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The ECORD Science Operator (ESO) is a consortium of European scientific institutions formed to undertake Mission-specific platform (MSP) operations for ECORD on behalf of the IODP.
MSPs are especially chosen and tailored to fulfil particular scientific objectives that the larger drilling vessels cannot reach (e.g., shallow water, ice-covered high latitudes, special lithologies, etc.).

The MARUM, University of Bremen, provides the ESO Laboratory and Curation Manager, who is responsible for all aspects of core curation and analytical facilities during offshore MSP operations and the Onshore Science Party. The Bremen Core Repository (BCR) is the ECORD facility for core curation and management. The MARUM is also involved in data management tasks provided by PANGAEA (IODP-MSP data portal, mobile Drilling Information System (mDIS)), and provides the PR Officer for ESO. The MARUM-MeBo70 operated for the first time for the IODP in 2015 (Expedition 357).