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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Vera Meyer

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Vera Meyer about her participation in the GRC and GRS (Gordon Research Conference and Seminar) on Organic Geochemistry, Holderness, NH, USA, 2 - 8 August 2014

From the August 2nd-8th I attended the Gordon Organic Geochemistry Seminar (GRS) and Gordon Organic Geochemistry Conference which were held at Holderness School, New Hampshire, USA. These meetings have a long tradition and bring together scientists from all fields of organic geochemistry. The GRS held two days prior to the actual conference was meant for early career scientists such as PhD students and postdocs to discuss their work with other scientists on the same educational level. Furthermore a career panel was provided by senior scientists from industries as well as universities who gave insights into how their career developed after their graduation. During the conference scientists from all career stages met to discuss cutting edge topics in the fields of petroleum chemistry, organic proxies used in paleoclimatology and biogeochemical cycles. The relatively small number of attendees (ca. 150-200) allowed everybody to easily get in contact with many “important” people. Furthermore, with the accommodation of all conferees being placed on a school campus offering joint free-time activities e.g. football or canoeing a summer-camp like atmosphere evolved. This provided various opportunities for non-work related topics.

I contributed a poster to the seminar as well as to the conference. During both meetings I met many experts working either in exactly the same fields as I do or in fields related to my research. I had a lot of profitable discussions and comments on my poster so that in the end I came home with many new ideas how to advance my PhD work.

For me as a young scientist the meetings were an excellent opportunity to extend my scientific network and to discuss my work with scientists other than my supervisors and co-authors.