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Support of Equal Opportunity and Diversity

We are committed to providing equal opportunities for all our employees, affiliates and guests.

We are committed to

  • protection against any kind of disadvantage and discrimination,
  • acknowledgement of neurodivergent learning and working strategies, and
  • DEI sensitive recruitment.

Our gender equal opportunity strategy has five specific objectives:

  1. to aim for a balance gender ratio among all researchers,
  2. to improve the gender balance in leadership positions and decision-making committees,
  3. to increase employment opportunities for female scientists in their next career phase,
  4. to increase awareness of gender bias in supervisory and staff selection processes, and
  5. to further develop a gender-balanced academic culture.

MARUM women scientists at a gender awareness seminar
MARUM women scientists at a gender awareness seminar

Specific support measures include

Gender awareness and career coaching workshops for women in science
see Research Training
Gender awareness lectures
Contract extensions for doctoral researchers starting to raise a family during their doctoral research term*
Child-care support during conferences*
Student helpers to support parents*
plan m - Mentoring for Women in Science (in German)
in cooperation with the Equal Opportunities Office at the University of Bremen
navigare - Career Coaching for Women in Science (in English or German)
in cooperation with the Equal Opportunities Office at the University of Bremen
Gender and diversity awareness workshops for supervisors and project leaders at MARUM
in cooperation with the Equal Opportunities Office at the University of Bremen

* under specific circumstances; please enquire eligibility before making plans regarding child care support or student helpers

If you have questions or would like to apply for funding measures related to the equal opportunities support programme, please contact Dr. Christina Klose

Examples of courses/trainings in the past

Confident performance - presentation skills for female scientists
From career choice to career goal - standing your ground and finding a job - for female scientists
Parenting and academia - managing the mental load
Women and Career
Leadership skills for women in science