Click image to see chronological list of

PhD defenses


MSc defenses



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Rishi Adhikari 2013-2019 Research associate; DFG-Project Bengal Fan (2016-2018)
Susanne Alfken 2019-2023 Research scientist (ERC Project "ZOOMecular", EXC "Ocean Floor"); next position at Bruker Daltonics
Marshall Bowles 2011-2013 MARUM Cluster Fellow; after MARUM: LUMCON, USA
Solveig Bühring 2004-2010 MARUM Cluster Fellow; next position: Emmy No­ether Group "Hydrothermal Geomicrobiology"
Sarah Coffinet 2016-2020 Research scientist; after MARUM: Marie-Curie Fellow at CNRS (Université Rennes)
Friederike Ebersbach 2015-2018 Research associate; Central Research Development Fund; after MARUM: Private industry
Thomas Evans 2021-2022 Research scientist (EXC "Ocean Floor"); next position: Shell B.V. Nederland
Martin Könneke 2012-2021 Senior scientist, DFG-Heisenberg Group "Archaeal Life in the Ocean" (since 2016), after MARUM: Prof. for "Benthic Microbiology" at ICBM
Yu-Shih Lin 2009-2012 Research scientist; after MARUM: National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
Xiaolei-Liu 2011-2014

Research scientist; after MARUM: MIT; University of Oklahoma, USA

Rainer Lohmann Jan-Nov 2004 Fulbright Research Fellow; after MARUM: University of Rhode Island, USA
Xiaoxia Lü 2013-2014 Research fellow, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Travis Meador 2010-2017 Research associate; ERC Project "DARCLIFE", DFG-Project PAPAA; after MARUM: Soil & Water Research Infrastructure, Biology Centre CAS, Czechia
Tiffany Napier 2019-2021 Research scientist (Project Indian Monsoon variability); after MARUM: Syracuse University, USA
Eoghan Reeves 2010-2012 MARUM Cluster Fellow, after MARUM: University of Bergen
Frauke Schmidt 2011-2016 Research associate; ERC Project "DARCLIFE"
Nadine Smit 2021-2023 Research scientist (EXC "Ocean Floor"); next position at Bruker Daltonics
Gerardus Versteegh 2009-2014 DFG Project MOCCHA II (2008-2011); DFG-Heisenberg-Group "From Biomolecule to Geomolecule"; next position: Marine Geochemistry group at AWI
Marcos Yoshinaga 2008-2016 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (2008-2010), Postdoc Researcher (2010-2016); after MARUM: University of Sao Paulo
Chun (Charlie) Zhu 2010-2014 MARUM Cluster Fellow; after MARUM: Cardiff University, UK; ExxonMobil
Qing-Zeng Zhu 2019-2024 Research scientist (EXC "Ocean Floor"); next position at Stockholm University


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Susanne Alfken 2019

Refining molecular stratigraphythroughmass spectrometry imaging of sedimentsat sub-millimeter resolution.
Next position: MARUM (AG Hinrichs)

Kevin Becker 2016

Biogeo­chem­ical sig­ni­fic­ance and bio­marker po­ten­tial of novel gly­cer­ol­ipids and res­pir­at­ory qinones in the mar­ine en­vir­on­ment.
Next positions: Woods Hole, USA; GEOMAR, Kiel

Jonas Brünjes 2023

Petroleum-derived dissolved organic matter from seepage in deep sea sediments. Next position: University of Toronto

Felix Elling 2016

Factors con­trolling the lipid com­pos­i­tion of mar­ine plank­tonic Thrau­marchae­ota.
Next positions: Harvard, USA; Molecular Geobiology Group at CAU Kiel

Tobias Ertefai 2009 The biogeo­chem­ical sig­ni­fic­ance of gaseous hy­dro­car­bons sorbed to mar­ine sed­i­ments.
Thomas W. Evans 2017

Tra­cing the ef­fect of nu­tri­ent and car­bon sup­ply on the bio­syn­thesis and com­pos­i­tion of lip­ids from mar­ine mi­crobes. Next position: MIT, USA

