
Tagungen / Workshops am MARUM

Jahr Tagung / Workshop
2024 Ocean Floor Symposium 2024
2023 Gas Hydrate Modeling Workshop
2022 Ocean Floor Symposium 2022
2022 Annual Conference of The Micropaleontological Society (TMS 2022)
2022 12th In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Cli­ma­tic and Bio­tic Events of the Pa­leo­ge­ne (CBEP12)
2019 Hydrographentag
2019 MAR­ID VI – Mar­ine and River Dune Dy­nam­ics
2017 4. Deutscher Staubtag
2017 GeoBremen 2017
2016 EuroMarine Foresight Symposium: »The Biological Carbon Pump in a Changing World«
2014 Graduate Symposium Career Paths in Marine and Climate Sciences 2014
2014 Deutsch-Taiwanesischer Workshop TaiGer
2014 5th Early Career Scientists Conference (ECC )for Marine and Climate Research:
Natural and Social Aspects of the Earth System
2012 Jahresworkshop SUGAR
2012 Crustal Processes Meeting - Ocean Crust Processes and Consequences for Life
2012 Bremen PhD Days in Marine Sciences
2012 Workshop on African climate-vegetation interactions
2012 5th INTERCOAST workshop
2012 4th INTERCOAST workshop
2011 3rd INTERCOAST workshop
2011 Dust workshop
2011 German-Taiwanese Joint Workshop
2011 Excellence Cluster Meeting (ECC) October
2011 Bremen PhD Days in Marine Sciences
2011 MARUM PhD workshop on 'Sediment Dynamics in the SW Atlantic'
2011 2nd INTERCOAST workshop
2010 ESRI Campustag
2009 1st INTERCOAST workshop
2009 Exzellenzcluster-Workshop März
2009 IMOG Bremen
2008 LGM-Workshop: 2. MARUM-Workshop
2008 9th International Conference on gas in marine sediments at University of Bremen, Germany
2008 Hydro-acoustics and glacier activity in Greenland
2008 MARUM Workshop: Response of North African ecosystem
2007 GV International Conference
2007 RCOM-EUROPROX-AWI workshop - Selective preservation of organic matter: processes and impact on the fossil record
2007 IODP Topic Symposium