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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Lucia Herbeck

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Lucia Herbeck about her visit of a thesis committee member at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, from 25.05.-01.06.2011

I spent one week at the Institute of Biology at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense. The main aims of this trip were to visit the external member of my thesis committee, Prof. Marianne Holmer, and to analyze selected sediment samples from Hainan, tropical China, for acid volatile sulfides (AVS) and chromium reducible sulfides (CRS).

Despite the shortness, it was a very efficient and successful trip: It was great to get an insight into the activities and lab capacities at the institute. I found it especially interesting and motivating to discuss methods, results, typical problems, etc in seagrass research with other PhD students working in the field of seagrass ecology.

Most of my time in Odense, I spent in the laboratory performing the distillations of my sediment samples. The method was explained to me by a PhD student on Thursday, 26th. Sediment pools of AVS consisting of FeS and porewater sulfides and CRS consisting of FeS2 and S0 were determined using the 2-step distillation technique by Fossing & Jørgensen (1989). AVS and CRS released during distillation were trapped in 10 ml of 250 mM ZnAc and transported to Bremen. At the ZMT, the pools of AVS and CRS will be determined by analyzing TH2S in the distillate by the photometric method of Cline (1969). The lab-work was very successful and I was able to conduct distillations on more than twice the amount of samples than I was expecting before. A total of 72 sediment samples, which were collected in August 2008 and April 2009 at three seagrass sites in Hainan in close (~50 m), intermediate (~250 m) and far (~ 1000 m) distance from the coastline, where aquaculture farms operate, were distilled. In addition to that, distillates from one station were precipitated as Ag2S, which can now be used for determination of the δ34S signal of AVS and CRS. Together with the δ34S composition of seagrass tissues measured already, these data will elucidate risk exposure of the seagrass to toxic sulfides and will complement my fourth manuscript, in which I assess the effects of enhanced organic matter fluxes from shrimp and fish ponds on the state of the seagrass beds of NE-Hainan, China.

On Tuesday May 31st, I gave a presentation of my work in the seagrass meadows of Hainan, China, to Prof. Marianne and her seagrass research group, which was followed by an interesting discussion. I will surely benefit from their views on my data, when writing up the according manuscript. Besides that, I got a lot of literature recommendations for my seagrass manuscript.

I’m very grateful that GLOMAR gave me the opportunity to visit Prof. Marianne Holmer and the Institute of Biology at the University of Southern Denmark by providing me financial support for the travel expanses. I especially appreciate very much that I was able to take my one-year-old daughter with me on this trip, which enabled me to continue working on my scientific career, while at the same time not being away from my child for too long.