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The Paleogene Period was a time of extremes and transitions, characterized by climatic conditions largely unfamiliar to us today but saw the rise of essentially modern continental configurations, biotic communities, and biogeochemical regimes.

CBEP12 will provide a multidisciplinary stage with a focus on the exciting themes and topics (see ”Scientific themes”). We expect exciting scientific contributions, hot discussions, and new ideas.

The IODP Bremen Core Repository (BCR) at MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences of the University of Bremen holds sediment cores from over 92 expeditions. Explore beyond the Paleogene at CBEP12!

We welcome you to participate and are looking forward meeting in in Bremen in late August 2022!


21 Mar 2022: Abstract submission opens

10 June 2022: Deadline for abstract submission

21 Mar to 17 June 2022: Early bird online registration

18 June to 1 Aug 2022: Regular online registration

After 1 August 2022 and on-site: Late online registration

Mar 2022: Publication of Third (updated) Circular

Apr 2020: CBEP2020 postponded due to the pandemic

Feb 2020: Publication of Second Circular

June 2019: Publication of First Circular

T Westerhold, MARUM


  • Habitable Planet: Learning from Past Environments
  • Climate, Paleoecology and Paleodiversity
  • Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Tectonics, Surface Environments and Hydrological Processes
  • New developments, applications and results of Paleoproxies
IODP Bremen Core Repository (BCR) - reefer
ODP Leg 208
PETM at ODP Site 208-1262, Walvis Ridge
Ulla Röhl, MARUM
Polecat Bench, Wyoming