
Publikationen 1994-1990


ANTIA, E., B. FLEMMING and G. WEFER, 1994. Transgressive Facies Sequence of a High Energy, Wave-Tide-Storm-Influenced Shoreface: A Case Study of the East Frisian Barrier Islands (Southern North Sea). Fazies 30: 15-24.

ANTIA, E.E., B.W. FLEMMING and G. WEFER, 1994. Sedimentary Facies Associations of the Shoreface-Connected Ridge Systems in the German Bight, Southern North Sea. Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift, 45: 229-244.

BERGER, W. H., M.K. YASUDA, T. BICKERT, G. WEFER and T. TAKAYAMA, 1994. Quaternary timescale for the Ontong Java Plateau: Milankowitch template for Ocean Drilling Program Site 806. Geology, 22: 463-467.

BERGER, W.H., T. BICKERT, E. JANSEN, G. WEFER and M. YASUDA, 1994. The Central Mystery of the Quaternary Ice Age: A View from the South Pacific. Oceanus, 36-4: 53-56.

BERGER, W.H., T. BICKERT, E. JANSEN, M. YASUDA and G. WEFER, 1994. Das Klima im Quartär: Rekonstruktion aus Tiefseesedimenten mit Hilfe der Milankovitch-Theorie. Die Geowissenschaften, 12: 258-266.

BERNER, H. and G. WEFER, 1994. Clay-mineral flux in the Fram Strait and Norwegian Sea. Marine Geology, 116: 327-345.

DONNER, B. and G. WEFER, 1994. Flux and stable isotope composition of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma and other planktonic foraminifers in the Southern Ocean (Atlantic sector). Deep-Sea Research, 41: 1733-1743.

DUINKER, J. and G. WEFER, 1994. Das CO2-Problem und die Rolle des Ozeans: Fragestellung der internationalen Joint Global Ocean Flux Study. Naturwissenschaften, 81: 237-242.

SCHNEIDER, R., P.J. MÜLLER and G. WEFER, 1994. Late Quaternary paleoproductivity changes off the Congo deduced from stable carbon isotopes of planktonic foraminifera. Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol, 110: 255-274.

WEFER, G., 1994. Meeresgeologische Beiträge zur Klimaforschung. In: J. Matschullat, and G. Müller (Eds). Geowissenschaften und Umwelt. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 211-220.

WEFER, G., P.-M. HEINZE and W.H. BERGER, 1994. Clues to ancient methane release. Nature 369: 282.


BERGER, W. H., T. BICKERT, H. SCHMIDT and G. WEFER, 1993. Quaternary oxygen isotope record of pelagic foraminifers: Site 806, Ontong Java Plateau. (Eds). Proc. ODP Sci. Results, College Station, Texas, 130: 381-395.

BERGER, W. H., T. BICKERT, H. SCHMIDT, G. WEFER and M. YASUDA, 1993. Quaternary oxygen isotope record of pelagic foraminifers: Site 805, Ontong Java Plateau. (Eds). Proc. ODP Sci. Results, College Station, Texas, 130: 363-379.

BICKERT, T., W.H. BERGER, S. BURKE, H. SCHMIDT and G. WEFER, 1993. Late Quaternary stable isotope record of benthic foraminifera, Sites 805 and 806, Ontong Java Plateau. (Eds). Proc. ODP Sci. Results, College Station, Texas, 130: 411-420.

KALBERER, M., G. FISCHER, J. PÄTZOLD, B. DONNER, M. SEGL and G. WEFER, 1993. Seasonal sedimentation and stable isotope records of pteropods off Cap Blanc. Marine Geology, 113: 305-320.

KLEIN, R., J. PÄTZOLD, G. WEFER and Y. LOYA, 1993. Depth-related timing of density band formation in Porites spp. corals from the Red Sea inferred from X-ray chronology and stable isotope composition. Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 97: 99-104.

SCHMIDT, H., W.H. BERGER, T. BICKERT and G. WEFER, 1993. Quaternary carbon isotope record of pelagic foraminifera: Site 806, Ontong Java Plateau. (Eds). Proc. ODP Sci. Results130: 397-409.

WEFER, G., 1993. Formation and composition of marine particulates. In: M. Heimann (Ed.) NATO ASI Series, The global carbon cycle. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Vol. I 15, pp. 505-530.

WEFER, G. and G. FISCHER, 1993. Seasonal patterns of vertical particle flux in equatorial and coastal upwelling areas of the eastern Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research, 40 (8): 1613-1645.


BERGER, W. H. and G. WEFER, 1992. Flux of Biogenous Materials to the Seafloor: Open Questions. In: K. J. Hsü, and J. Thiede (Eds). Use and Misuse of Seafloor. J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp 283-302.

BERGER, W. H. and G. WEFER, 1992. Klimageschichte aus Tiefseesedimenten - Neues vom Ontong-Java-Plateau (Westpazifik). Die Naturwissenschaften, 79: 541-550.

BERGER, W. H. and G. WEFER, 1992. Productivity of the glacial ocean: Discussion of the iron hypothesis. Limnology and Oceanography, 36(8): 1899-1918.

BURNETT, W. C., W.H. BERGER, J. BOULEGUE, W. BRINCKMANN, J.R. CANN, I. MCCAVE, J. A. MCKENZIE, M. SCHLÜTER, M. SIBUET, H. THIEL and G. WEFER, 1992. How can we assess the likely impact of Humans on the Deep Seafloor? In: K. J. Hsü, and J. Thiede (Eds). Use and Misuse of Seafloor. J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp 245-268.

