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PhD Days 2017

4 - 5 April 2017
at Schloss Etelsen
PhD Days 2017


The pro­gramme com­bined lec­ture ses­sions with the following formats:
1. Talk (12 minutes talk, 3 minutes discussion)
2. Speed talk (5 minutes talk, 2 minutes discussion - only PhD students in the first 6 months of their project)
3. Pitch & Poster (1-2 slides to raise the interest for the poster in the following poster session), poster

The aim of the present­a­tions was to let the other PhD stu­dents know what you do. The well-in­ten­tioned audi­ence provided writ­ten feed­back and the best talk and poster were awar­ded.


Awards were presented to

Simon Jungblut (FB 2 / GLOMAR) for his talk "The Asian shore crab in Europe: Invasion status amd ecosystem impact"

Fenna Bergmann (FB 5 / GLOMAR) for her poster entitled "The active channel-levee system of the Bengal Fan at 8°N"

Thomas Lorscheid (MARUM / GLOMAR) for best science photo

the awardees
from left to right: Fenna Bergmann, Simon Jungblut, Thomas Lorscheid

Organising committee

The Programme of the Bremen PhD Days in Marine Sciences 2017 is organised by the MARUM/GLOMAR PhD representatives:
Benjamin Halstenberg (MARUM)[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Thomas Lorscheid (MARUM)[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Lennart van Maldegem (MPI Jena)[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Diana Martínez Alarcón (AWI, FB 2)[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Charlotte Breitkreuz (MARUM)[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]


Photo credits: Christina Klose