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How to participate

You can submit an abstract (see guidelines) and register until 1 July 2014.
Three types of presentations are available:
  • Pitch + poster presentation: short oral-presentation (2 minutes pitch) to introduce research subject in front of all participants and poster presentation during a dedicated poster session. The pitch must be easily understandable by anyone therefore it should stay very general: it is best to simply present the context of the research to attract people to come and look at your poster; there is no time to present the results, those can be discussed during the poster session. See examples of pitch (pitch 1, pitch 2)!
  • Classic oral presentation: a limited number of classic presentations (15 min talk + 5 min questions) will be available. These will be given on a first come first serve basis. If you want to contribute with a classic oral presentation, make sure to submit your abstract early!
  • Innovative presentation: 15 min talk during which the research is presented using an innovative format. “Innovative” means that the way you present your results or prepare the presentation has to be different from the classical oral presentation. Here are some examples of format in which you could present. You are also very welcome to suggest your own innovative format.
    - Twin Talk: if you choose this option, you will be paired with another participant and each will present the research of the other participant. One month before the conference, you will receive the details of your partner and will be able to get in touch (e.g. by skype, or a personal meeting) to explain each other the topic of your own research presentation.
    - Pecha Kucha: this is a fast-paced and engaging style that makes presentations concise and keeps things moving at a rapid pace. You will give a presentation of 20 slides each appearing for 20 sec and changing automatically (6 min 40 s presentation).
    - Non-linear presentation: based on a “map” on which you can move and zoom which guides the audience back and forth as through a landscape. A common program used for that presentation type is the freeware program Prezi.
    - “Old School”: no power point, only a blackboard or flipchart!
Pitch example from Cornelia Kwiatkowski, PhD student at MARUM, Bremen
Pitch example from Gabriela Weber de Morais, PhD student at Jacobs University, Bremen

Peer feedback on presentations at ECC

During ECC2014 you will have the opportunity to receive constructive comments on your presentation and to give feedback to other presentations; e.g. What was the most/least effective? How could the message be transmitted more clearly?

The aim of this peer feedback exercise is to help all of us to improve our presentation skills and to work on our own critical capabilities by giving helpful comments to other´s work.

Peer feedback will be given to all kind of presentations, pitch+poster, classic talk and innovative presentations.
Each presentation will receive peer feedback from 3 other participants.
Each participant will comment on 3 presentations (pre-defined).
Printed feedback forms will be distributed with registration.
You may have a look on the feedback form here to be well prepared.

CV booklet at ECC

Looking for a job? In order to facilitate networking with potential employers, we will prepare a booklet with short CVs of all conference participants looking for career opportunities. This booklet will be on display at the conference so that potential employers can browse potential candidates and possibly directly approach them at the conference. If you are interested in having your CV included in this booklet, please prepare a 2-page PDF document which we can use. You can upload your CV on the conference management website; the deadline to do so is Monday, 15 Sep 2014.