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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Shuchai Gan

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Shuchai Gan about her participation in the Gordon Research Seminar and Conference on Organic Geochemistry in Holderness, New Hampshire, USA from 23 - 29 July 2016

1. The conference and its highlights
The Gordon Research Conference (GRC) and Seminar (GRS) on Organic Geochemistry were held from 23. July to 29. July in USA. (https://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=11805, https://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=15388). There were ca. 160 attendees. This meeting provides a plenty of opportunities to discuss the research and introduce young scientists, including the long discussions (up to 25 min after a talk), intensive poster sessions, shared dining room and accommodation for all participants and public activities.

As the topic of the conference is 'advancing technology in organic geochemistry', after the conference, I know more about new trends of promising techniques: (1) Quite a few participants are using the isotope ratio of carbon or hydrogen of single compounds (e.g., n-alkanes, hopanoid and lipids including GDGT) to investigate the paleoclimate, vegetation and source identification; (2) Some are using FT-ICR-MS and NMR to investigate the composition of natural organic matter including oils. I also applied FT-ICR-MS in my studies. Their studies inspired me to use a second method - NMR for my studies and suggested a broader application of my skill. (3) Two new techniques presented in the conference are interesting, including the Atomic Force Microscopy (Bruno Schuler, IBM-research) for analyzing organic compounds and secondary ion mass spectrometry at the nanometer scale (NanoSIMS) (Marcel Kuypers, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology) to determine the activity of single microbial cells with addition of 15N or 13C in the culture.
2. My contributions to the conference and interactions
Three abstracts in the GRS were promoted from posters of students and postdocs to the oral presentations in the GRC. I was selected to give a talk in the session of 'Late-Breaking Topics' in regard to the impact of redox conditions on the quality of dissolved organic matter (DOM) during incubation of sediments from the Rhône River Delta. I received some positive feedbacks and three important comments. (1) One peer scientist observed a similar phenomenon in terrestrial environment. It suggests the conclusion of my talk might give a broader implication in different geological environment. (2) The CHNO compounds might not be associated to protein. I think this is true and I should be careful during the preparation of manuscript. (3) The inorganic process might influence the spectra and the quantification of DOC. This reminded me of the importance of monitoring the inorganic parameters such as metal ion.
3. Personal benefits and experiences from the conference
I met prof. Hatcher during the conference and suggested to cooperate with him for further characterization of DOM in this study. I am potentially considering to apply a research stay abroad later in his lab and the conference gave me a good opportunity to introduce my research and extend my scientific network. The feedbacks of my talk will be helpful for the manuscript. Several posters provide new inspiration for my next study plan. Thus, I gratefully acknowledge financial support from GLOMAR for this fruitful trip.

I am in front of a poster presented by Weichao Wu (Permission allowed). No photos are allowed during the oral presentation.