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Here, we inform you about highlights of our research including relevant publications, recent expeditions, and new projects. We introduce new members of our working group and welcome scientists visisting our group to discuss joint projects. You can also find information about how our work is recognised in the public media.


Goodbye Karla!


May 2024 - After successfully completing her doctoral thesis, Karla Rubio Sandoval - who has been our dear "guest" PhD student for some time now - will leave Bremen and our group to go back to her home country of Mexico. There she will take up her first PostDoc position and we wish her every success for her future career!!

Cova is back in town


January/February 2024 - Our dear colleague Dr. Cova Orejas (IEO-CSIC) will stay for another time with our working group. She will continue to work with Claudia on different projects, such as start planning her participation in the RV SONNE expedition SO306 ("COWIO"), which will take place in August/September this year, and draft a joint manuscript dealing with coral growth rates determined by Th/U dating and combining this with coral colony size measurements based on image analyses.

New book on corals


January 2024 - A new volume of the Springer series "Coral Reefs of the World" has been published! The volume "Cold-Water Coral Reefs of the World" has been edited by Erik Cordes (Temple University, US) and Furu Mienis (Royal NIOZ, NL) and our coral group (Claudia, Dierk and Jürgen) contributed to three chapters (one as lead author: Wienberg et al. (2023) Cold-Water Coral Reefs in the Oxygen Minimum Zones off West Africa).


Congratulations Dr. Okuma!


December 2023 - On 20 December, Emmanuel suc­cess­ful­ly de­fen­ded his PhD with a talk en­t­it­led: "Ice-sheet control of sedimentation patterns at glaciated margins". Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons and we wish you and your litt­le fa­mi­ly all the best for your fu­ture!!

Welcome Vivien!


October 2023 - We like to wel­come a new mem­ber of our work­ing group. Vivien Winter will sup­port Tina with the co­or­din­a­tion of the course pro­gramme for early ca­reer re­search­ers.

Welcome Christian!


September 2023 - We like to welcome Dr. Christian Mohn an oceanographer and modeller from Aarhus University, Denmark. He received a HWK-fellowship and will work on hydrodynamic simulations based on data of our very successful ANNA cruise to the Angolan and Namibian margin.

Goodbye Ziye


September 2023 - Our dear colleague Ziye is leaving our group to go back to China, where she will continue her scientific career. We wish her all the best for the future!!

Goodbye Sinah


July 2023 - Unfortunately, Sinah has left our group. She is looking for a new challenge and will become a primary school teacher in Bremen. We wish her much success and joy in her new job.

Hello again


June 2023 - For the second time this year, we welcome our dear colleague Dr. Cova Orejas (IEO-CSIC). She will work with Claudia on (i) the project outline of a new PhD project on species distribution modelling (together with Dr. Ana Hilario, CESAM), and (ii) the planning of a joint project on coral growth rates (together with Dr. Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, IUP Heidelberg).

Coral Symposium in Edinburgh

from left: Guillem, Veerle, Luis, Jürgen, Cova, Claudia, Lelia, Dierk

May/June 2023 - The 8th International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals took place in Edinburgh from the 28th May to 2nd June 2023. Our group presented their work on cold-water corals in one keynote (Claudia), three full talks (Dierk, Jürgen, Luis) and two speed talks (Rodrigo, Chelsea). It was also a (re-)union of past, present and future(?) members of the working group!!!

Follow the symposium on Twitter!!!

Congratulations Jens!


April 2023 - On 25 April, Jens suc­cess­ful­ly de­fen­ded his PhD with a talk en­t­it­led: "Going with the flow - Sedimentation off West Greenland". Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons and we wish you and your litt­le fa­mi­ly all the best for your fu­ture!!

Guest from Heidelberg


April/May 2023 - We welcome Inga Kerber, a PhD student from the IUP (Heidelberg), who will spend two weeks in our working group. Together with Claudia and Jürgen, she is writing a publication dealing with a statistical analysis (Kernel Density Estimation) on the the temporal occurrence of cold-water corals in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.

