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FT1. Muddy waters - Coastal dynamics of the tidal Weser and Elbe estuaries

Marius Becker & Gerald Herrling, MARUM; University of Bremen
September 28

This one-day trip on thursday will take you to sites at the German Bight North Sea coast. We will visit dikes, tidal mudflats and locations at the outer estuaries of the Weser and Elbe rivers with a lunch break in Bremerhaven.
The tour is for up to 14 participants (two university busses) and costs 20€ (bus, ferry, lunch).

Start: 9:00, University of Bremen, Building MARUM, Leobenerstr. 8, 28359 Bremen
End: back to MARUM, Leobenerstr. 8, approximately 17:30

FT2. Steel mill Bremen – one of the most productive factories of Arcelor Mittal

Michael Wendschuh

After a short presentation of the company and the vocational opportunities for geo and material scientists in steel industry you'll get to see the entire steel making process - from the raw material delivery to the product shipping in the harbour via various production sequences, including the blast furnace, hot rolling mill, slag treatment as well as analysis and testing facilities.
Please make sure to wear sturdy shoes and suitable clothing, especially long trousers for this trip. Safety equipment will be provided by the company.
The guided tour will be in German, with translations for non-German-speaking participants.

Date 28.9.2017

Start: 8:30 Klagenfurter Str., Wendekreis
Begin of the tour: 9:00 Karl-Benz-Str. 30 (Hauptverwaltung)
End of the tour: ca. 12:30
Return to Klagenfurter Str.: ca. 13:00
Number of Participants: min 10, max 20
Fee: 15,- Euro

FT3. Moor Gnarrenburg – Geo- and Biotope

This field trip had to be cancelled

Joachim Blankenburg, Geologischer Dienst für Bremen
September 28

The “Teufelsmoor” (Devil’s Moor) extends across the region northeast of Bremen. Its total area of 361 km2 makes it the largest marsh area in Lower Saxony, with 42% low fen and 58% raised bog. The moors are primarily used for agriculture, but there are also some peat excavation areas. In the area of the Gnarrenburg Moor, a part of the raised bog has been preserved in its near-natural state. The Huvenhoop Lake has been protected as an important geotope. In the surrounding area there is a large peat-mining district that is presently in various stages of reclamation. The 13.73 km2 protected area includes the Huvenhoop Lake and the excavation area that is being restored. The excursion will include a description of the geotope from an overlook point, a walk across the waterlogged peat-mining areas, and finally, an introduction to the moor “discovery trail”.

For the walking (4 km length) you will need sturdy shoes. The other half of the way (4 km) will be covered by train.

08:00 Start in Bremen, University, MARUM, Leobenerstr. 8

Arrival at Forstort

09:00 – 09:50 walk to the overlook point, 1300m
10:00 – 12:15 tour by special train to the Gnarrenburger Moor, 4000 m

Peat factory Gnarrenburg

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break
13:45 – 14:45 walk to the geotope Huvenhoopssee, 700 m

Lunch break:
Hotel Brümmers Landhaus
Friedrichsdorf 58
27442 Gnarrenburg Langenhausen

Suggested meals: Choice of one meat dish or one vegetarian dish with a drink
Schnitzel with fried potatoes and salad
Vegetable soup with baguette (vegetarian)

