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Dr. Oliver Ritzmann

Dr. Oliver Ritzmann joined Wintershall in 2012 as a geophysicist and is currently working as Exploration Manager for Wintershall's southern German assets. Wintershall is a subsidiary of BASF’s and Germany largest crude oil & natural gas producer.

With a background in Geology and a study at University of Bonn, he joined Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) for his Diploma Thesis in seismic data interpretation of East Antarctica’s continental margin. It was followed up by three years of doctoral research focusing on the crustal architecture of the Svalbard Archipelago and Eurasia Basin. His research time at AWI was accompanied by several cruises with RV Polarstern providing basic insights into operational geophysics and geology.

After finishing the PhD Thesis he went to Bergen and Oslo Universities for a five year period of post-doctoral research. During his stay in Norway he participated in a series of oil & gas industry-funded projects about the Norwegian Continental Margin and the Barents Sea, both key regions for Norway’s position as an oil & gas producing country.

Oliver Ritzmann joined the industry in 2008 at E.ON Ruhrgas E&P. Starting as a seismic interpreter and geophysicist, he worked mainly for on- and offshore Northern African, Russian and Norwegian hydrocarbon exploration projects. For Wintershall in Germany he is currently managing geological and geophysical projects for oil and gas field developments
and production.