Interview with Claudia


April 2023 - The journalist Marko Pauli produced a radio feature about the Deep Sea for the German broadcaster Bayrischer Rundfunk (radio). He visited MARUM for this purpose and were talking to Claudia Wienberg, and to Prof. Dr. Elda Miramontes (University of Bremen) and Dr. Saskia Brix (Senckenberg). You can listen to it here (in German).

Interview with Mahyar


February 2023 - Mahyar gave an interview about his current reserach on monsoons to the online magazone "Welt der Physik”. Here you will find the full article ("Die Monsunregenfälle über Ostasien werden intensiver"; in German): https://www.weltderphysik.de/gebiet/erde/atmosphaere/klimaforschung/klimaforschung-die-monsunregenfaelle-ueber-ostasien-werden-intensiver/

Cova is back


February/March 2023 - We welcome our dear colleague Dr. Cova Orejas (IEO-CSIC). She will continue to work with Claudia on (i) ROV videos and oceanographic data from the the Angolan coral mounds (together with Dr. Veerle Huvenne, NOC), (ii) a review paper on the impact of internal waves different coral communities (together with Dr. Marlene Wall, Geomar), (iii) the start-up of a new PhD project on species distribution modelling, and (iv) the planning of a joint project on coral growth rates (together with Dr. Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, IUP Heidelberg).

New PhD project


February 2023 - Our group is now involved in a new PhD project funded by the UN Ocean Decade programme Challenger150, a global scientific cooperation focussed on deep-sea biological research. The PhD candidate Teresa Ferreira will use ROV videos and CTD data collected during three expeditions organised by our group to characterise megabenthic communities from cold-water coral reefs across the Atlantic. The main aim is to build species distribution models for selected structuring species (Lophelia pertusa). The project is hosted by the University of Aveiro with Ana Hilario being the main supervisor, Cova Orejas (IEO-CSIC) and Claudia are co-supervisors.

Guest from Denmark


February 2023 - We welcome Dr. Christian Mohn from the Aarhus University. Christian is an oceanograph and modeller and will work together with Claudia, Jürgen and Dierk on data from the Angolan slope and the Namibian shelf (M122 - ANNA). The modelling project is part of the EU-project iAtlantic and a fellowship of the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, which Christian will start in autumn this year.

Guests from Heidelberg


February 2023 - We welcome Dr. Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau & Elvira Beisel from the Institut für Umweltphysik (University of Heidelberg). In collaboration with Claudia, they are sampling cold-water corals of cores from the Angolan and Mauritanian margins (i) to reconstruct thermocline ventilation ages in the NE Atlantic based on paired Th/U-14C dating.

Nature publication


January 2023 - Our dear colleague Ziye is the first author of a new Nature publication. Together with scientists from the USA and UK, she analysed data from deep-sea drilling at 81 global sites to de­term­ine the his­tory of or­ganic car­bon burial dur­ing the Neo­gene (23-3 Ma). Their res­ults sup­port the as­sump­tion that rates were high in the early Mio­cene & Plio­cene and low in the middle Mio­cene. They assume that car­bon se­quest­ra­tion is re­lated to tem­per­at­ure-de­pend­ent bac­terial de­com­pos­i­tion of or­ganic mat­ter dur­ing the warm period of the middle Mio­cene. Follow the article and press release...

Welcome back!


January 2023 - Rodrigo has returned to our research group. During the next three years, his work will focuss on developing a proxy to reconstruct past dissolved oxygen conditions. His project is part of the Research Unit Receiver withinn the Cluster of Excellence "The Ocean Floor - Earth's Uncharted Interface". Good to have you back!

Happy New Year

Photo by Adnan Mistry on Unsplash

January 2023 - We wish everybody much success, happiness, freedom and health for the year 2023!!!





November 2022 - Dierk turned 60 and we celebrated his birthday with a joint breakfast. Congratulations (you look younger than ever) and enjoy your Gin o'clock time :)

Welcome Luis!


