamic model. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 307, 302-318. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2021.04.032

Gan, S., Heuer, V.B., Schmidt, F., Wörmer, L., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2023) A simple guideline to apply Excitation-Emission Matrix Spectroscopy (EEMs) for the characterization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in anoxic marine sediments. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 42, 109-119. doi:10.1007/s13131-022-2050-0

Lazar, C.S., Schmidt, F., Elvert, M., Heuer, V.B., Hinrichs, K.-U., and Teske, A. (2022) Microbial diversity gradients in the geothermal mud volcano underlying the hypersaline Urania Basin. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, 1043414. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2022.1043414

Zhu, Q.Z., Elvert, M., Meador, T.B., Doeana, K., Becker, K., Elling, F., Lipp, J., Heuer, V., Zabel, M., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2024) Comprehensive molecular-isotopic characterization of archaeal lipids in the Black Sea water column and underlying sediments. Geobiology, 22, e12589. doi:10.1111/gbi.12589

Zhu, Q.-Z., Elvert, M., Meador, T.B., Becker, K.W., Heuer, V.B., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2021) Stable carbon isotopic compositions of archaeal lipids as a gauge to constrain terrestrial, planktonic, and benthic sources in marine sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 307, 319-337. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2021.04.037


Aiello, I.W., Beaufort, I., Goldhammer, T., Heuer, V.B., Hinrichs, K.-U., and .Zabel, M. (2020) Anatomy of a ‘suspended’ seafloor in the dense brine waters of the deep hypersaline Urania Basin. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 171, 104626. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2019.07.014

Coffinet, S., Meador, T.B., Mühlena, L., Becker, K.W., Schröder, J., Zhu, Q.-Z., Lipp, J.S., Heuer, V.B., Crump, M.P., and Hinrichs, K.U. (2020) Structural elucidation and environmental distributions of butanetriol and pentanetriol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (BDGTs and PDGTs). Biogeosciences, 17, 317-330. doi:10.5194/bg-17-317-2020

Gan, S., Schmidt, F., Heuer, V.B., Goldhammer, T., Witt, M., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2020) Impacts of redox conditions on dissolved organic matter (DOM) quality in marine sediments off the River Rhône, Western Mediterranean Sea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 276, 151-169. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2020.02.001


Evans, T., Coffinet, S., Könneke, M., Lipp, J.S., Becker, K.W., Elvert, M., Heuer, V.B., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2019) Assessing the carbon assimilation and production of benthic archaeal lipid biomarkers using lipid-RIP. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 265, 431-442. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2019.08.030


Becker, K.W., Elling, F.J., Schröder, J.M., Lipp, J.S., Goldhammer, T., Zabel, M., Elvert, M., Overmann, J., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2018) Isoprenoid quinones resolve the stratification of microbial redox processes in a biogeochemical continuum from the photic zone to deep anoxic sediments of the Black Sea. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 84: e02736-17. doi:10.1128/AEM.02736-17

Hurley, S.I., Lipp, J.S., Close, H.G., Hinrichs, K.-U., and Pearson, A. (2018) Distribution and export of isoprenoid tetraether lipids in suspended particulate matter from the water column of the Western Atlantic Ocean. Organic Geochemistry, 116, 90-102. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2017.11.010

Ijiri, A., Inagaki, F., Kubo, Y., et int. (i.a. Adhikari, R.R., Yoshinaga, M.Y., Hinrichs, K.-U., Schmidt, F.), and Yoshida, N. (2018) Deep-biosphere methane production stimulated by geofluids in the Nankai accretionary complex. Science Advances, 4 (6), eaao4631. doi:1126/sciadv.aao4631

Liu, X.L., Lipp, J.S., Birgel, D., Summons, R.E., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2018) Predominance of parallel glycerol arrangement in archaeal tetraethers from marine sediments: Structural features revealed from degradation products. Organic Geochemistry, 115, 12-23. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2017.09.009

Wu, W., Meador, T., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2018) Production and turnover of microbial organic matter in surface intertidal sediments. Organic Geochemistry, 121, 104-113. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2018.04.006

Zhuang, G.-C., Heuer, V.B., Lazar, C.S., Goldhammer, T., Wendt, J., Samarkin, V.A., Elvert, M., Teske, A.P., Joye, S.B., and Hinrichs, K-U. (2018) Relative importance of methylotrophic methanogenesis in sediments of the Western Mediterranean Sea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 224, 171-186. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2017.12.024


