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Program & Guidelines

update 1 Oct, 2011

Please find here the programme and schedule of the ECC:
Information on oral presentation
Oral presentations must be understandable to a broad audience covering different disciplines. Talks are scheduled as 15 min presentation + 5 min for discussion and questions. Please respect this format. A timer will be well visible. Conveners of the sessions are asked to respect the tight schedule of the conference.
You must also provide your presentation to the convener during the coffee or lunch break preceding your session. Note that only PCs with Windows are available. ppt or pdf files are accepted.

Information on poster presentation
Poster presentations must be understandable to a broad audience covering different disciplines. The format of posters must be A0, portrait.
Posters will displayed in the entrance hall of the MARUM building.
(NB: posters presenting the excellence clusters and graduate schools will be displayed on the second floor of MARUM.)
You can either hang up your poster during the ice-breaker dinner on Monday 3 Oct (for those of you registered to this social event) or during registration on Tuesday 4 Oct (9:00-10:00). Drawing pins will be available. Your poster needs to be removed by latest during the afternoon coffee break on Wednesday 5 Oct (15:15-15:45).
Please check on the book of abstract which poster label has been attributed to your poster to find the right place to hang it up!

Internet access
WLAN internet connection will only be available through eduroam (http://www.eduroam.org/). To access the eduroam network in Bremen, it is necessary to set up your own eurodam identity BEFORE at your home institute. We will not be able to provide technical help during the conference.