CoreWall is a modular suite of applications related to core description, stratigraphic correlation and data visualization. Major components of CoreWall are

Corelyzer – an application for core image and data visualization
Correlator – an application for core stratigraphic correlation, compositing, and splicing

At the Bremen Core repository (BCR) a computer system is installed running Corelyzer and Correlator - beside other tools - to help scientists describing and interpreting geological cores. High-resolution line scans of split cores and related data (MSCL, Downhole Logging) are viewed along a sliding plane ordered by depth. Running the system on a three HD screens multiple extended display set-up allows the loaded images to be enlarged to the maximum resolution, which may be more than twice as large on the display as in reality (on the table). Features such as lithologic variation, macroscopic grain size variation, bioturbation intensity, chemical composition, and micropaleontology are thus easier to interpret and annotate.

The Corelyzer system is directly connected to the mobile Drilling Information system (DIS), which is used at the BCR for capturing and storing drilling, logging, and core meta data. This ensures a tight workflow from line scanning, image archiving to image visualization together with related data.

CoreWall Workflow
CoreWall file and metadata flow

IODP Exp. 364 OSP photo: V Diekamp at MARUM
Excellent application of the CoreWall system at the OSP of Exp. 364 (Chicxulub K-Pg Impact Crater), where also continuous CT scans were available. Photo: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Photo: Mary Mowat @ECORD/IODP
IODP Exp. 357 Photo: C Cotterill ECORD/IODP
New setup (3 large HD screens) starting with Onshore Science Party of Exp. 357 (Atlantis Massif - Serpentinization and Life). Photo: Photo: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]_IODP (upper), [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]_IODP (lower)
IODP Exp. 313 CoreWall Visual Core Description
Earlier setup during the Onshore Science Party of IODP Exp. 313 (New Jersey Shallow Shelf). Exp. 313 sci­ent­ists used Co­re­lyzer for com­par­ing im­ages and core log­ging data to ad­just cores depths.
IODP Exp. 325 GBR
In use during the Onshore Science Party of IODP Exp. 325 (Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes).
IODP Exp. 357 OSP photo_ Dominique Weis at ECORD/IODP
During the Onshore Science Party of IODP Exp. 357 (Atlantis Massif - Serpentinization and Life). Photo: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]_IODP