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Public Engagement and Science Communication

Public engagement and science communication activities are important in many different ways. They can, for example,

  • generate excitement and interest in science with the public,
  • help to keep up or improve acceptance for scientific research in the society, and
  • generate appreciation in the community for your profession and institution.

At the same time, skills gained by engaging in science communication activities can also serve the scientists themselves. Successfully explaining an aspect of science or technology will greatly enhance the own level of understanding.

MARUM encourages and actively supports Early Career Researchers in science communication activities and public engagement.

If you would like to get involved and communicate your science, please contact the MARUM science communication team: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].

Science communication - work samples from MARUM researchers:

Sketchnotes of Marine Scientists
Scientific short films
Scientific short films


... that you can get involved in.


Science Communication Training at MARUM

We offer trainings and workshops to address different science communication topics. Some examples can be found in the list below. If you have a need or an idea for an additional topic, please feel encouraged contact us ([Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript])

A Film Stu­dio in your Pocket - Cre­at­ing Sci­entific Short Films with a Smart­phone
Basics of Science Communication: Writing for the Media and the Public
Conveying the message - communicating complex science to non-experts
How to get involved in science communication activities in marine sciences (in Bremen)
Poster Design and Graphical Abstracts
Science as a story - how to improve your outreach and impact
Sketchnoting in Science
Twitter as a Tool for Scientists