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Angelika Dummermuth

Angelika Dummermuth is marine biologist and science manager. Dummermuth did her studies at the University of Bremen owning a diploma in Biology. Her research started with benthic microalgae in a north Brazilian mangrove and ended with biochemical studies on the antioxidative properties of marine macroalgae form the Arctic with graduation as PhD in 2003. While her PhD period at the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) she organized diving expeditions to Spitsbergen and gave birth to her first child.

Directly after her graduation she gave birth to her second child and left science for maternal leave. In 2005 she joined the public relations team now concentrating on science communication. She was educated as press officer and loved the broad spectrum of tasks from writing press releases, organizing events of different size and for different audience as well as communicating expert from the institute or directly answering media requests.

In 2008 Dummermuth entered the field of science management and started to work for the director of the AWI. Her tasks included e.g. preparation, organisation and post-processing of meetings, reporting, preparation of presentations, organization of high level events, etc. She participated in a general management training of the Helmholtz Management Academy.

Since 2013 Dummermuth is head of the directorate’s office leading a team of four staff members and coordinating all affairs with reference to the AWI directorate. Strategic scientific planning, evaluation of scientific organisational units, key performance indicators and statistics are exemplary tasks which come along with this position.
Angelika Dummermuth