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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Natalie Höppner

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Natalie Höppner about her research stay at the Geoscience Institute of the University of São Paulo, Brazil from 11 February – 11 March 2016

From 11th February to 11th March 2016 I got the chance to spend a month in Brazil. The main aims of my research stay were first to discuss my data for one of my research areas (Amazon River basin) and second to obtain samples for my second research area (Plata River basin).

Part of my research stay I spent at the Geoscience Institute of the University of São Paulo (USP) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Cristiano M. Chiessi. I discussed my data with many other scientists (Prof. Dr. André O. Sawakuchi, Prof. Dr. Marly Babinsky and Prof. Dr. Francisco W. Cruz), which helped me to get an overview of related topics and new ideas for interpretation and future analysis. I was also able to take part in a PhD defense. This was a great experience and gave me a very interesting insight how this works in Brazil.

During the remaining time I had the great opportunity to conduct my very own sampling campaign with the help of a master student from the Geoscience Institute from USP. We travelled along the Paraná River and took several water and suspended sediment samples of the main channel and its tributaries. On these samples I will do radiogenic and non-traditional metal stable isotope analysis in our lab here at MARUM.

Overall, my research stay was very successful and I greatly benefited from it in many ways. I gained a lot of experience in planning and conducting a sampling campaign which will definitely be very helpful in the future. Furthermore, I have new samples which further support my PhD project and I could get acquainted with one of my working areas hands on. During my stay at the Geoscience Institute at USP I could meet with scientists that are experts on climate, hydrology and sedimentology of South America, which gave me great new insights and ideas. I could expand my scientific network and learn about the research culture in Brazil. Additionally, I learned a lot about the Brazilian people and culture, especially during the field trip.

Finally I want to thank the DAAD that made my research stay and sampling campaign possible.
In front of the Geoscience Institute, University of São Paulo

In front of the Geoscience Institute, University of São Paulo

Sampling the Paranapanema River

Sampling the Paranapanema River

View of the river bank of Paraná (near Foz do Iguaçu)

View of the river bank of Paraná (near Foz do Iguaçu)