
Publikationen 1999-1995


ARZ, H.W., J. PÄTZOLD and G. WEFER, 1999. Climatic changes during the last deglaciation recorded in sediment cores from the northeastern Brazilian Continental Margin. Geo-Marine Letters, 19: 209-218.

ARZ, H.W., J. PÄTZOLD and G. WEFER, 1999. The deglacial history of the western Tropical Atlantic as inferred from high resolution stable isotope records off northeastern Brazil. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 167: 105-117.

BICKERT, T. and G. WEFER, 1999. South Atlantic and benthic foraminifer 13C deviations: implications for reconstructing the Late Quaternary deep-water circulation. Deep-Sea Res., II 46: 437-452.

BRÜCKMANN, W., M. CEPEK, W.W. HAY, T. MATSCHKOWSKI, E. SOEDING, V. SPIEß, J. THIEDE, R. TIEDEMANN and G. WEFER, 1999. The Ocean Drilling Stratigraphic Network ( JOIDES Journal, 25 (1): 25-27.

DAVENPORT, R., S. NEUER, A. HERNANDEZ-GUERRA, M.-J. RUEDA, O. LLINAS, G. FISCHER und G. WEFER, 1999. Seasonal and interannual pigment concentration in the Canary Islands region from CZCS data and comparison with observations from the ESTOC. Int. J. Remote Sensing, 20: 1419-1433.

FISCHER, G. and G. WEFER, 1999. Use of Proxies in Paleoceanography: Examples from the South Atlantic. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 735 pp.

FISCHER, G., M. KALBERER, B. DONNER and G. WEFER, 1999. Stable isotopes of pteropod shells as recorders of sub-surface water conditions: comparison with the record of G. ruber and measurements. In: G. Fischer and G. Wefer (Eds.) Use of proxies in paleoceanography: Examples from the South Atlantic. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 191-206.

HOLMES, E.M., C. EICHNER, U. STRUCK and G. WEFER, 1999. Reconstruction of surface ocean nitrate utilization using stable nitrogen isotopes in sinking particles and sediments. In: G. Fischer and G. Wefer (Eds.) Use of Proxies in Paleoceanography: Examples from the South Atlantic, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 447-468.

HOLMES, E.M., P.J. MÜLLER, R. SCHNEIDER, M. SEGL and G. WEFER, 1999. Spatial variation in euphotic zone nitrate utilization based on δ15 Ni surface sediments. Geo-Marine Letters, 18: 58-65.

KIRST, G.J., P.J. MÜLLER, R.R. SCHNEIDER, I. VON STORCH and G. WEFER, 1999. Late Quaternary temperature variability in the Benguela Current system derived from alkenones. Quaternary Res., 52: 92-103.

KUHNERT, H., J. PÄTZOLD, B. HATCHER, K.-H. WYRWOLL, A. EISENHAUER, L.B. COLLINS, Z.R. ZHU and G. WEFER, 1999. A 200-year coral stable oxygen isotope record from a high-latitude reef off Western Australia. Coral Reefs, 18: 1-12.

LAMY, F., D. HEBBELN and G. WEFER, 1999. High-resolution marine record of climatic change in mid-latitude Chile during the last 28,000 years based on terrigenous sediment parameters. Quaternary Research, 51: 83-93

LANGE, C.B., O.E. ROMERO, G. WEFER and A.J. GABRIC, 1999. Offshore influence of coastal upwelling off Mauretania, NW Africa, as recorded by diatoms in sediment traps at 2195 m water depth. Deep-Sea Res. I, 45: 985-1013.

LANGE, C.B., W.H. BERGER, H.-L. LIN, G. WEFER and Shipboard Scientific Party Leg 175, 1999. The early Matuyama Diatom Maximum off SW Africa, Benguela Current System (ODP Leg 175). Marine Geology, 161: 93-114.

MARCHANT, M., D. HEBBELN and G. WEFER, 1999. High resolution planktic foraminiferal record of the last 13,000 years from the upwelling area off Chile. Marine Geology, 161: 115-128.