Elling, F., Könneke, M., Nicol, G.W., Stieglmeier, M., Bayer, B., Spieck, E., de la Torre, J.R., Becker, K.W., Thomm, M., Prosser, J.I., Herndl, G.J., Schleper, C., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2017) Chemotaxonomic characterization of the thaumarchaeal lipidome. Environmental Microbiology, 19, 2681-2700. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13759

Evans, T.W., Wörmer, L., Lever, M.A., Lipp, J.S., Lagostina, L., Lin, Y-S., Jørgensen, B.B., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2017) Size and composition of subseafloor microbial community in the Benguela upwelling area examined from intact membrane lipid and DNA analysis. Organic Geochemistry, 111, 86-100. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2017.06.008

Lin, Y.-S., Koch, B.P., Feseker, T., Ziervogel, K., Goldhammer, T., Schmidt, F., Witt, M., Kellermann, M.Y., Zabel, M., Teske, A., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2017) Near-surface heating of young rift sediment causes mass production and discharge of reactive Dissolved Organic Matter. Scientific Reports, 7, 44864. doi:10.1038/srep44864

Schmidt, F., Koch, B.P., Goldhammer, T., Elvert, M., Witt, M., Lin, Y.-S., Wendt, J., Zabel, M., Heuer, V.B., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2017) Unraveling signatures of biogeochemical processes and the depositional setting in the molecular composition of pore water DOM across different marine environments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 207, 57-80. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2017.03.005


Baker, B.J., Saw, J.H., Lind, A.E., Lazar, C.S., Hinrichs, K.-U., Teske, A.P., and Ettema, T.J. (2016) Genomic inference of the metabolism of cosmopolitan subsurface Archaea, Hadesarchaea. Nature Microbiology, 1, 16002. doi:10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.2

Becker, K.W., Elling, F.J., Yoshinaga, M.Y., Söllinger, A., Urich, T., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2016) Unusual butane- and pentanetriol-based tetraether lipids in Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis, a representative of the seventh order of methanogens. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 82, 4505-4516. doi:10.1128/AEM.00772-16

Dowell, F., Cardman, Z., Dasarathy, S., Kellermann, M.Y., Lipp, J.S., Ruff, S.E., Biddle, J.F., McKay, L.J., MacGregor, B.J., Lloyd, K.G., Albert, D.B., Mendlovitz, H., Hinrichs, K.-U., and Teske, A. (2016) Microbial communities in methane- and short chain alkane-rich hydrothermal sediments of Guaymas Basin. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, 17. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2016.00017

Elling, F.J., Becker, K.W., Könneke, M., Schröder, J.M., Kellermann, M.Y., Thomm, M., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2016) Respiratory quinones in Archaea: phylogenetic distribution and application as biomarkers in the marine environment. Environmental Microbiology, 18, 692-707. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13086

Gagen, E.J., Yoshinaga, M.Y., Prado, F.G., Hinrichs, K.-U., and Thomm, J. (2016) The proteome and lipidome of Thermococcus kodakarensis across the stationary phase. Archaea, article ID 5938289. doi:10.1155/2016/5938289

Kellermann, M.Y., Yoshinaga, M.Y., Wegener, G., Krukenberg, V., and Hinrichs, K.U. (2016) Tracing the production and fate of individual archaeal intact polar lipids using stable isotope probing. Organic Geochemistry, 95, 13-20. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2016.02.004

Lazar, C.S., Baker, B.J., Seitz, K., Hyde, A.S., Dick, G.J., Hinrichs, K.-U., and Teske, A.P. (2016) Genomic evidence for distinct carbon substrate preferences and ecological niches of Bathyarchaeota in estuarine sediments. Environmental Microbiology, 18, 1200-1211. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13142

Liu, X.-L., Birgel, D., Elling, F.J., Sutton, P.A., Lipp, J.S., Zhu, R., Zhang, C., Könneke, M., Peckmann, J., Rowland, S.J., Summons, R.E., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2016) From ether to acid: a plausible degradation pathway of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 183, 138-152. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.04.016

