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12th International Conference on Climatic and Biotic Events of the Paleogene (CBEP12)

Presentation Information

Poster Present­a­tion

Size/Dimensions - Your poster should be able to fit in an A0 (841 x 1189 mm), por­trait (!) page stand.

We plan for "lightning presentations" of the posters: briefly present (1-2 min) your research in front of all par­ti­cipants. The lightning presentations must be eas­ily un­der­stand­able by any­one; there­fore they should stay very gen­eral and meant to at­tract people to come and look at your poster; there will be definetely no time to present the res­ults, those can be dis­cussed dur­ing the poster ses­sion. We re­com­mend mak­ing your pitch us­ing one or two slides max­imum, with some an­im­a­tions if your wish. The lightning presentation should be provided to the ses­sion con­vener latest 2 days be­fore the ses­sion as a .ppt or .pdf


Oral Present­a­tion

You will be able to present your re­search dur­ing a 15 min oral slot fol­lowed by 5 min for ques­tions. The four keynotes will have 40 mon slots incl. discussions.

Please up­load your present­a­tion on the con­fer­ence com­puter latest 15 min be­fore the be­gin­ning of your ses­sion.