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Navigating Uncertainty in Research

Mental Clarity & Decision Making

22 March 2022 09.00 - 17.00 online via Zoom and vimeo

Dr. Desiree Dickerson and Dr. Vicent Botella-Soler

deadline for registration: 14 March 2022

Target group:
Postdocs and early-stage group leaders from MARUM and ZMT

Objectives of this workshop:

How do we create the mental clarity to make big decisions when academia leaves us with so little time or energy and very few resources to cope? We are left trying to make big life changes decisions from a place of self-doubt, emotional reactiveness, and exhaustion.

In this workshop, we explore the factors that impact on how we think and make decisions. The role that our biases, thinking patterns, and behavioural choices play in how we evaluate situations and interactions, and how we engage (or not) with certain individuals and environments.

We explore:
  • the self-critical inner voices that make you think you do not belong, you can’t do it, and you shouldn’t apply yet.
  • Learn to question how your mindset and thought processes can help or hinder your day-to-day life and your future career prospects;
  • Recognise biases in our thinking that are either magnifying our fears, doubts and concerns or minimising our ability to make healthy choices;
  • Push back on certain maladaptive coping strategies (e.g. procrastination and avoidance) once
  • You see how much they impact on the decision making process;
  • How to reshape your thinking and behaviour patterns to work for you in pursuit of your goals.
  • Develop tools to help you maintain a clear head despite the challenging decisions you must make.

The trainers:
Dr. Desiree Dickerson
As a former postdoctoral researcher in the neurosciences and a clinical psychologist, I have worked at both ends of the spectrum - from (lab) bench to bedside. After working in research in New Zealand, Australia, and Austria, I now live in Spain with my young family and spend my time helping academic institutions and academics themselves pursuit a healthier approach to research.
Dr. Vicent Botella-Soler
Vicent has been a PhD student (Physics), a Postdoc (Computational neuroscience), a Machine-Learning consultant for tech startups, a R&D manager for a data company. With extensive international experience both in research and in industry, he now works as a freelance consultant and author, helping academics and industry professionals snap out of cognitive traps and long-held beliefs hindering their development.