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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Martina Hollstein

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Martina Hollstein about her research stay at the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA from 12 June – 5 September 2015

From June to September 2015 I got the chance to visit the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences (IMCS) at Rutgers University in New Jersey to work in the laboratory of Prof. Yair Rosenthal. The main objective was to measure trace element ratios in foraminiferal shells from sediment cores retrieved in the equatorial western Pacific Ocean. Prof. Rosenthal is an expert in the analysis of trace element ratios and has a profound knowledge about the paleoceanography and paleoclimatology in my research area.

Due to common research interests, our working groups have already collaborated prior to my research stay. Thus, a first contact to Prof. Rosenthal already existed when I decided to go to the IMCS for a research stay.

For me, processing samples at the IMCS had several advantages. Both, the sample preparation and measuring devices at the IMCS differ from those we use at MARUM. Thus, I could learn a new cleaning method to prepare the samples for measurements and I got an introduction how to run an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS), which was used to measure the samples, so that I was able to supervise measurements by myself. Besides, working at the IMCS gave me the opportunity to work not only on my own samples but also on core material from Prof. Rosenthal to complete my datasets. Obviously, I spent most of the time in the laboratory to prepare and run my samples. But, I also got introduced how to validate the data and I had the opportunity to discuss my results with Prof. Rosenthal. This gave me a lot of helpful advice and approaches to start the data analysis.

Throughout the entire time supervision by Prof. Rosenthal and his team was really good. The group introduced me to the laboratory work, supported me running my samples and was always open to questions. I also pretty much enjoyed spending my lunch breaks with the working group members.

During the three months I got to know a lot of graduate students and post docs from several disciplines and many different countries. Even living in this community I got a good insight into research culture and life in the US.

To put it in short terms, I benefited from this research stay in many ways. I gained a lot of experience in lab work and could improve my methodological skills. The data generated will certainly bring my PhD project forward and hopefully contribute to my first publications. My stay at the IMCS also laid the foundation for a future collaboration with Prof. Yair Rosenthal. Besides, the time was a great personal experience and I got valuable insights into research culture and life in the US. For these reasons, I would like to thank GLOMAR for the financial support that made this research stay possible.

Martina at IMCS

Martina at IMCS

The IMCS building at Rutgers

The IMCS building at Rutgers