PÄTZOLD, J., T. BICKERT, B. FLEMMING, H. GROBE and G. WEFER, 1999. Holozänes Klima des Nordatlantiks rekonstruiert aus massiven Korallen von Bermuda. Natur und Museum, 129 (6): 165-177.

RATMEYER, V., FISCHER, G. and G. WEFER, 1999. Lithogenic particle fluxes and grain size distributions in the deep ocean off NW Africa: implications for seasonal changes of aeolian dust input and downward transport. Deep-Sea Res. I, 46: 1289-1337.

ROMERO, O., C.B. LANGE, R.J. SWAP and G. WEFER, 1999. Eolian-transported freshwater diatoms and phytoliths across the equatorial Atlantic record: Temporal changes in Saharan dust transport patterns. J. Geophys. Res., 104: 3211-3222.

RÜHLEMANN, C., S. MULITZA, P.J. MÜLLER, G. WEFER and R. ZAHN, 1999. Warming of the tropical Atlantic Ocean and slowdown of thermohaline circulation during the last deglaciation. Nature, 402: 511-514.

SCHLÜNZ,B., R.R. SCHNEIDER, P.J. MÜLLER, W.J. SHOWERS and G. WEFER, 1999. Terrestrial organic carbon accumulation on the Amazon deep sea fan during the last glacial sea level low stand. Chemical Geology, 159: 263-281.

VIDAL, L., R.R. SCHNEIDER, O. MARCHAL, T. BICKERT, T.F. STOCKER and G. WEFER, 1999. Link between the North and South Atlantic during the Heinrich events of the last glacial period. Climate Dynamics, 15: 909-919.

WEFER, G., 1999. Tribute to Wolfgang H. Berger concerning awarding of the Steinmann Medal. Int. Journ. Earth Sciences, 88: 172-173.
WEFER, G., W.H. BERGER, G. FISCHER and J. BIJMA, 1999. Clues to Ocean History - A Brief Overview of Proxies. In: G. Fischer and G. Wefer (Eds.) Use of Proxies in Paleoceanography: Examples from the South Atlantic. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 1-68


ARZ, H., J. PÄTZOLD and G. WEFER, 1998. Correlated Millennial-Scale Changes in Surface Hydrography and Terrigenous Sediment Yield Inferred from Last-Glacial Marine Deposits off Northeastern Brazil. Quaternary Research, 50: 157-166.

BERGER, W.H., G. WEFER, C. RICHTER and LEG 175 SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC PARTY, 1998. Color cycles in Quaternary sediments from the Congo fan region (ODP Site 1075): A statistical analysis. In: G. Wefer, W.H. Berger, C. Richter et al. (Eds.) Proc ODP Init Reports., College Station, Texas, 175: 561-567.

BERGER, W. H., G. WEFER, C. RICHTER and ODP LEG 175 SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC PARTY, 1998. The Benguela-Angola Upwelling system: Paleoceanographic synthesis of shipboard results, ODP Leg 175. In: G. Wefer, W.H. Berger, C. Richter et al. (Eds.) Proc ODP Init Reports., College Station, Texas, 175: 505-531.

FELIS, T., J. PÄTZOLD, W. HALE, G. WEFER, M. FINE, Y. LOYA, R. AVIV and A.H. NAWAR. 1998. First results of a coral-based history of recent climate in the northern Red Sea. Zbl Geol Paläont, Teil I(H.1/2): 197-207.

FELIS, T., J. PÄTZOLD, Y. LOYA and G. WEFER, 1998. Vertical water mass mixing and plankton blooms recorded in skeletal stable carbon isotopes of a Red Sea coral. J Geophys Res 103: 30731-30739.

FISCHER, G., P.J. MÜLLER and G. WEFER, 1998. Latitudinal δ13Corg variations in sinking matter and sediments from the South Atlantic: effects of anthropogenic CO2 and implications for paleo-PCO2-reconstructions. Journal of Marine Systems, 17: 471-495.