Shuchai Gan 2018 The im­pact of biogeo­chem­ical pro­cesses on the com­pos­i­tion of dis­solved or­ganic mat­ter in mar­ine sub­sur­face sed­i­ments.
Oliver Helten 2024 Disposal of heat-emitting high-level nuclear waste in claystone formations: a hot topic tackled by heating experiments with Opalinus Clay.
Matthias Kellermann 2012 Lipid bio­molecules re­veal pat­terns of mi­cro­bial meta­bol­ism in ex­treme en­vir­on­ments. After MARUM: UC Santa Barbara, USA
Arne Leider 2012 Lipid bio­marker prox­ies: Cal­ib­ra­tion and ap­plic­a­tion at the south­ern Italian shelf (Cent­ral Medi­ter­ranean). Next position: MPI Biogechemistry, Jena and MARUM
Yu-Shih Lin 2009 In vitro study of mi­cro­bial car­bon cyc­ling in sub­sea­floor sed­i­ments. Next position: MARUM (postdoc)
Julius Lipp 2008 Intact membrane lipids as tracers for microbial life in the marine deep biosphere. Next position: MARUM (AG Hinrichs)
Xiaolei Liu 2011 Gly­cerol ether lip­ids in sed­i­ments: sources, di­versity and im­plic­a­tions. Next position: MARUM (postdoc)
Pamela Rossel 2009 Mi­cro­bial com­munit­ies per­form­ing an­aer­obic ox­id­a­tion of meth­ane: di­versity of lipid sig­na­tures and hab­it­ats. After MARUM: ICBM, University of Oldenburg, Germany; GFZ Potsdam
Frauke Schmidt 2009 Mo­lecu­lar level stud­ies on the dis­tri­bu­tion and fate of or­ganic mat­ter at con­tin­ental mar­gins. Next position: MARUM (AG Hinrichs)
Jan Schröder 2015

Biogeo­chem­ical sig­ni­fic­ance and bio­marker po­ten­tial of novel gly­cer­ol­ipids and res­pir­at­ory qinones in the mar­ine en­vir­on­ment. Next position: Private industry

Florence Schubotz 2009 Mi­cro­bial com­munity char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion and car­bon turnover in meth­ane-rich mar­ine en­vir­on­ments - case stud­ies in the Gulf of Mex­ico and the Black Sea. Next positions: MIT, USA; MARUM (AG Hinrichs)
Julio C. Sepulveda 2008 Eco­lo­gical and en­vir­on­mental con­sequences of Oceanic An­oxic Events and the Creta­ceous-Pa­leo­gene mass ex­tinc­tion event: a mo­lecu­lar-iso­topic ap­proach. After MARUM: University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Min Song 2020 Gaseous hydrocarbon cycling and lipid biogeochemistry in cold and hot seep sediments. After MARUM: University of Toronto (Sherwood Lollar Research Group)
Gunter Wegener 2008 Methane oxidation and carbon assimilation in marine sediments. Next position: MPI Bremen
Weichao Wu 2018 Mi­cro­bial activ­ity in mar­ine sed­i­ment con­strained via lipid-based stable iso­tope prob­ing. After MARUM: Uni Göttingen
Sitan Xie 2012 Or­ganic-geo­chem­ical stud­ies of mi­cro­bial lip­ids and car­bon flow in oxy­gen-de­fi­cient mar­ine en­vir­on­ments.
Rong Zhu 2014 Cell wall com­pon­ents and in­tact mem­brane lip­ids as prox­ies for in­vest­ig­a­tions of mi­cro­bial com­munit­ies in the deep bio­sphere. After MARUM: ETH Zürich
Qing-Zeng Zhu 2019 Stable carbon isotopic studies of microbial lipids from distinct geochemical marine environments. Next position: Postdoc (EXC "Ocean Floor")
Guangchao Zhuang 2014 Methylo­trophic meth­ano­gen­esis and po­ten­tial methyl­ated sub­strates in mar­ine sed­i­ments. After MARUM: Ocean University of China, Qingdao