Seitz, K.W., Lazar, C.S., Hinrichs, K.-U., Teske, A.P., and Baker, B.J. (2016) Genomic reconstruction of a novel, deeply branched sediment archaeal phylum with pathways for acetogenesis and sulfur reduction. The ISME Journal, 10, 1696-1705. doi:10.1038/ismej.2015.233

Zhu, C., Wakeham, S.G., Elling, F.J., Basse, A., Mollenhauer, G., Versteegh, G.J.M., Könneke, M., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2016) Stratification of archaeal membrane lipids in the ocean and implication for adaptation and chemotaxonomy of planktonic archaea. Environmental Microbiology, 18, 4324-4336. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13289


Becker, K.W., Lipp, J.S., Versteegh, G.J.M., Wörmer, L., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2015) Rapid and simultaneous analysis of three molecular sea surface temperature proxies and application to sediments from the Sea of Marmara. Organic Geochemistry, 85, 42-53. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2015.04.008

Elling, F.J., Könneke, M., Mußmann, M., Greve, A., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2015) Influence of temperature, pH, and salinity on membrane lipid composition and TEX86 of marine planktonic thaumarchaeal isolates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 171, 238-255. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.09.004

Inagaki, F., Hinrichs, K.-U., Kubo, Y., Bowles, M.W., Heuer, V.B., Hong, W.-L., Hoshino, T., Ijiri, A., Imachi, H., Ito, M., Kaneko, M., Lever, M.A., Lin, Y.-S., Methé, B.A., Morita, S., Morono, Y., Tanikawa, W., Bihan, M., Bowden, S.A., Elvert, M., Glombitza, C., Gross, D., Harrington, G.J., Hori, T., Li, K., Limmer, D., Liu, C.-H., Murayama, M., Ohkouchi, N., Ono, S., Park, Y.-S., Phillips, S.C., Prieto-Mollar, X., Purkey, M., Riedinger, N., Sanada, Y., Sauvage, J., Snyder, G., Susilawati, R., Takano, Y., Tasumi, E., Terada, T., Tomaru, H., Trembath-Reichert, E., Wang, D.T., Yamada, Y. (2015) Exploring deep microbial life in coal-bearing sediment down to ~2.5 km below the ocean floor. Science, 349, 420-424. doi:10.1126/science.aaa6882

Lazar, C.S., Biddle, J.F., Meador, T.B., Blair, N., Hinrichs, K.-U., and Teske, A.P. (2015) Environmental controls on intragroup diversity of the uncultured benthic archaea of the Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group lineage naturally enriched in anoxic sediments of the White Oak River Estuary (North Carolina, USA). Environmental Microbiology, 17, 2228-2238. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12659

Meador, T.B., Bowles, M., Lazar, C., Zhu, C., Teske, A., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2015) The archaeal lipidome in estuarine sediment dominated by members of the Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group. Environmental Microbiology, 17, 2441-2458. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12716

Oni, O.E., Schmidt, F., Miyatake, T., Kasten, S., Witt, M., Hinrichs, K.-U., and Friedrich, M.W. (2015) Microbial communities and organic matter composition in surface and subsurface sediments of the Helgoland mud area, North Sea. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6:1290. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.01290

Yoshinaga, M.Y., Gagen, E.J., Wörmer, L., Broda, N.K., Meador, T.B., Wendt, J., Thomm, M., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2015) Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus modulates its membrane lipids in response to hydrogen and nutrient availability. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6, 5. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.00005

Yoshinaga, M.Y., Lazar, C.S., Elvert, M., Lin, Y-S., Zhu, C., Heuer, V.B., Teske, A., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2015) Possible roles of uncultured archaea in carbon cycling in methane-seep sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 164, 35-52. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.05.003


Bowles, M.W., Mogollón, J.M., Kasten, S., Zabel, M., and Hinrichs, K.-H. (2014) Global rates of marine sulfate reduction and implications for sub–sea-floor metabolic activities. Science, 344, 889-891. doi:10.1126/science.1249213

Bühring, S. I., Kamp, A., Wörmer, L., Ho, S., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2014) Functional structure of laminated microbial sediments from a supratidal sandy beach of the German Wadden Sea (St. Peter-Ording). Journal of Sea Research, 85, 463–473. doi: 10.1016/j.seares.2013.08.001

Elling, F.J., Könneke, M., Lipp, J.S., Becker, K.W., Gagen, E.J., Hinrichs, K.-U. (2014) Effects of growth phase on the membrane lipid composition of the thaumarchaeon Nitrosopumilus maritimus and their implications for archaeal lipid distributions in the marine environment. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 141, 579-597. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2014.07.005