HOLMES, M. E., P.J. MÜLLER, R.R. SCHNEIDER, M. SEGL and G. WEFER, 1998. Spatial variations in euphotic zone nitrate utilization based on δ15N in surface sediments. Geo-Marine Letters, 18: 58-65.

LAMY, F., D. HEBBELN and G. WEFER, 1998. Late Quaternary precessional cycles of terrigenous sediment input off the Norte Chico, Chile (27.5°S) and palaeoclimatic implications. Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol, 141: 233-251.

LAMY, F., D. HEBBELN and G. WEFER, 1998. Terrigenous sediment supply along the Chilean continental slope: Modern regional patterns of texture and composition. Geologische Rundschau, 87: 477-494.

LANGE, C.B. O.E. ROMERO, G. WEFER and A.J. GABRIC, 1998. Offshore influence of coastal upwelling off Mauretania, NW Africa, as recorded by diatoms in sediment traps at 2195 m wather depths. Deep Sea Research, 45 (6), 985-1013.

MARCHANT, M., D. HEBBELN and G. WEFER, 1998. Seasonal flux patterns of planktic foraminifera in the Peru-Chile Current. Deep-Sea Research, 45: 1161-1185.

MULITZA, S., C. RÜHLEMANN, T. BICKERT, W. HALE, J. PÄTZOLD and G. WEFER, 1998. Late Quaternary δ13C gradients and carbonate accumulation in the western equatorial Atlantic. Earth Planet Sci Lett, 155: 237-249.

MULITZA, S., T. WOLFF, J. PÄTZOLD, W. HALE and G. WEFER, 1998. Temperature sensitivity of planktic foraminifera and its influence on the oxygen isotope record. Marine Micropaleontology, 33: 223-240.

WEFER, G., W.H. BERGER, C. RICHTER and LEG 175 SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC PARTY, 1998. Facies patterns and authigenic minerals of upwelling deposits off SW Africa. In: G. Wefer, W.H. Berger, C. Richter et al. (Eds.) Proc ODP Init Reports., College Station, Texas, 175: 487-504.

WEFER, G., W.H. BERGER and C. RICHTER, 1998. Proc. ODP Init. Repts, 175: College Station, Texas (Ocean Drilling Program), 1475 pp.

WOLFF, T., S. MULITZA, H. ARZ, J. PÄTZOLD and G. WEFER, 1998. Oxygen isotopes versus CLIMAP (18 ka) temperatures: A comparison from the tropical Atlantic. Geology, 26: 675-678.


BAUCH, D., J. CARSTENS and G. WEFER, 1997. Oxygen isotope composition of living Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sin.) in the Arctic Ocean. Earth Planet Sci Lett, 146: 47-58.

BICKERT, T., R. CORDES and G. WEFER, 1997. Late Pliocene to mid-Pleistocene (2.6 - 1.0 M.Y.) carbonate dissolution in the western equatorial Atlantic: Results of ODP Leg 154, Ceara Rise. Proc ODP Sci. Results, College Station, Texas. 154: 229-237.

BICKERT, T., W.B. CURRY and G. WEFER, 1997. Late Pliocene to Holocene (2.6 - 0 Ma) western equatorial Atlantic deep-water circulation: Interences from benthic stable isotopes. Proc. ODP Sci. Results, College Station, Texas. 154: 239-253.

CARSTENS, J., D. HEBBELN and G. WEFER, 1997. Distribution of planktic foraminifera at the ice margin in the Arctic (Fram Strait). Marine Micropaleontology, 29: 257-269.

DÜRKOOP, A., W. HALE, S. MULITZA, J. PÄTZOLD and G. WEFER, 1997. Late Quaternary variations of sea surface salinity and temperature in the western tropical Atlantic: Evidence from d18O of Globigerinoides sacculifer. Paleoceanography, 12: 764-772.

FISCHER, G., R. SCHNEIDER, P.J. MÜLLER and G. WEFER, 1997. Anthropogenic CO2 in Southern Ocean surface waters: evidence from stable organic carbon isotopes. Terra Nova, 9: 153-157.

