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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Friederike Grimmer

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Friederike Grimmer about her research stay at the Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia from 8 September to 20 October 2016

In September and October 2016, I visited the working group for Tropical Palynology and Paleoecology, led by Catalina González Arango, at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia.

My objectives were primarily to discuss the interpretation of my data with Catalina González and other experts for neotropical vegetation and geological events during the Pliocene (Andean uplift, closure of the Central American Seaway). Secondly, I wanted to get familiar with the Páramo vegetation (high Andean ecosystem) which makes up an important part of my pollen data. Finally, I wanted to consult the reference collection of Colombian pollen and spore types and visit the herbarium of the university.

Upon arrival, Catalina introduced me to her working group where I was cordially received. Some of her students work on topics related to mine, like uplift of the northern Andes and dinoflagellate distributions in the Pacific. Therefore, we had some good discussions which gave me new insights and ideas for my manuscript. I also got the chance to visit the Páramo with students from the ecophysiology department, who showed me this beautiful and unique ecosystem and particularly some endemic species. From a few of these species, I took pollen and spore samples and compared them to the types found in the marine sediments I work on.

Apart from the scientific life at the university, I happened to be in Colombia during a historic and very emotional time for the country. In a referendum, the Colombian people were asked whether they accept the peace agreement which was decided upon during four years of negotiation between the Colombian government and the FARC guerilla. This could finally have ended the war which has been going on for over 50 years, but surprisingly the public voted ‘no’. Now people especially in Bogotá continue to demonstrate for new negotiations and peace.

After the six weeks were over, we concluded that the research stay was too short as I almost began to feel at home there. It was definitely the right decision to do a research stay in Colombia, not only because it helped me to progress with my project, but also because I got to know this amazing country. Therefore, I would like to kindly thank GLOMAR for funding this research stay.
Entrance of the Universidad de los Andes

Entrance of the Universidad de los Andes

Páramo close to Bogotá

Páramo close to Bogotá

students from the Paleolab-Group

Some students from the Paleolab-Group


View over the High Plain of Bogotá from the Mountain Monserrate (3152m)