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Suggest a course topic

Our professional development offers are based on your needs and demand. We in­vite you to sug­gest top­ics or events at any time of the year.

Below you will find a list of potential topics; you are welcome to add your own ideas to the list.

Topics can be addressed in short 1-hour seminars or talks, in half-day workshops or, if more time is needed, in 2-day workshops. The events can be splitted into several days over several weeks and they can be held online or in person. We are flexible!

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Expert Knowledge and Scientific Methods

Data visualisation
Earth system models and their application in geosciences
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Good scientific practice (research integrity)
Graphics in science: How to produce figures and deliver your message
Literature search: Staying up to date with push and pull services
Modern planktic foraminifera: Diversity and ecology
Micropaleontolgical proxies for paleoceanographic reconstructions
Quality management systems (QMS) in the life sciences
R - Introduction to R
R - Visualisations with R

Transferable Skills

Conflict management
Decision making
Film your science
Intercultural / transcultural communication and awareness
Leadership skills
LinkedIn for scientists
MARUM web page design with the Additor
Networking and self-presentation
Parenting and academia - managing the mental load
Poster design
Poster pitching
Presentation skills: slide design
Presentation skills:structuring your talk
Presentation skills:speaking and tackling stage fright
Proposal writing for natural scientists
Research placements for doctoral researchers: fnding, planning, reporting
Science communication: writing for the media and for the public
Science outreach: Options for engagement for researchers in Bremen
Scientific writing and publishing
Sketchnoting in science
Storytelling for scientists
Teaching opportunities
Thesis Committee Meetings: Planning, conduction, reporting, trouble shooting
Time management

Career perspectives

Competency profile - You have already accombished more than you think!
Fachhochschul-Professur als Karriereweg
Lehramt: Quer-/Seiteneinstieg
Professorial appointment procedures (Berufungsverfahren)


Confident performance - presentation skills for women in science
Women and career
Women in leadership