HEBBELN, D. and G. WEFER, 1997. Late Quaternary paleoceanography in the Fram Strait. Paleoceanography, 12: 65-78.

HOLMES, M. E., R.R. SCHNEIDER, P.J. MÜLLER, M. SEGL and G. WEFER, 1997. Reconstruction of past nutrient utilization in the eastern Angola Basin based on sedimentary 15N/14N ratios. Paleoceanography, 12: 604-614.

LITTLE, M. G., R.R. SCHNEIDER, D. KROON, B. PRICE, T. BICKERT and G. WEFER, 1997. Rapid palaeoceanographic changes in the Benguela Upwelling System for the last 160,000 years as indicated by abundances of planktonic foraminifera. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 130: 135-161.

MULITZA, S., H.S. NIEBLER, A. DÜRKOOP and G. WEFER, 1997. Planktonic foraminifera as recorders of past surface-water stratification. Geology, 25: 335-338.

NEUER, S., V. RATMEYER, B. DAVENPORT, G. FISCHER and G. WEFER, 1997. Deep water particle flux in the Canary Island region: seasonal trends in relation to long-term satellite derived pigment data and lateral sources. Deep-Sea Research, 44: 1451-1466.

SCHNEIDER, R. R., P.J. MÜLLER, B. SCHLÜNZ, M. SEGL, W.J. SHOWERS and G. WEFER, 1997. Upper Quaternary Western Atlantic paleoceanography and terrigenous sedimentation on the Amazon Fan: A view from stable isotopes of planktonic foraminifers and bulk organic matter. Proc ODP Sci Results, College Station, Texas. 155: 319-333.


BERGER, W.H. and G. WEFER, 1996. Central Themes of South Atlantic Circulation. In: G. Wefer, W.H. Berger, G. Siedler and D. Webb (Eds.) The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 1-11.

BERGER, W.H. and G. WEFER, 1996. Expeditions into the past: Paleoceanographic studies in the South Atlantic. In: G. Wefer, W.H. Berger, G. Siedler and D. Webb (Eds.) The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 363-410.

BERGER, W.H., T. BICKERT, M. YASUDA and G. WEFER, 1996. Reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 from the deep-sea record of Ontong Java Plateau: the Milankovitch chron. Geologische Rundschau, 85(3): 466-495.

BICKERT, T. and G. WEFER, 1996. Late Quaternary deep water circulation in the South Atlantic: Reconstruction from carbonate dissolution and benthic stable isotopes. In: G. Wefer, W.H. Berger, G. Siedler and D. Webb (Eds.) The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 599-620.

BOLTOVSKOY, D., E. ULIANA and G. WEFER, 1996. Seasonal variations in the flux of microplankton and radiolarian assemblage compositions in the northeastern tropical Atlantic at 2,195 m. Limnology and Oceanography, 41: 615-635.

BOLTOVSKOY, D., H. OBERHÄNSLI and G. WEFER, 1996. Radiolarian assemblages in the eastern tropical Atlantic: patterns in the plankton and in sediment trap samples. Journal of Marine Systems, 8: 31-51.

FISCHER, G. and G. WEFER, 1996. Long-term Observation of Particle Fluxes in the Eastern Atlantic: Seasonality, Changes of Flux with Depth and Comparison with the Sediment Record. In: G. Wefer, W.H. Berger, G. Siedler and D. Webb (Eds.) The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 325-344.

FISCHER, G. and G. WEFER, 1996. Seasonal and Interannual Particle Fluxes in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic from 1989 to 1991: ITZC Migrations and Upwelling. In: V. Ittekkot, P. Schäfer, S. Honjo and P.J. Depetris (Eds.) Particle flux in the Ocean, SCOPE Report 57. J Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp 199-214.

FISCHER, G., S. NEUER, G. WEFER and G. KRAUSE, 1996. Short-term sedimentation pulses recorded with a fluorescence sensor and sediment traps at 900-m depth in the Canary basin. Limnology and Oceanography, 41: 1354-1359.