CARSTENS, J. and G. WEFER, 1992. Recent distribution of planktonic foraminifera in the Nansen Basin, Arctic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research, 39(Suppl 2): S507-S524.

HEINZE, P. and G. WEFER, 1992. The history of coastal upwelling off Peru (11°S, ODP Leg 112, Site 680 B) over the past 650,000 years. In: C. P. Summerhayes, W.L. Prell and K.-C. Emeis (Eds). Upwelling Systems: Evolution Since the Early Miocene. Geological Society (Spec Publ), 64, 451-462.

KLEIN, R., J. PÄTZOLD, G. WEFER and Y. LOYA, 1992. Seasonal variations in the stable isotopic composition and the skeletal density pattern of the coral Porites lobata (Gulf of Eilat, Red Sea). Marine Biology, 112: 259-263.

OBERHÄNSLI, H., C. BÉNIER, G. MEINECKE, H. SCHMIDT, R. SCHNEIDER and G. WEFER, 1992. Planktic foraminifers as tracers of ocean currents in the eastern South Atlantic. Paleoceanography, 7: 607-632.

SCHNEIDER, R., A. DAHMKE, A. KÖLLING, P.J. MÜLLER, H.D. SCHULZ and G. WEFER, 1992. Strong deglacial minimum in the δ13C record from Planktonic foraminifera in the Benguela upwelling region: paleoceanographic signal or early diagenetic imprint? Geological Society (Spec Publ), 64: 285-297.


BAUMANN, M. and G. WEFER, 1991. Enhanced deposition of Chernobly radiocesium by plankton in the Norwegian Sea: Evidence from sediment trap deployments. In: P. J. Kershaw and D. S. Woodhead (Eds). Radionuclides in the Study of Marine Processes. Elsevier Applied Science, London, New York, pp 299-308.

BERGER, W. H. and G. WEFER, 1991. On the Productivity of the glacial ocean: Discussion of the iron hypothesis. In: Proceedings of ASLO Sympoisum “What Controls Phytoplankton Production in Nutrient-Rich Areas of the Open Sea?” Febr. 22-24, Lake San Marcos, Limnology and Oceanography, 36(8): 1899-1918.

FISCHER, G. and G. WEFER, 1991. Sampling, preparation, and matter analysis of marine particulate matter. (Eds). Marine particles: Analysis and Characterization. Geophysical Monograph, 63, 391-397.

HEBBELN, D. and G. WEFER, 1991. Effects of ice coverage and ice-rafted material on sedimentation in the Fram Strait. Nature, 350: 409-411.

PÄTZOLD, J., J.P. HEINRICHS, K. WOLSCHENDORF and G. WEFER, 1991. Correlation of stable oxygen isotope temperature record with light attenuation profiles in reef-dwelling Tridacna shells. Coral Reefs, 10: 65-69.

WEFER, G. and G. FISCHER, 1991. Annual primary production and export flux in the Southern Ocean from sediment trap data. Marine Chemistry, 35 (1-4): 597-613.

WEFER, G., 1991. Stofftransport zum Meeresboden: Eine Übersicht. Naturwissenschaften, 78: 1-6.

WEFER, G. and W.H. BERGER, 1991. Isotope paleontology: growth and composition of extant calcareous species. Marine Geology 100: 207-248.


BERGER, W. H. and G. WEFER, 1990. Export production: Seasonality and intermittency, and paleoceanographic implications. Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol, 89: 245-254.

BERNER, H. and G. WEFER, 1990. Physiographic and biological factors controlling surface sediment distribution in the Fram Strait. In: U. Bleil, and J. Thiede (Eds). Geologic History of the Polar Oceans - Arctic Versus Antarctic. Kluwer Academic Publishers pp 317-335.

HEBBELN, D., G. WEFER and W.H. BERGER, 1990. Pleistocene dissolution fluctuations from apparent depth of deposition in Core ERDC-127P, West-Equatorial Pacific. Marine Geology, 92: 165-176.

MEINECKE, G. and G. WEFER, 1990. Seasonal pteropod sedimentation in the Norwegian Sea. Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol, 79: 129-147.

OBERHÄNSLI, H., P. HEINZE, L. DIESTER-HAASS and G. WEFER, 1990. Upwelling off Peru during the last 430.000 years and its relationship to the bottom water environment as deduced from coarse grain-size distributions and analyses of benthic foraminifers at Holes 679D, 680B and 681B (ODP Leg 112). In: E. Suess, R. von Huene et al. (Eds). Proc. ODP Sci. Results, College Station, Texas, 112 369-390.

SCHNEIDER, R. and G. WEFER, 1990. Shell-horizons in Cenozoic Upwelling-Facies Sediments off Peru: distribution and mollusc fauna in cores from ODP Leg 112 drill sites. In: E. Suess, R. von Huene et al. (Eds). Proc. ODP Sci. Results, College Station, Texas, 112 335-352.

WEFER, G., G. FISCHER, D. FÜTTERER, R. GERSONDE, S. HONJO and D. OSTERMANN, 1990. Particle Sedimentation and Productivity in Antarctic Waters of the Atlantic Sector. In: U. Bleil, and J. Thiede (Eds). Geologic History of the Polar Oceans - Arctic Versus Antarctic. Kluwer pp 363-379.

WEFER, G., P. HEINZE and E. SUESS, 1990. Stratigraphy and Sedimentation Rates from Oxygen Isotope Composition, Organic Carbon Content, and Grain-Size Distribution at the Peru Upwelling Region: Holes 680B and 686B. In: E. Suess, R. von Huene et al. (Eds). Proc. ODP Sci. Results, College Station, Texas, 112 355-367.