Max. number of participants: 40
Expenses: 50 Euro

FT4. North Sea island Helgoland

Torsten Bickert, MARUM, University of Bremen
September, 28

In a day trip it is offered to visit the rocky island of Helgoland. Situated on the NE flank of a salt dome of Zechstein evaporites, the main island together with its smaller part, the Dune, allows to study the Mesozoic to Quaternary sedimentary and structural development of the SE North Sea region. A review on historic studies combined with new aspects on the facies and mineralogy of Buntsandstein deposits will be presented on the famous western cliff of Helgoland towards the Lange Anna, complemented by a short inspection of the mineral and fossil collections of the local museum. The field trip covers in particular
  • the sedimentology, facies and lithostratigraphy of the Buntsandstein deposits
  • copper mineralisation and mining on the island
  • structural features associated with salt tectonics, embedded in the structural development of the SE North Sea
  • erosion, coastal morphology, war damages, actual problems of island protection
Schedule of the day:
08:30 bus transfer to Cuxhaven, start: MARUM, University of Bremen, Leobenerstr. 8., 28359 Bremen
10:15 ferry to Helgoland, on board introduction to the geology and history of Helgoland
12:45 field trip to the western cliff of Helgoland
14:30 scenic walk on the upper plateau, younger history of the island
15:00 visit of mineral and fossil collections of the local museum
16:15 return to Cuxhaven
19:30 arrival in Bremen

Number of participants 24
Estimated costs incl. lunch EUR 90,-

FT5. Spiekeroog: Geology, Sedimentology and Aktuopaleontology of a Barrier Island & A day on the Jade Bay with R/V Senckenberg

André Freiwald, Achim Wehrmann, Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven
September 28-29

Day 1: The full-day excursion will give insight into the Holocene evolution of the Wadden Sea and it’s principle (bio-)sedimentary processes following a transect from the backbarrier tidal flats to the salt marshes and eolian dunes ending at the seaward-exposed beach of the island. Special emphasis is given to:
  • Holocene evolution of the barrier island system
  • barrier islands in mesotidal regimes
  • response of tidal inlets to changes in coastline/tidal basin
  • saltmarshes & eolian dunes: vegetation-controlled sedimentation
  • back-/foreshore morphodynamics
  • subsurface geology

The field trip has a walking distance of 10 km.

Day 2: A day on the Jade Bay with R/V SENCKENBERG. We will show the geological and historical peculiarities of the Jade Bay and demonstrate selected sampling equipment.

Accomodation for two nights is prepared in the guesthouse of Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven, 27. and 28.9.

You have to organize the trip from Bremen to Wilhelmshaven on Sept. 27 by yourself. Please be at the guesthouse (just beside the institute) not later than 20:00 (8 pm) to get rooms and keys.

Total 16 Persons
Expenses per person (including fees and accommodation): € 90.

The field trip will start/end in Wilhelmshaven at the institute Senckenberg am Meer,
Südstrand 40, 26382 Wilhelmshaven

FT6. Devonian Volcanoes and Reefs of the Rhenohercynian Basin (Lahn-Dill Syncline)

This field trip had to be cancelled

Rüdiger Henrich, Wolfgang Bach, Department of Geosciences, University of Bremen
September 28-30

We offer a 3-day field trip to the Lahn and Dill river valleys in central Germany. This area in the middle of the Rhenohercynian fold belt features striking examples of Devonian rift-related magmatisms and the development of related iron-oxide deposits and large reef complexes. We will visit some of the classic outcrops with impressive exposures of Middle Devonian volcanic formations (lava flows, pyroclastic rocks, Lahn-Dill-type Fe-oxide deposits) and atolls, where we will discuss facies associations, ecology, and depositional processes. Visits of the Fortuna iron-oxide mine (last mine to close in the area in 1983) and the stalactite cave “Herbstlabyrinth” are part of the program.

The field trip will begin Thursday, September 28th, at 8 am. Transfer to the field site will be by mini-busses. Field program will start at 12 am on the 28th and continue through Saturdays, September 30th at 5 pm.
Lodging for the group will be taken care of (single-rooms).
The total costs of approximately 230€ per person will cover transportation and two nights of lodging, including breakfast.