FISCHER, G., B. DONNER, V. RATMEYER, R. DAVENPORT and G. WEFER, 1996. Distinct year-to-year particle flux variations off Cape Blanc during 1988-1991: Relation to d18O-deduced sea-surface temperatures and trade winds. J Mar Res, 54: 73-98.

HOLMES, M. E., P.J. MÜLLER, R.R. SCHNEIDER, M. SEGL, J. PÄTZOLD and G. WEFER, 1996. Stable nitrogen isotopes in Angola Basin surface sediments. Marine Geology, 134: 1-12.

RATMEYER, V. and G. WEFER, 1996. A high resolution camera system (ParCa) for imaging particles in the ocean: System design and results from profiles and a three-month deployment. J Mar Res, 54: 589-603.

RÜHLEMANN, C., M. FRANK, W. HALE, A. MANGINI, S. MULITZA, P.J. MÜLLER and G. WEFER, 1996. Late Quaternary productivity changes in the western equatorial Atlantic: Evidence from 230Th-normalized carbonate and organic carbon accumulation rates. Marine Geology, 135: 127-152.

SCHNEIDER, R. R., P.J. MÜLLER, G. RUHLAND, G. MEINECKE, H. SCHMIDT and G. WEFER, 1996. Late Quaternary surface temperatures and productivity in the east-equatorial South Atlantic: response to changes in Trade/Monsoon wind forcing and surface water advection. In: G. Wefer, W.H. Berger, G. Siedler and D. Webb (Eds.) The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 527-551.

TREPPKE, U., C.B. LANGE and G. WEFER, 1996. Vertical fluxes of diatoms and silicoflagellates in the eastern equatorial Atlantic and their contribution to the sedimentary record. Marine Micropaleontology, 28: 73-96.

TREPPKE, U. F., C.B. LANGE, B. DONNER, G. FISCHER, G. RUHLAND and G. WEFER, 1996. Diatom and silicoflagellate fluxes at the Walvis Ridge: an environment controlled by coastal upwelling in the Benguela system. Journal of Marine Research, 54: 991-1016.

WEFER, G. and W.H. BERGER, 1996. Global Change and Marine Geology: Introduction. Geologische Rundschau, 85(3): 399-400.

WEFER, G., W.H. BERGER, G. SIEDLER and D. WEBB, 1996. The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 644 pp.

WEFER, G., W.H. BERGER, T. BICKERT, B. DONNER, G. FISCHER, S. KEMLE-VON MÜCKE, G. MEINECKE, P.J. MÜLLER, S. MULITZA, H.-S. NIEBLER, J. PÄTZOLD, H. SCHMIDT, R.R. SCHNEIDER and M. SEGL, 1996. Late Quaternary Surface Circulation of the South Atlantic: The Stable Isotope Record and Implications for Heat Transport and Productivity. In: G. Wefer, W.H. Berger, G. Siedler and D. Webb (Eds.) The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 461-502.


ANTIA, E.E., B.W. FLEMMING and G. WEFER, 1995. Calm-weather spring and neap tidal current characterisitics on a shoreface-connected ridge complex in the German Bight (southern North Sea). Geo-Marine Letters, 15: 30-36.

BERGER, W.H., T. BICKERT, G. WEFER and M. YASUDA, 1995. Brunhes-Matuyama boundary: 790 k.y. date consistent with ODP Leg 130 oxygen isotope records based on fit to Milankovitch template. Geophysical Research Letters, 22: 1525-1528.

FISCHER, G. and G. WEFER, 1995. Downward particulate matter fluxes in the eastern and western Equatorial Atlantic: a comparison. In: S. Tsunogai, K. Iseki, I. Koike and T. Oba (Eds.) Global Fluxes of Carbon and its related Substances in the Coastal Sea-Ocean-Atmosphere System., Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, pp 317-331.

WEFER, G., 1995. Die Rolle des Ozeans im irdischen Klimasystem. Die Geowissenschaften, 13: 88-92.