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PhD Days 2022

20 - 21 June 2022
at Schloss Etelsen



For presenting your work, you can choose from three different formats:

  1. Talk (10 minutes talk, 5 minutes discussion)
  2. Speed talk (5 minutes talk, 5 minutes discussion; applicable only if you are within the first 6 months of your PhD)
  3. Poster

The aim of the presentations is to let the other PhD students know what you do. Therefore, we ask you to design your presentations in a way that they are easy to be followed for people from other disciplines. This is certainly challenging, but a good opportunity to practice your public speaking skills. The well-intentioned audience will provide written feedback for you and the best presentation will be awarded.
For students who just recently started their PhD, a speed talk might be a good way to give people an idea about the outline of your project. Please note that speed talks are aimed at those who are in the first 6 months of their PhD project only.

The programme will also include

  • a workshop on diversity in science
  • social events
  • joint lunches, coffee breaks and dinner

The final programme will be published as soon as the deadline for registration has passed.


Costs for travel, accommodation and meals will be covered by GLOMAR for those who have an active contribution during the PhD Days.



The deadline for registration was 25 May 2022.

The deadline for submission of abstracts was 5 June 2022.


Organising Committee

The Programme of the 14th Bremen PhD Days in Marine Sciences 2022 was organised by the MARUM ECR support team

Tina Klose, Sinah Teumer, Dierk Hebbeln [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]

in cooperation with the current MARUM/GLOMAR PhD representatives:

Sofía Barragán Montilla [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Anchal Bhaskar [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Yannis Kappelmann [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Kathrine Valdez Maxwell [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Karla Rubio Sandoval [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Venkata Siva Subrahmanyam Kattamuri [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]

Group photo

Group photo of the participants of the PhD Days 2022
Group photo of the participants of the PhD Days 2022