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12th International Conference on Climatic and Biotic Events of the Paleogene (CBEP12)

Group Dinner

CBEP12`s group dinner will take place in the more than 600 years old „Bre­mer Rats­kel­ler“, cel­lar of the town hall

Tu­es­day, 23 Aug 2022, 20:00h

Ad­dress: Am Markt 21, down­town Bre­men

Take tram No. 6 from Uni­ver­si­ty (di­rec­tion “Flug­ha­fen”). Get off at sta­ti­on „Doms­hei­de“.

Online re­gis­tra­ti­on is man­da­to­ry!

Costs EUR 70.-/person

The Bacchus cellar of the Bremer Ratskeller
BTZ Bremer Touristik-Zentrale