September 2022 - We welcome a new member of our working group. Luis Greiffenhagen did his MSc at the University of Edinburgh (UK) on cold-water coral ecosystem functioning and will now work on the carbonate budgeting of coral mounds. His PhD project is part of the Research Unit Recorder within the Cluster of Ex­cel­lence "The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Un­charted In­ter­face".

Congratulations Leo!


September 2022 - On the 2nd of September, Leonardo successfully defended his PhD with a talk entitled: "The information of cold-water coral mounds beneath the Benguela upwelling system". Congratulations and we wish you and your little family much success for your future career!!


New Working Group

August 2022 - Congratulations! Mahyar handed in a proposal to establish his own working group, which was endorsed by the MARUM-Zentrumsrat during its last meeting. From now on, he is leading the group on "Low-latitude Climate Variability". Martina and Ziye will be members of this new sci­en­tific­ally in­de­pend­ent group at MARUM. Check out the new webpage...

New HWK Study Group

June 2022 - Our coral group was invited for a preparatory meeting at the HWK to establish a study group on "Deep-Sea Benthic Ecosystems Offshore West Africa". This meeting was organised by Cova Orejas and Veerle Huvenne (HWK-Fellows), and Doris Meyerdierks (HWK, Delmenhorst). Together with colleagues from the Senckenberg am Meer, GEOMAR, Aarhus University (Denmark), and University of Salento (Italy), we had some fruitful discussions and many ideas for a 3-years study group and the first meeting will hopefully take place in 2023.

from left to right: Thor Hansteen (Geomar), Doris Meyerdierks (HWK), Christian Mohn (Aarhus Uni, Denmark), Cova Orejas (IEO-CSIC, Spain), Veerle Huvenne (NOC, UK), Beatriz Vinha (Salento Uni, Italy), Jürgen Titschack (MARUM), Claudia Wienberg (MARUM), André Freiwald (Senckenberg), Lydia Beuck (Senckenberg), Mia Schumacher (Geomar)

New publication

Sampling of cold-water corals in the deep Atlantic Ocean. ROV image: MARUM ROV Squid

May 2022 - New publication on cold-water corals, led by our colleague Rodrigo Portilho-Ramos and published in Plos Biology. Check out the link to the press release (Past events reveal how future warming could harm cold-water corals) and the paper (Major environmental drivers determining life and death of cold-water corals through time). Congrats Rodrigo!!

Goodbye Chelsea!


May 2022 - Our dear colleague Chelsea Korpanty is leaving Bremen to go back to the U.S. and work as a lecturer for the Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. We wish her and her family all the best and much success for her future scientific career!

Guests from Heidelberg

elviral & Marleen

May 2022 - We welcome Elvira Beisel and Marleen Lausecker from the Institut für Umweltphysik (University of Heidelberg). In collaboration with Claudia, they are sampling cold-water corals of cores from the Moroccan and Mauritanian margins (i) to reconstruct thermocline ventilation ages and temperatures in the NE Atlantic (paired Th/U-14C dating, Li/Mg), (ii) to refine the temporal development of coral mounds, and (iii) to determine water mass origin (Nd-isotopes).

New guest


April 2022 - We like to welcome a new guest in our working group. Botond Árpád Lázár is a PhD student from the Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca in Romania. For the next four months, he will work together with Mahyar and Enno Schefuss.

Field trip to Iran

copyright: https://persiantourradar.com/tours/zagros-mountain-range-and-damavand-trekking

April 2022 - Mahyar and Dierk are currently on a field trip to Iran with master students of the FB05. Starting in Isfahan, the students will gain insight into geological processes of the Zagros mountains with a focus on oil/gas exploration, tectonic of salt domes/diapirs, transport and deposition mechanisms in eolian systems, mass extinction events in Earth history. The excursion will end in Shiraz.

Welcome back


March 2022 - We like to welcome a new ("old") member of our working group. Dr. Martina Hollstein worked as a PhD student and PostDoc at MARUM, before she left for a job at the BGR. Now she is back and will work for the Cluster of Excellence (RECORDER).



