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Graduate Symposium Career Paths of Marine and Climate Scientists

Invited Speakers

The following speakers have accepted our invitation.

Introductory talk:"Professional Orientation for Marine & Climate Scientists"
Barbara Hoffbauer, KEPOS GmbH
(alumni of)
Background Business Company / Institution
Birgit Adam
Biogeochemistry Science Communication Max Planck Society
Sanja Asendorf
Environmental Sciences Laboratory Supllier Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen
Dr. Kai Chu
Engineering, Hydroinformatics, Geosciences Consultancy, civil engineering International Marine and Dredging Consultants (IMDC), Antwerpe, Belgium
Dr. Marc Einsporn
Biogeochemistry / Business Administration Environmental, Food and Feed Analytics AGROLAB Group, Bruckberg
Dr. Bevis Fedder
Biology and Law Knowledge Transfer Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT)
Johannes Fesefeld Psychology Assessment Center Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalwesen e.V. (dgp)
Dr. Grit Freiwald
Mathematics / Modelling (Automobile) Industry IAV GmbH, Gifhron
Dr. Jessika Füssel
(MarMic / MPI)
Biogeochemistry Consultancy for ship companies
Jörn S. Gieseler
(University of Bremen)
Marine Biology Consultancy inbiseco
Dr. Stefan Grötzschel
Environmental Engineering/ Microbiology Public Administration/ Politics Ministry for Science, Education and Health; Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Member of Scientific Board of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Bremerhaven
Dr. Sebastian Hammerschmidt
Geology / Marine Technlogy Energy industry BP
Dr. Ulrike Holzwarth
Biology (Dinoflagelates) Education, self employed CEO life in tides
Studierwerkstatt University of Bremen
Priska Hunkeler
Geophysics Building material industry LafargeHolcim AG, Switzerland
Peter Kohl Biology Science communication mediomix GmbH (Media agency for scientists)
Dr. Iris Menn
Biology NGO, project management Christian Blind Mission
(formerly campaigner at Greenpeace)
Lucas Scheffers Microbiology Scientific Equipment Research and development at Philips Research
Tim Schröder Biology, Marine Physics Science commmunication freelance science journalist
Dr. André Wischmeyer
Physics Intellectual property Busse & Busse patent agents and lawyers