Liu, X.-L., Zhu, C., Wakeham, S.G., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2014) In situ production of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in anoxic marine water columns. Marine Chemistry, 166, 1–8. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2014.08.008

Meador, T.B., Gagen, E.J., Loscar, M.E., Goldhammer, T., Yoshinaga, M.Y., Wendt, J., Thomm, M., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2014) Thermococcus kodakarensis modulates its polar membrane lipids and elemental composition according to growth stage and phosphate availability. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5, 10. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00010

Meador, T.B., Zhu, C., Elling, F.J., Könneke, M., and Hinrichs, K-U. (2014) Identification of isoprenoidglycosidic glycerol dibiphytanoldiethers and indications for their biosynthetic origin. Organic Geochemistry, 69, 70-75. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2014.02.005

Probst, A.J., Weinmaier, T., Raymann, K., Perras, A., Emerson, J.B., Rattei, T., Wanner, G., Klingl, A., Berg, I.A., Yoshinaga, M., Viehweger, B., Hinrichs, K.-U., Thomas, B.C., Meck, S., Auerbach, A.K., Heise, M., Schintlmeister, A., Schmid, M., Wagner, M., Gribaldo, S., Banfield, J.F., and Moissl-Eichinger, C. (2014) Biology of a widespread uncultivated archaeon that contributes to carbon fixation in the subsurface. Nature communications, 5:5497. doi:10.1038/ncomms6497

Schmidt, F., Koch, B. P., Witt, M., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2014) Extending the analytical window for water-soluble organic matter in sediments by aqueous Soxhlet extraction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 141, 83-96. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.06.009

Wörmer, L., Elvert, M., Fuchser, J., Lipp, J.S., Buttigieg, P.L., Zabel, M., and Hinrichs, K.U. (2014) Ultra-high-resolution paleoenvironmental records via direct laser-based analysis of lipid biomarkers in sediment core samples. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 111 (44), 15669-15674. doi:10.1073/pnas.1405237111

Yoshinaga, M.Y., Holler, T., Goldhammer, T., Wegener, G., Pohlman, J.W., Brunner, B., Kuypers, M.M.M., Hinrichs, K.-U., and Elvert, M. (2014) Carbon isotope equilibration during sulphate-limited anaerobic oxidation of methane. Nature Geoscience, 7, 190-194. doi: 10.1038/ngeo2069

Zhu, C., Meador, T.B., Dummann, W., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2014) Identification of unusual butanetriol dialkyl glycerol tetraether and pentanetriol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipids in marine sediments. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 28, 332-338. doi: 10.1002/rcm.6792

Zhu, C., Yoshinaga, M.Y., Peters, C.A., Liu, X.-L., Elvert, M., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2014) Identification and significance of unsaturated archaeal tetraether lipids in marine sediments. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 28, 1144–1152. doi: 10.1002/rcm.6887


Becker, K.W., Lipp, J.S., Zhu, C., Liu, X.-L., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2013) An improved method for the analysis of archaeal and bacterial ether core lipids. Organic Geochemistry, 61, 34-44. doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2013.05.007

Gagen, E.J., Huber, H., Meador, T., Hinrichs, K.-U., and Thomm, M. (2013) Novel Cultivation-Based Approach To Understanding the Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group (MCG) Archaea from Sedimentary Ecosystems. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79, 6400-6406. doi: 10.1128/aem.02153-13

Lever, M.A., Rouxel, O., Alt, J.C., Shimizu, N., Ono, S., Coggon, R.M., Shanks, W.C., Lapham, L., Elvert, M., Prieto-Mollar, X., Hinrichs, K.-U., Inagaki, F., and Teske, A. (2013) Evidence for microbial carbon and sulfur cycling in deeply buried ridge flank basalt. Science, 339, 1305-1308. doi: 10.1126/science.1229240

Lin, Y.-S., Lipp, J.S., Elvert, M., Holler, T., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2013) Assessing production of the ubiquitous archaeal diglycosyl tetraether lipids in marine subsurface sediment using intramolecular stable isotope probing. Environmental Microbiology, 15 (5), 1634–1646. doi: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2012.02888.x