FT7. Baltic Sea islands: Rügen and Usedom

This field trip had to be cancelled

PD Dr Gösta Hoffmann (Steinmann Institut, Universität Bonn),

Baltic Sea development, deglaciation history, glacio-isostatic adjustment, tectonic geomorphology, coastal dynamics, Cretaceous chalk cliffs


This fieldtrip is scheduled for 2.5 days.
The trip will start and end in the historic town of Greifswald, located between the islands of Rügen and Usedom on the southern Baltic Sea.
Self-responsible travel to Greifswald after the conference (either on Wednesday, 27.09. or on Thursday, 28.09.)
Start of fieldtrip: Thursday 28.09.2017, 14:00 market place of Greifswald
Accommodation: there is a wide range of accommodation in the city centre of Greifswald available.
Hotel Kronprinz:
Pension Das Sofa:
Jugendherberge Greifswald:

Thursday 28.09.2017: Climb of cathedral tower and landscape overview; walk to the historic city centre and along the Ryck River to the fisher village of Wieck. Visit of the famous Geologenkeller Greifswald. Distance. Approximately 10 km.
Friday 29.09.2017: Bus excursion to Usedom Island. Sedimentological evidence for glacio isotatic induced seismicity along a cliff section on the lagoon side of the island. Coastal dynamics and coastal protection along the open sea coast. Visit of the huge open air exhibition of glacial erratics at Neu Pudagla.
Saturday 30.09.2017: Bus excursion to the island of Rügen. Walk along the Upper Cretaceous chalk cliffs of Jasmund National Park. Visit of cliff sections along Mönchgut Peninsula.
Return to Greifswald at 18.00
End of trip

Max. number of participants: 25
Fee: 150 Euro (this is for on-site transportation only). You have to book your trip to Greifswald and your accommodation yourself; costs for board and lodging are additional.

FT8. The Quaternary of Schleswig-Holstein – new sites (DEUQUA field trip)

Alf Grube (Geologisches Landesamt Hamburg)
September 28-30

Die Exkursion führt in eines der klassischen Gebiete der Quartärgeologie Deutschlands. Die Basis der quartären Ablagerungen in Schleswig-Holstein bilden vielerorts die Salzstöcke. Im Falle des Salzstockes Elmshorn hat die vermutlich bis heute anhaltende Aufwärtsbewegung die heutige Erdoberfläche maßgeblich geprägt. Im Bereich der Liether Kalkgrube sind durch Tektonik und Verkarstung Fallenstrukturen gebildet worden, so dass u. a. Ablagerungen des Alt-Quartärs und der prä-Elster-I Esing-Till im Aufschluss untersucht werden können. Periglaziale Bildungen werden in Form von Groß-Frostkeilpseudomorphosen vorgestellt. Im Bereich des Schalkholzer Zungenbeckens (nahe Tellingstedt) sind glazialtektonische Verstellungen sowie ein Eem-Interglazial-Aufschluss aufgeschlossen. In der Nachbarschaft zur Salzstruktur Peißen-Gnutz wird das Thema Neotektonik diskutiert, in diesem Falle in saalezeitlichen Ablagerungen.

Im Bereich der Farbeberge (Nindorf, NW´ Hohenwestedt) wurden hydrogeologische Aspekte in Zusammenhang mit Glazialtektonik sowie der Bildung von Quellmoorkuppen mit Quellkalkbildungen der Eem-Warmzeit und des Holozäns untersucht. Bei Halloh-Latendorf (E´ Großenaspe) können im Bereich eines landschaftlich schönen und gut erhaltenen Dünengebietes Bodenbildungen sowie jungholozäne Dünen-Dynamik und anthropogene Einflüsse erörtert werden. Ein Perlschnur-Esker bei Ritzerau (NW´ Nusse) gibt Anlass zur Thematisierung von Aspekten der Esker-Genese, glazifluviatiler Sedimentation und des praktischen Geotopschutzes. Der Segrahner Berg ist ein auch landschaftlich bemerkenswerter Saale-zeitlicher Stauchkomplex mit hangenden Kames-/Becken-Ablagerungen der Weichsel-Kaltzeit.

