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Information for presenters

Pitch + posters

Pitch: short oral-presentation (2 minutes) to introduce the subject of your research in front of all participants. The pitch must be easily understandable by anyone; therefore it should stay very general: it is best to simply present the context of the research to attract people to come and look at your poster; there is no time to present the results, those can be discussed during the poster session. We recommend making your pitch using one or two slides maximum, with some animations if your wish. The pitch should be provided to the session convener latest 2 days before the session as a .ppt or .pdf. See examples of pitch (pitch 1, pitch 2)!

Poster: a dedicated poster session will follow the oral presentation session. Coffee and other drinks will be provided during this poster session. Remember that ECC2014 is an interdisciplinary conference and therefore the content of the poster should be easily understandable by a wide audience. Your poster shoudl be able to fit in an A0, portrait page stand.

Classic presentations

You will be able to present your research during a 15 min oral presentation followed by 5 min of questions. Remember that ECC2014 is an interdisciplinary conference and therefore the content of your presentation should be easily understandable by a wide audience. You should upload your presentation on the conference computer latest 15 min before the beginning of your session.

Innovative presentations

Pecha Kucha: Pecha Kucha is the Art of Concise Presentations. The formula is 20 images x 20 seconds (6’40”). In order to give a Pecha Kucha talk, your presentation needs to be timed automatically with each slide shown for 20 seconds (in Power Point, this is done through: (odld versions) slide show > slide transition >Advance slide automatically after 00:20 > apply to all slides; (new versions) TRANSITIONS > Advance Slide >(Tick) After 00:20.00 > Apply to All). We recommend strongly that you rehearse the presentation as the automatic change of slide can be quite destabilising. The challenge of this kind of presentation is not to provide all aspects of your research, but to generate interest in your work and to stimulate discussions with other conference participants between and after plenary sessions. We suggest simply introducing your subject in a very straightforward way without too many scientific details. Moreover, we recommend taking time to devise very clear and easy slides as the eye cannot register too much in 20 sec. Your presentation will be followed by 5 min of questions. You should upload your presentation on the conference computer latest 15 min before the beginning of your session.

Twin Talks: You will present the work of your twin and your twin will present your research. You should get in touch (e.g. by emails and Skype) to explain to the other the topic of your research. You should design the slides of your respective presentation together. Each presentation will last for 15 min followed by 5 min of questions during which your twin will join you. ECC2014 is a broad interdisciplinary conference. Therefore the presentations have to be understandable by scientists from various disciplines in Earth system science. We strongly advise practising in front of each other (by skype before the conference or at the conference) in order to be sure that you are correctly presenting your twin’s research and know the correct vocabulary of that specific subject. You should upload your presentation on the conference computer latest 15 min before the beginning of your session.

Non-linear presentations: In most linear presentations one slide follows the next according to a virtual but non visible line. In contrast, in a non-linear presentation the content is arranged on, e.g., a surface comparable to a mind map. The “path” along which the content is presented within this surface is visible for the audience by zooming in and out. Most people use Prezi for Non-Linear presentations but you are free to use any other software (e.g. Sozi). It is only important that you follow the nonlinear concept with its freedom and space. There will be internet access in order to present your presentation online. However, we strongly recommend providing an offline version of your presentation as backup. The presentation should be 15 min-long and will be followed by 5 min of questions. You should upload your presentation on the conference computer latest 15 min before the beginning of your session.

Old School: You will give your presentation using only a blackboard and chalk! You will have 15 min to present followed by 5 min of questions.