January 2022 - Dharma successfully applied for the Herschel Programme award for women in technical leadership-UK - and (no surprise) she got it! The Herschel Programme aims to address the lack of women in technical leadership positions across science. It provides a space for women to learn new skills to develop themselves in a current technical leadership role or equip themselves for a future role.

Dharma is in the last year of her PhD in our working group and is working as a senior technician in the project FARGO evaluating proxies of oxygenation and focusing on studying long term changes of oxygenation in the Pacific. The program will help her in improving her confidence, management skills, learn how to negotiate and be resilient.

Happy New Year!


January 2022 - Our working group wishes everybody much success, happiness and health for the year 2022!!!


Welcome Cova and Veerle!

hwk - iAtlantic

October 2021 - We like to welcome Dr. Cova Orejas (IEO, Spain) and Dr. Veerle Huvenne (NOC, UK) who are two internationally renowned experts on cold-water coral research and will work with our group in the coming weeks. They received a HWK-fellowship allowing us to proceed and continue joint projects on the outcomes of our very successful ANNA cruise to the Angolan margin.




July 2021 - We congratulate our dear colleague Mahyar for his successful habilitation! Title of his thesis: "Quaternary climate of the low latitudes: The Indo-Pacific realm"; talk: Glacial storage of atmospheric CO2 in the ocean (02. June 2021)".

Happy Retirement!

Lydie's Retirement Celebration

May 2021 - Our dear colleague Lydie will start her retirement in June and will also leave Bremen to go back to Amsterdam. She was for a long time a member of our working group and we had numerous funny coffee breaks, tasty manuscript cakes and X-mas dinners together. Dear Lydie, enjoy your retirement and your life as much as you can!!

Happy New Year!


January 2021 - Our working group wishes everybody much success, happiness and health for the year 2021!!! Let's hope that we will be able to overcome Corona in a joint effort.


Congratulations Yanming!

(c) C. Klose

November 2020 - On the 9th of November, Yanming successfully defended his PhD with a talk entitled: "Interaction of climate, vegetation and fire in tropical ecosystems". Congratulations and we wish you much success for your future on Texel!!

Virtual coffee breaks..

AG Hebbeln on zoom

April-October2020 - Due to the situ­ation res­ult­ing from the Corona pan­demic, our group had to find a new way for regular meetings. Therefore, we have once a week a "virtual coffee break" via video con­fer­ence from our home offices. We use these limited time slots to exchange our experiences with working from home and organising our daily life, and present our recent scientific work to our colleagues.. Stay healthy!

Welcome back Cova!


April 2020 - Our dear colleague Cova Orejas is for a third time here in Bremen to work with our cold-water coral group. Cova is a renowned ex­pert on cold-wa­ter coral eco­logy at the Instituto Español de Oceanografia IEO), Centro Oceanogràfic de les Balears (Palma de Mal­lorca, Spain). Unfortunately, we can only discuss our joint work via email and video chat as we all have to do home office, including Cova. We hope the situation will relax soon..

Goodbye Hao-zhuang!


March 2020 - Our dear colleague Haozhuang is now back in China. Due to the recent situ­ation res­ult­ing from the COVID-19 pan­demic, he had to leave Germany very suddenly, and we had no time to personally say goodbye as the entire group is working from home. We wish you all the best for your future scientific career! Stay healthy.

Congratulations Hao-zhuang!


January 2020 - On the 28th of January, Haozhuang successfully defended his PhD with a talk entitled: "The formation of cold-water coral mounds in the Mediterranean Sea". Congratulations and we wish you much success for the future.

Guests from Heidelberg


January 2020 - We like to welcome dear guests from the Institut für Umweltphysik (IUP; University of Heidelberg). René Eichstädter, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau and Marleen Lausecker vist our group to sample cold-water corals of cores from the Angolan coral mound province collected during RV Meteor expedition M122 "ANNA". In collaboration with our group, they will establish a chronology (U/Th & 14C) and conduct various isotope analyses (Li/Mg, Nd-, Ba-, Li-isotopes) on the coral samples.