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MARUM Supervision Workshop

In­ter­cul­tural competence in the su­per­vi­sion and guid­ance of early ca­reer re­search­ers

Working and researching across cultures has its pitfalls and challenges. Diverse teams can work together more efficiently and trustfully if they understand both, their commonalities and their differences.
In this workshop, we will discuss challenges in supervising and mentoring ECR from diverse backgrounds. We will have a look at the many ways in which cultures (of countries, professions, organisations, regions, generations, …) shape our ways of feeling and thinking, evaluating and acting.
Our aim is to improve our skills in communicating successfully across cultures by focusing on how to build sustainable relationships, increase our ability to read between the lines, give feedback and deal with conflicts.

3 November 2021
09.00 - 17.00
MARUM I, room 2070 (or online via Zoom, if necessary)

Topics which will be covered include

  • Avoiding stumbling blocks in intercultural communication
  • Communication strategies across cultures
  • Feedback styles
  • Egalitarian vs. hierarchical leadership
  • Relationship vs. task-oriented cultures
  • Time scheduling strategies in different societies
  • When working and living abroad gets more than challenging – culture shock
  • Working successfully across cultures and distance
