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12th International Conference on Climatic and Biotic Events of the Paleogene (CBEP12)

Classic Upper Jurassic to Paleogene sections of southern Lower Saxony

Niedersachen weist vielfältige Landschaften auf: im Osten des Landes der höchste Gipfel im Harz,der Wurmberg (971,2 m ü.NHN),

Jochen Erbacher, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources & State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology of Lower Saxony, IODP Germany, Geozentrum Hannover

26 -27 August 2022 - registration closed 1 July

In a 2-days trip we will vi­sit some classic outcrops, which are representing the sedimentary succession in the Jurassic to Neogene epicontinental Lower Saxony Basin (LSB). The LSB is a sub-basin of the Southern Permian Basin. Its evolution is strongly influenced by the opening of the North Atlantic during the Jurassic and by successive salt diapirsim resulting in a, sometimes complex, paleomorphology with submarine swells, islands and local basins and according sediments.

The outcrops visited show Jurassic to Miocene sedimentary rocks, represented, by carbonates, sands, clays and coals. Participants of the field trip will receive a concise and representative overview of the Jurassic to Neogene succession in a marginal setting of the Southern Permian Basin, including some aspects of German fairy tales (Pied Piper of Hamlin; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) German history and German beer.

  • Campanian of Hanover – hemipelagic marls, sedimentary cyclicity, taphonomy,
  • Hils Syncline (between Alfeld and Hamlin) – Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian carbonate ramps; Tithonian lacustrine sediments; Berriasian clays and coals, Oligocene to Pliocene sands and lignites
  • Berriasian of the Bückeberg hills (Obernkirchen) – sandstone and dinosaur tracks.
Sche­du­le of 26 Aug:
08:00 Departure Bre­men
- In the field
18:00 Arrival at hotel, check-in etc.
19:00 Dinner (on your own)
Sche­du­le of 27 Aug:
09:00 Departure hotel
- In the field
late afternoon stop for refreshments
20:00 Back in Bremen
Num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants 25
Please bring field boots (at least solid shoes, no sandals etc!), rain gear and sunscreen!

Costs incl. bus, 1 night accomodation (single room + breakfast), lunch bags: EUR 150,-

Upper Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian carbonate ramp sediments, Bisperode quarry, Lower Saxony, Germany
Upper Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian carbonate ramp sediments, Bisperode quarry, Lower Saxony, Germany (J. Erbacher, BGR).
Upper Tithonian lacustrine carbonates (ooliths and serpulites) and mud rocks, Thüste quarry, Lower Saxony, Germany
Upper Tithonian lacustrine carbonates (ooliths and serpulites) and mud rocks, Thüste quarry, Lower Saxony, Germany (J. Erbacher, BGR).