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12th International Conference on Climatic and Biotic Events of the Paleogene (CBEP12)


CBEP12 Keynote lectures

  • Claudia Agnini (Padua University, Italy)
  • Gabriel J Bowen (University of Utah, USA)
  • Gordon Inglis (School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, UK)
  • Brian Romans (Virginia Tech University, USA)

Sunday, August 21

8:15 - 20:00 Field Trip Helgoland (registration closed)
14:00 City Tour 1 (on registration only!)
16:00 - 20:00: Registration - (MARUM I, Leobener Strasse 8, Entrance Hall)
18:30 - 20:00: Icebraker Reception - (MARUM I, Leobener Strasse 8, Entrance Hall)


Monday, August 22

GW1 Hörsaalgebäude (GW1-HS)
Universitätsallee (opposite Universum Science Center)
28359 Bremen
08:30h - 10:10h: Session 1.1: Resilience and Adaptation (and sometimes not)
10:10h - 10:40h: Coffee break
10:40h - 12:20h: Session 1.2: Planetary States and State Changes
12:20h - 13:30h: Lunch break (Mensa)
13:30h - 15:30h: Poster Session (all posters)
14:45h - 15:30h: Refreshments
15:30h - 17:10h: Session 2.1: Abrupt climate upheavals: Patterns, magnitudes and rates in the response of the biosphere


Tuesday, August 23

08:30h - 10:10h: Session 2.2: Lessons from the "boring background"
10:10h - 10:40h: Coffee break
10:40h - 12:20h: Session 3.1: Ocean Biogeochemical Responses to Climate Change
12:20h - 13:30h: Lunch break (Mensa)
13:30h - 15:30h: Poster Session (all posters)
14:45h - 15:30h: Refreshments
15:30h - 17:30h: Session 3.2: Reconstruction of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations from the late Cretaceous through the Oligocene

Group dinner (Ratskeller), on registration only, 15 Aug at latest!


Wednesday, August 24

08:30h - 10:10h: Session 4.1: Source-to-sink sedimentation during warm intervals of the Paleogene
10:10h - 10:40h: Coffee break
10:40h - 12:20h: Session 4.2: Impact of paleogeography on our understanding of Paleogene climate records
12:20h - 13:30h: Lunch break (Mensa)
Afternoon: IODP Bremen Core Repository (BCR) visit and informal meetings

Thursday, August 25

08:30h - 10:10h: Session 5.1: Paleoproxies: New Developments and Applications
10:10h - 10:20h: Coffee break
10:20h - 12:20h: Session 5.2: Proxies for Earth Surface Temperatures and pCO2
12:20h - 13:30h: Lunch break (Mensa)
13:30h - 15:30h: Poster Session (all posters)
15:30h - 15:00h: Refreshments
15:30h - 17:10h: Oral Session 11 (4 talks 20 min each)
17:10h - Wrap-up, next CBEP, ...


Friday, August 25

10:30h - City tour 2 (on registration only)