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(Stefan Weyer, Torsten Kleine, Carsten Münker)

Session 6.1: Cosmochemistry / planetology / asteroidal processes

Dominik Hezel (University of Köln), Christoph Burkhardt (University of Münster)

We invite everyone working in the field of meteoritics, cosmochemistry, asteroidal processes, protoplanetary disk evolution as well as observation of young stellar objects, interstellar matter or protoplanetary disks to present his or her latest findings. There is currently no basic canonical concept of how the early solar system evolved, as for example plate tectonics in geosciences or evolution in life sciences. We therefore encourage all contributors to include their view on the evolution of the early solar system, based on their results and/or overall research.


Session 6.2: Earth interior – mantle and core

Stephan Klemme (University of Münster), Christopher Beyer (University of Bochum)

Understanding the chemical and mineralogical composition of the Earth’s mantle and core is fundamental to constrain the evolution and dynamics of the Earth’s interior. In this rather broadly themed session, we aim to bring together researchers with petrological, geochemical and geophysical backgrounds who study rocks or processes relevant to the Earth’s interior using experimental, theoretical or computational methods. Relevant topics include but are not limited to: Experimental and computational studies of phase relations and phase transitions in mantle or core, geochemical or petrological studies of mantle rocks, high-pressure mineral physics or theoretical studies relevant to core formation, experimental and petrological studies on volatiles cycling between mantle reservoirs, etc.


Session 6.3: Early crust

Elis Hoffmann (FU Berlin), Axel Gerdes (University of Frankfurt)

Archean continental crust makes up less than 5% of our present continents and its formation mechanisms are highly controversial. It includes high-grade gneiss terranes and greenstone belts that offer a unique oportunity to serve as a window into Earth’s early geodynamic processes. Here, we invite contributions from various Earth science disciplines including field geology, geochemistry, geochronology, petrology and geodynamics which address the (1) the formation processes of early continental crust, (2) the metamorphic history of early crust, (3) the formation and composition of Archean greenstones and associated metasediments as well as (4) studies about the interaction of the early crust with the athmosphere.


Session 6.4: Precambrian biotic and environmental (co-)evolution

Benjamin Nettersheim, Arne Leider, Christian Hallmann (all: MARUM & MPI for Biogeochemistry, Bremen)

In this proposed session we invite all submissions dealing with the evolution of life and/or environmental conditions during the Precambrian. The fundament for a modern Earth system evolved during this early period that covers >85% of Earth history. A solid understanding of ecological processes during this early period can fundamentally aid our understanding of more recent Earth history. Presentations will not be limited to any specific discipline but should have a solid connection to our understanding of Precambrian life or surface environments—e.g. organic or inorganic geochemistry, palynology, sedimentology, isotope geochemistry. The session will not focus on crustal, petrological or tectonic aspects of the Precambrian Earth system, unless relevant connections or consequences for aforementioned focal points exist. Submissions highlighting connections between biological and environmental co-evolution are particularly welcome.
We will order submission in a systematic manner, so that the session will cover a logical essay of Precambrian processes and/or evolution. The goal of the session is to provide an amalgamation of a topical introduction to the Precambrian Earth system and its relevance, mixed with the most recent developments in our understanding of early evolution, in order to attract and appease an as large as possible audience.