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We have a strong background in designing and organising marine expeditions and participated in numerous national & international cruises to the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, as well as to the Mediterranean Sea, North Sea, Red Sea and Gulf of Mexico.

Sediment cores (retrieved by MeBo, gravity, piston, box and multi-corer,) and underwater video footage (obtained by ROV, manned submarine) collected during these expeditions are essential to conduct palaeoceanographic and cold-water coral ecosystem studies.



Cruise (giant equipment)


Chief Scientist


2025 Sonne SO309 CoralNewZ SW Pacific Freiwald (SAM) tba

*Sonne SO306 COWIO

West Indian Ocean Hebbeln (MARUM) 261
2024 Maria S. Merian MSM127 MAURIBO East Atlantic Bickert (MARUM) 260
2019 Pelagia 64PE450 SE Atlantic Lavaleye (NIOZ) /
2018 Meteor M151 ATHENA (ROV) NE Atlantic Frank (IUP) 231/234
2017 Maria S. Merian MSM66 Baffin Bay Dorschel (AWI) 223
2017 *Sonne SO256 SW Pacific Mohtadi (MARUM) 222
2016 *Meteor M122 ANNA (ROV) SE Atlantic Hebbeln (MARUM)


2015 Maria S. Merian MSM44 Baffin Bay Dorschel (AWI)


2015 Maria S. Merian MSM48 East Atlantic Zonneveld (MARUM)


2015 *Pelagia 64PE395 East Atlantic Stuut (NIOZ/MARUM) /
2014 *Pelagia 64PE392 East Atlantic Stuut (NIOZ/MARUM) /
2014 *Maria S. Merian MSM36 (MeBo70) Atlantic/MedSea Hebbeln (MARUM) 181
2013 *Pelagia 64PE378 Trans-Atlantic Stuut (NIOZ/MARUM) /
2013 *Poseidon P451-2 Gulf of Cádiz Wienberg (MARUM) 175
2013 *Sonne SO228 West Pacific Mohtadi (MARUM) 174
2013 Marion Dufresne MD194 Atlantic/MedSea Van Rooij (UGhent) /
2013 Aegaeo KRSE2013 (ROV) Red Sea /
2012 *Sonne SO223T West Pacific Mohtadi (MARUM) 170
2012 *Sonne SO221 (MeBo70) South China Sea Mohtadi (MARUM) 166
2012 *Meteor M89 Transatlantic Stuut (NIOZ/MARUM) /
2012 *Maria S. Merian MSM20-4 (ROV) NW Atlantic Hebbeln (MARUM) 163
2011 *Minibex (Comex) (ROV/Remora) Mediterranean Hebbeln (MARUM) /
2011 Meteor M84-5 Bay of Biscay Flögel (GEOMAR) /
2010 *Sonne SO211 (MeBo70) East Pacific Hebbeln (MARUM) 150
2010 Maria S. Merian MSM16-3 (ROV) East Atlantic Westphal (ZMT) 147-149
2010 *Poseidon P400 (ROV) NE Atlantic Wienberg (MARUM) 145
2009 *Poseidon P385 (ROV) Mediterranean Hebbeln (MARUM) 137
2009 *Minibex (Comex) (ROV/Remora) Mediterranean Hebbeln (MARUM) /
2008 Celtic Explorer CE0810 (MeBo70) NE Atlantic Wheeler (UCC) 134
2008 *Pelagia 64PE284 (ROV) Gulf of Cádiz Hebbeln (MARUM) 127
2008 Prof. Logachev TTR17 Mediterranean Comas (UGranada) /
2007 Poseidon P346 East Atlantic Westphal (MARUM) 115
2007 Meteor M70-1 (ROV) Mediterranean Freiwald (UErlangen) 111/112
2007 Sonne SO189 Indian Ocean Wiedicke-Hombach (BGR) /
2007 Maria S. Merian MSM2-3 (Jago) North Atlantic Freiwald (UErlangen) 108
2007 Maria S. Merian MSM1-3b Gulf of Cádiz Pfannkuche (GEOMAR) 121
2005 *Sonne SO184 Indian Ocean Hebbeln (MARUM) 100
2005 Pelagia 64PE237 Gulf of Cádiz de Haas (NIOZ) /
2004 *Meteor M61-3 (ROV) NE Atlantic Hebbeln (MARUM) 92
2003 Sonne SO175 Gulf of Cádiz Kopf (MARUM) 90

*organised by AG Hebbeln; note: Core GeoB-ID only available for MARUM-organised cruises