Wörmer, L., Lipp, J.S., Schröder, J.M., and Hinrichs K.-U. (2013) Application of two new LC-ESI-MS methods for improved detection of intact polar lipids (IPLs) in environmental samples. Organic Geochemistry, 59, 10-21. doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2013.03.004

Xie, S., Lazar, C.S., Lin, Y.S., Teske, A., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2013) Ethane- and propane-producing potential and molecular characterization of an ethanogenic enrichment in an anoxic estuarine sediment. Organic Geochemistry, 59, 37-48. doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2013.03.001

Xie, S., Lipp, J.S., Wegener, G., Ferdelman, T.G., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2013) Turnover of microbial lipids in the deep biosphere and growth of benthic archaeal populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 110(15), 6010-6014. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1218569110

Zhu, C., Lipp, J. S., Wörmer, L., Becker, K. W., Schröder, J., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2013) Comprehensive glycerol ether lipid fingerprints through a novel reversed phase liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry protocol. Organic Geochemistry, 65, 53–62. doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2013.09.012

Zhu, R., Evans, T.W., Wörmer, L., Lin, Y.-S., Zhu, C., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2013) Improved sensitivity of sedimentary phospholipid analysis resulting from a novel extract cleanup strategy. Organic Geochemistry, 65, 46–52. doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2013.10.002


Hinrichs, K.-U., and Inagaki, F. (2012) Downsizing the deep biosphere. Science, 338, 204-205. doi: 10.1126/science.1229296

Kellermann, M.Y., Wegener, G., Elvert, M., Yoshinaga, M.Y., Lin, Y.S., Holler, T., Prieto-Mollar, X., Knittel, K., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2012) Autotrophy as predominant mode of carbon fixation in thermophilic anaerobic methane-oxidizing microbial communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 109 (47), 19321-19326. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1208795109

Könneke, M., Lipp, J.S., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2012) Carbon isotope fractionation by the marine ammonia-oxidizing archaeon Nitrosopumilus maritimus. Organic Geochemistry, 48, 21-24. doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2012.04.007

Liu, X.L., Lipp, J.S., Schröder, J.M., Summons, R.E., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2012) Isoprenoidal glycerol dialkanol diethers: a series of novel archaeal lipids in marine sediments. Organic Geochemistry, 43, 50-55. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2011.11.002

Liu, X.L., Lipp, J.S., Simpson, J.H., Lin, Y.-S., Summons, R.E., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2012) Mono- and dihydroxyl Glycerol Dibiphytanyl Glycerol Tetraethers in marine sediments: identification of both core and intact polar lipid forms. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 89, 102-115. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.04.053

Liu, X.L., Summons, R.E., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2012) Extending the known range of glycerol ether lipids in the environment: structural assignments based on MS/MS fragmentation patterns. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 26, 2295-2302. doi: 10.1002/rcm.6355

Wegener, G., Bausch, M., Holler, T., Thang, N.M., Prieto Mollar, X., Kellermann, M.Y., Hinrichs, K.-U., and Boetius, A. (2012) Assessing sub-seafloor microbial activity by combined stable isotope probing with deuterated water and 13C-bicarbonate. Environmental Microbiology, 14, 1517-1527. doi: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2012.02739.x

Wörmer, L.-P., Cirés, S., Velázquez, D., Quesada, A., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2012) Cyanobacterial heterocyst glycolipids in cultures and environmental samples: Diversity and biomarker potential. Limnology and Oceanography, 57, 1775-1788. doi: 10.4319/lo.2012.57.06.1775

Yoshinaga, M.Y., Wörmer, L., Elvert, M., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2012) Novel cardiolipins from uncultured methane-metabolizing archaea. Archaea. Article ID 832097. doi:10.1155/2012/832097


Schubotz, F., Lipp, J.S., Elvert, M., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2011) Stable carbon isotopic compositions of intact polar lipids of hydrocarbon degrading microbial communities at the Chapopote asphalt volcano in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(16), 4399-4415. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2011.05.018

Yoshinaga, M.Y., Kellermann, M.Y., Rossel, P.E., Schubotz, F., Lipp, J.S., and Hinrichs, K.-U. (2011) Systematic fragmentation patterns of archaeal intact polar lipids by HPLC-ESI-IT-MS. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 25, 3563–3574. doi: 10.1002/rcm.5251