Rebecca Aepfler 2015 Position-specific 13C labeling in amino acids: A versatile tool to decipher lipid biosynthetic pathways and microbial community response in marine environments.
Oluwatobi Akinrinmade 2022 Intact Polar Lipids as life signals in the deep biosphere of
Lake Constance, Germany.
Susanne Alfken 2015 Laser-based assessment of short-term climate fluctuations - Validation and application of LDI FTICR-MS as a tool for ultra-high-resolution molecular stratigraphy. Next position: PhD student
Marlene Bausch 2008 Mo­lecu­lar sig­na­tures of bio­lo­gical soil crusts and salt lakes of South Aus­tralia.
Kevin Becker 2011 Im­proved chro­ma­to­graphic sep­ar­a­tion of ar­chaeal Gly­cerol Dial­kyl Gly­cerol Tet­raethers and its ap­plic­a­tion to sed­i­ments from the Medi­ter­ranean and Black Seas. Next position: PhD student
Brenna Boehman 2019 Fine-scale timing of environmental changes at the BA-YD transition in the Cariaco Basin revealed by molecular stratigraphy at sub-annual resolution.
Janina Bösche 2020 A comprehensive study of molecular signatures associated with the anoxic oxidation of methane in the deep biosphere off Argentina. Next position: PhD student (EXC "Ocean Floor")
Nadine Broda 2014 Ef­fect of growth tem­per­at­ure on mo­lecu­lar and stable car­bon iso­topic com­pos­i­tion of the ther­mo­philic genus Ammonifex. Next position: Universität Oldenburg
Jonas Brünjes 2018 Experimental studies on the fate of dissolved petroleum compounds of a natural asphalt seep in the Gulf of Mexico. Next position: PhD student (MARUM)
Nadine Buchs 2008 Analysis of prokaryotic biomass in the marine deep subsurface by lipid-based methods.
Farukh Bukhari 2023 The rhizosphere microbiome of salt marshes: dependency on vegetation cover and impact on methane fluxes.
Felix Elling 2012 Mi­cro­bial car­bon cyc­ling in the hy­per­saline an­oxic Orca Basin, north­ern Gulf of Mex­ico. Next position: PhD student
Niroshan Gajendra 2018 High-res­ol­u­tion ima­ging of bio­marker dis­tri­bu­tions in mi­cro­bial mats of the Yel­low­stone Na­tional Park. Next position: ETH Zurich (PhD student)
Nestor Gaviria 2018 Spatial distribution and structural variation of IPLs in Guaymas Basin sediments.
Sebastian Gfellner 2020 Opening the archives of lipid biomarkers and molecular proxies in living microbial mats and corals and their corresponding carbonate facies via (MA)LDI-FTICR-MS
Nadine Goldenstein 2012 Mi­cro­bial eco­logy in deep sea hy­dro­thermal vent sys­tems: A novel ap­proach for lipid bio­marker stud­ies on hy­dro­thermal sulf­ide de­pos­its.
Andreas Greve 2016 High res­ol­u­tion ima­ging of spa­tially struc­tured mi­cro­bial com­munit­ies with LDI-FTICR-MS and μXRF: bio­marker dis­tri­bu­tion and ele­mental map­ping in Ant­arc­tic mi­cro­bial mats on the mi­cro­meter scale. Next position: MPI Bremen (PhD student)
Janina Groninga 2021 Micrometer-scaled vertical profiling of microbial communities in the hydrothermal sediments of the Guaymas Basin using high-resolution mass spectrometry imaging of intact polar lipids.
Kai Hachmann 2020 Lipid and metabolite analysis of 13C incubations and environmental samples targeting iron coupled AOM in lake sediments.
Corinna Harms 2008 Di­versity of in­tact po­lar lip­ids in an ex­treme acidic en­vir­on­ment: The Río Tinto, Spain (Diplom).
Oliver Helten 2018 Abi­otic, mi­cro­bial sub­strate gen­er­a­tion from Nankai Trough sed­i­ment­ary or­ganic mat­ter through high P-T hydrous pyro­lysis ex­per­i­ments. Next position: BGR Hannover and PhD student at AG Hinrichs
Stanislav Jabinski 2018 De­vel­op­ment of a method to track mi­cro­bial activ­ity by ul­tra-high mi­cro­bial activ­ity by ul­tra-high res­ol­u­tion mass spec­tro­metry iso­tope pat­tern match­ing. Next position: Biology Centre CAS (PhD student)
Matthias Kellermann 2008 Lipid bio­mark­ers of thio­trophic and meth­an­o­trophic sym­bionts in dif­fer­ent Ba­thy­mo­dio­lus mus­sel spe­cies: che­mi­cal and iso­to­pic ana­ly­sis. Next position: PhD student
Gina Kuipers 2013 Dual stable isotope probing using the labels 13C-bicarbonate and D2O to investigate archaeal metabolic pathways.
Palash Kumawat 2022 Characterization of microbial lipid patterns in serpentinite seafloor deposits. Next position: PhD student