Der Rappenberg / Wiershop (NE´Geesthacht) stellt eine Jung-Saalezeitliche Stauchmoräne dar, in der glazitektonisch verstellte Tills der Elster-Kaltzeit und mehrere Tills des Saale-Komplexes aufgeschlossen sind. Der letzte Stop der Exkursion zeigt den Bereich Lütjensee / Seebergen. Hier sind in einer einmaligen landschaftlichen Kulisse Formen der Eis-Desintegration, wie Esker und Kames, zu finden, ebenso wie eine Reihe von parallelen subglazial angelegten Tälern mit glazilimnischen Ablagerungen und Strangmooren.

Die Exkursion beginnt am Donnerstag, den 28.9.2017 um 8:30 Uhr am Bahnhof Hamburg/Berliner Tor und endet dort am Sonnabend, den 03.09.2017 um spätestens 14:30 Uhr. Der Exkursionsbeitrag beinhaltet die Unkosten für den Transport in Kleinbussen sowie zwei Übernachtungen in Doppelzimmern. Er beträgt ca. EUR 160,- für DEUQUA-Mitglieder bzw. EUR 190,- für Nichtmitglieder. Optional können Einzelzimmer (plus ca. EUR 30,-: solange das begrenzte Angebot reicht) hinzugebucht werden. Studentische Mitglieder der DEUQUA erhalten eine Reduktion von EUR 60,-, finanziert durch die Nachwuchsförderung der DEUQUA. Das Platzangebot ist begrenzt und die Vergabe erfolgt in Reihenfolge des Eingangs der Anmeldungen. Bitte schicken Sie eine E-Mail mit ihren Buchungswünschen bis 30. Juni 2017 an: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]

FT9: Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Valanginian of Bockstedt

Michael-Peter Suess, Dieter Kaufmann (Wintershall, Kassel)

September 28

Wintershall is Germany's largest internationally active crude oil and natural gas producer. We explore and produce oil and gas in Europe, North Africa, South America, Russia, and the Middle East. We have been active for over 85 years and have a workforce more than about 2,000 employees from more than 50 nationalities. As a wholly owned subsidiary of the chemical group BASF, we base our success on our technical know-how, innovation and strong international partnerships. Being active in both southern and northern Germany, the headquater of Wintershall Germany is located in Barnstorf, about 60 km south of from Bremen.

This field trip will lead us to the production sites of the Valanginian of Bockstedt near Barnstorf. The Bockstedt field is located at the boundary between the Northern Saxony Basin (to the South) and the Pompeckj Block (to the North). The trap is generated by a fault-bound anticline (rollover at trust fault) under transpression. The target reservoir is consisting of the Valanginian Dichotomiten Schichten (KRVL.DIS) deposited as shallow marine coastal bars. Wintershall carries out experiments to enhance the oil recovery of an oil-field being under production for more than 50 years. Wintershall is investigating the application of Shizophyllan a natural, fully degradable, biopolymer derived from the fungus schizophyllum commune. The biopolymer allows to control the flow of the water in the depleted reservoir from injectors to the production wells.

After visiting the injection site we will visit the core-shed in Barnstorf to look at cores and discuss the relationship between reservoir quality, depletion and enhanced methods of oil recovery.

For more info:

Snacks and drinks for lunch are provided by Wintershall Holding.

Total: 25 persons (plus 2 guides)

Expenses per person: € 25.

09:00 Start at Bremen, University, MARUM, Leobenerstr. 8
10:15 Arrival at Barnstorf
10:30 HSE briefing
10:45 Transfer to the Bockstedt Test site
11:00 Introduction to the field and the basic EOR methodology, visit of the injection site
12:00 Transfer back to Barnstorf
12:15 Lunch
13:00 Presentation of the Geology and development of the Bockstedt field
14:00 Visit of the core-shed and cores from the Bockstedt wells
15:00 Departure from Barnstorf
16:15 Arrival at Bremen, University, MARUM, Leobenerstr. 8