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(Lutz Hecht, Gerold Wefer)

Session 9.1.: Archaeometry and monument conservation

Klaus Bente (Universities of Tübingen and Leipzig), Christoph Berthold (University of Tübingen), Susanne Greiff (RGZM)

Archaeometry has become a well-established field between science and the humanities. Among others, many methods used in mineralogy, geochemistry, petrography and crystallography are suitable for studies of all kinds of antique materials. The variety and complexity of archaeological predominantly of inorganic artifacts need a broad range of analytical tools to answer archaeological questions concerning geological settings and provenance of raw materials, manufacturing processes and their products, dating as well as time and regionally depending cultural developments.
Also studies due to of monuments and museological objects e.g. weathering processes need conservation and restauration procedures, preservation of wall paintings, plasters and mortars which are closely related to archaeomineralogy too. For corresponding topics we invite contributions due to the whole field of archaeometry and monument conservation as well as new material science analytics and cluster analyses. Also, contributions regarding the innovative methods and especially non-destructive and mobile field analytical techniques are welcome.


Session 9.2: New developments in science communication

Herbert Münder, Universum® Bremen; Gerold Wefer, MARUM University of Bremen, Lutz Hecht, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

Science contributes significantly to the development of the society and the economy. An even closer dialogue between science and the population has to be established for the future. Up to now, scientific communication has focused primarily on teaching research results. Here, there must be a greater participation of the public, including discussion of chances and risks of research. Not only research results, but also knowledge processes in science have to be mediated. For this purpose, targeted concepts, participation and dialog formats have to be developed, tailored to the entire population but also to individual target groups such as schools, kindergartens or elderly citizens. The aim of this session is to present and discuss new or innovative initiatives of scientific communication, such as houses of science, new exhibitions concepts, marketing concepts, school programs, Citizen Science, or concepts for better participation of the population in research processes. The lectures and poster contributions can be in English or German.