RV Meteor M151



Cold-Water Coral Ecosystems of the Azores

Atlantic Thermocline Ocean and Ecosystems Dynamic during Natural Climate Change

  • ROV Test-Dive: 06. - 07. October 2018
  • Expedition: 08. - 31. October 2018
  • Ponta Delgada (Azoren) - Funchal (Madeira)
  • Seamounts south of the Azoren (SE Atlantic)

Working Area

Map M151

Scientific Objectives

  • Reconstruction of the climate dependent temporal development of the Azores front at intermediate waters of the subtropical NE Atlantic
  • Analyses of cold-water coral habitats on seamounts and their climate-induced temporal development
  • Analyses of geochemical trace elements to determine the origin of water masses, their ventilation in the subtropical Atlantic to assess the influence of the water-sediment-interface


(c) V. Diekamp

ROV Squid Images

(c) MARUM ROV Squid
RV Meteor (c) V. Diekamp

Chief Scientist





Groups involved

  • IUP, Uni Heidelberg
  • MARUM, Uni Bremen
  • Senckenberg am Meer, WHV
  • GEOW, Uni Heidelberg
  • Goethe-Uni Frankfurt
  • IFREMER, France
  • ETH Zürich
  • IMAR, Azores
  • IPMA, Portugal
Crew M151 (c) V. Diekamp


  • Sampling of cold-water corals (CWC; living/fossil), sea water and sediments close to the recent and palaeo Azores front
  • Description of CWC habitats and the recent environmental conditions
  • Sampling of organic material for gentic studies on CWC and pore water for geochemical analyses of the Nd sources


  • MARUM ROV Squid
  • CTD/Rosette
  • Schwerelot
  • Großkastengreifer
  • Van Veen Greifer
  • Multi Corer