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Good Scientific Practice

Good scientific practice, also referred to as research integrity, is essential in all scientific work. It ensures respectful cooperation among scientists and credibility towards the public. The principles of good scientific practice can be violated in many ways. From deliberate falsification or deceit to a lack of care in the application of scientific methods or data handling and documentation.

MARUM scientists and staff are ob­liged to fol­low the rules of good sci­entific prac­tice and to be­have in an ex­em­plary man­ner. They are also expected to train stu­dents and ju­nior staff in the prin­ciples of good sci­entific prac­tice.

The topic is addressed in several ways:

  • Discussions among senior scientists, sharing experiences
  • Providing information about recommendations and latest developments
  • Education of early career scientists through supervisors and in courses


Image: DFG

Dealing with (potential) scientific misconduct

In case you are experiencing or learn about scientific misconduct, this is what you can do

  1. Read the documents provided by MARUM, the DFG and the University (see above). In case your problem is addressed there, you may gain some more clarity.
  2. Talk to your supervisor or a colleague (if possible).
  3. Talk to a member of the MARUM ECR support team, they are familiar with potantial doubts or conflicts (confidentiality guaranteed)

If further measures are necessary, you may contact the MARUM ombudsperson (confidentiality guaranteed).

Rules of Procedure for Dealing with Scientific Misconduct
(German Research Foundation, DFG; latest version 08.2019)



Courses addressing the topic of good scientific practice are offered by MARUM at least once per year. You will find them in the section professional development.