Dan-Frederik Lange 2020 Water column turnover of position-specifically 13C-labelled amino acids in the shelf region off Cape Blanc
Arne Leider 2007 High-res­ol­u­tion stud­ies of lipid bio­mark­ers de­pos­ited dur­ing Oceanic An­oxic Event 3 (OAE 3) in the west­ern trop­ical At­lantic (Dem­er­ara rise, ODP Leg 207 site 1259C). Next position: PhD student
Alex Manthey 2022 Changes in biosignatures of microbial communities associated to active and inactive vents at the East Pacific Rise.
Lara Meyer 2018 Comparing microbial signatures in modern and ancient serpentinite-systems.
Tobias Mohr 2005 Intact polar lipids as biomarkers for microbial ecology in
anoxic freshwater environments.
Lukas Mühlena 2020 Investigating the biosynthesis of novel tetraether-based membrane lipids in the methanogen M. luminyensis by combining stable isotope probing with high-resolution mass spectrometry.
Nina Rohlfs 2019 Molecular-proxy based calibration of ocean paleothermometers for mass spectrometry imaging based applications.
Lea Schabernack 2024 Analysis of Dipicolinic Acid by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry: A new Method for the Investigation of Endospores in deep, hot Sediments of the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California (IODP Expedition 385).
Florence Schubotz 2005 Investigation of intact polar lipids of bacteria isolated from the deep marine subsurface.
Christopher Schwerdhelm (former Vogel) 2018 Un­rav­el­ing amino acid turnover in a sub­mar­ine shal­low-wa­ter hy­dro­thermal en­vir­on­ment ap­ply­ing po­s­i­tion-spe­cific stable iso­tope prob­ing of fatty acids. Next position: Geomicrobiology Group U Tübingen (PhD student)
Sina Simon 2016 Degradation of polyethylene by microorganisms from North Sea sediment.
Nadine Smit 2015 Geochemical characterization of asphalt deposits in the Campeche Bay (southern Gulf of Mexico)- Insights in the persistence of heavy oil in the marine environment. Next position: NIOZ (PhD student)
Tim Stoltmann 2014 Im­ple­ment­a­tion and val­id­a­tion of a new IRIS for the ana­lysis of dis­solved in­or­ganic car­bon in mar­ine pore wa­ters. Next position: Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (PhD student)
Florian Sulz 2017 Pathways for the export of archaeal lipids in the upwelling area off Cape Blanc, NW Africa, coast of Mauritania.
Stefanie Tille 2006 Mo­lecu­lar and iso­topic in­vest­ig­a­tions about the early dia­gen­esis in mar­ine sed­i­ments: volat­ile fatty acids as key meta­bol­ites in the deep bio­sphere (Diplom).
Monika Trümper 2005 Lake sed­i­ments as archives for at­mo­spher­ic­ally trans­por­ted pol­lut­ants and aquatic eco­lo­gical changes in the in­dus­trial era (1800 - present) (Diplom).
Konrad Winkels 2018 Investigation of monosaccharide diversity in the glycosidic headgroups of microbial membrane lipids.
Tianyi Wu 2018 The im­pact of min­eral phase on the de­tect­ab­il­ity of lipid bio­mark­ers by Laser De­sorp­tion Ion­iz­a­tion Mass Spec­tro­metry.
Yannick Zander 2023

Seeking seasonal signals in geochemical compounds at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in MSI data from the Cariaco Basin. Next position: PhD student

Jasper Zöbelein 2021 The applicability of qToF-MS based methods to analyse isotopically labelled lipids demonstrated on Escherichia coli.

Other positions

Jessica Arndt 2009-2016 Technician
Nadine Goldenstein 2013-2017 PhD student
Raika Himmelsbach 2009-2014 Technician
Laura Hmelo 2003-2004 Technician, after MARUM: Woods Hole, MIT-WHOI Joint Program
Stefanie Luers 2006-2008 Technician
Evert Kramer 2011-2022 Computing officer
Xavier Prieto 2004-2021 Technician, next position at BfR (Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung)
Birgit Schmincke 2002-2017 Secretary
Bernhard Viehweger 2016-2019 PhD student, next: Thünen-Institut, Bremerhaven
Jin-Xiang Wang 2015-2017 PhD student

Birgit Schmincke

Secretary from 2002 - August 2017

Birgit was one of the first members who built up the HinrichsLab. She was always highly appreciated as a competent, helpful and friendly colleague and group member until her death in August 2017.

Foto BSchmincke